Evaluation of the effect of microclimate differences on activity of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera : Tortricidae), using pheromone trap capture data collected in apple and pear orchards in the Langkloof Region

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Catches of male codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), using 400 pheromone-baited sticky traps in 200 orchards in the Langkloof during 1992 - 1995 were associated with four geographically distinct areas. These were Misgund in the west, Nuweplaas, Louterwater and Joubertina in the east. Within each area cool and warm slopes as well as dry and moist areas were identified. In Joubertina, the area with the lowest average altitude, high numbers of moths were caught in dry, cool areas. High moth catches were associated with warm, dry microclimates at Nuweplaas and Louterwater, while the least number of moths was caught in cool, moist micro climates at Misgund, the area with the highest average altitude. InĀ· view of the variability of the data there does not appear to be much scope for reducing the number micro climates in which representative traps are placed.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vangste van mannetjie kodlingmotte, Cydia pomonella (L.) met 400 taai feromoonlokvalle in 200 boorde in die Langkloof gedurende die 1992 - 1995 seisoene is in verband gebring met vier geografies verskillende gebiede. Hulle was Misgund in die weste, Nuweplaas, Louterwater en Joubertina in ooste. Binne elke gebied is koel en warm hellings sowel as droe envogtige areas geldentifiseer: By Joubertina, die gebied met die laagste gerniddelde hoogte bo seespieel, is hoe getalle motte in droe, koel areas gevang. By Nuweplaas en Louterwater is hoe motvangste met warm, droe rnikroklimate geassosieer, terwyl die minste motte gevang is in koel, klam rnikroklimate by Misgund, die gebied met diehoogstegerniddelde hoogte bo seespieel. In die lig van die wisselvalligheid van die data, wil dit voorkom as of daar nie veel ruimte is vir die vermindering van die aantal rnikroklimate waarin verteenwoordigende lokvalle geplaas word nie.
Study project (M.Sc.Agric.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1999.
Codling moth -- Climatic factors -- South Africa, Apples -- Diseases and pests -- South Africa, Pear -- Diseases and pests -- South Africa, Dissertations -- Agriculture