The deconsolidation of a modern liberal democracy? The case of Hungary

dc.contributor.advisorSteenekamp, C. L.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorDu Pisani, Tianen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Political Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Hungary democratized from the late 1980s until its first free and fair elections in 1990; thereafter it democratically consolidated into a well-respected liberal democracy. However, in 2010 this liberal democratic trajectory shifted drastically, and the country has become a by-word for democratic malfunctioning. The reasons for the deconsolidation of an established liberal democracy is multifactorial and requires an understanding of how it is established and strengthened. The theories around democratic consolidation have expanded with each successive wave of democratisation in an effort to provide a framework from which to determine the roots of consolidation and its underlying processes (Huntington, 1991). Schedler (2001) in particular promulgated three foundations that constitute the basis for democratic consolidation: the behavioural foundation, the attitudinal foundation and the structural foundation. Schedler (1998; 2001) further conceptualised democratic consolidation as being rooted in the idea of security. Democratic consolidation can thus be viewed as the securing of a democracy against anti-democratic shocks and ensuring its long-term survival. Democratic deconsolidation, on the other hand, can best be understood as the transition away from democratic security and towards non-democratic forms of government (Schedler, 1998). By inversely using Schedler’s (2001) framework of consolidation and contextualising it with Huntington’s (1991) three waves of democratization, this study formulated an analytical framework which was applied to the case of Hungary in order to better understand the trend of deconsolidation in established liberal democracies. Using a two-phase approach, this study found that democracy in Hungary is indeed in regression according to macro-level data by V-Dem, The Economist Intelligence Unit, and Freedom House. An analysis of the macro-level indictors showed that the primary factors for this regression include the elimination of judicial independence at both the high and lower court levels, the centralization of power into the executive branch of government, electoral reform that solely benefits the current ruling party, elimination of independent media sources and a lack of accountability with respect to corruption.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hongarye het gedemokratiseer vanaf die laat 1980's tot sy eerste vrye en regverdige verkiesings in 1990. Daarna het dit demokraties gekonsolideer tot 'n gerespekteerde liberale demokrasie. In 2010 het hierdie liberale demokratiese trajek egter drasties verskuif en die land het 'n bywoord geword vir demokratiese wanfunksionering. Die redes vir die dekonsolidasie van 'n gevestigde liberale demokrasie is multifaktoriaal en vereis 'n begrip van hoe dit gevestig en versterk word. Die teorieë rondom demokratiese konsolidasie het uitgebrei met die vestiging van nuwer demokrasieë tydens die verskillende golwe van demokratisering (Huntington, 1991) in 'n poging om 'n raamwerk te verskaf waaruit die wortels van konsolidasie en die onderliggende prosesse daarvan bepaal kan word. Schedler (2001) het veral drie fondamente gepromulgeer wat die basis vir demokratiese konsolidasie uitmaak: die gedragsgrondslag, die houdingsgrondslag en die strukturelegrondslag. Schedler (1998; 2001) het demokratiese konsolidasie verder gekonseptualiseer as gewortel in die idee van veiligheid. Demokratiese konsolidasie kan dus beskou word as die beveiliging van 'n demokrasie teen anti-demokratiese skokke en die versekering van die langtermyn-oorlewing daarvan. Demokratiese dekonsolidasie, aan die kant, kan die beste verstaan word as die weg beweeg van demokratiese veiligheid en na nie-demokratiese regeringsvorme (Schedler, 1998). Deur omgekeerd Schedler (2001) se raamwerk van konsolidasie te gebruik en dit te kontekstualiseer met Huntington (1991) se drie golwe van demokratisering, het hierdie studie 'n analitiese instrument geformuleer wat op die geval van Hongarye toegepas is om die tendens van dekonsolidasie in gevestigde liberale demokrasieë beter te verstaan. Deur 'n tweestapbenadering te gebruik, het hierdie studie bevind dat demokrasie in Hongarye inderdaad in regressie is volgens makrovlakdata deur V-Dem, The Economist Intelligence Unit en Freedom House. 'n Ontleding van die makrovlakaanwysers het getoon dat die primêre faktore vir hierdie regressie die uitskakeling van geregtelike onafhanklikheid op beide die hoë en laer hofvlakke, die sentralisering van mag in die uitvoerende tak van die regering, verkiesingshervorming insluit wat slegs die huidige uitspraak bevoordeel. party, uitskakeling van onafhanklike mediabronne van die opposisie en 'n gebrek aan aanspreeklikheid met betrekking tot korrupsie.af_ZA
dc.format.extentx, 115 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshLiberalism -- Europe, Easternen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshEurope, Eastern -- Politics and governmenten_ZA
dc.subject.lcshDemocratization -- Europe, Easternen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshDemocracy -- Europe, Easternen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshPolitical corruption -- Europe, Easternen_ZA
dc.titleThe deconsolidation of a modern liberal democracy? The case of Hungaryen_ZA
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