Development of students’ intercultural competencies through a study abroad experience : an institutional case study

dc.contributor.advisorFourie-Malherbe, Magdaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorDe Wit, Werner Adolphen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Curriculum Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : Internationalisation has become an important endeavour in higher education in South Africa and abroad. Internationalisation can be advanced in multiple ways, and one such way is through study abroad. Study abroad gives students the opportunity to experience a different country and a different university, and so expand their world views. Stellenbosch University (SU) has been involved in study abroad activities since 1993, and has developed a summer school which is presented annually to local and international students. The aim of this study was to identify the elements of intercultural competencies that students believed they had achieved by attending a summer school abroad in the South African context. This was done by doing a content analysis of blogs and individual interviews to determine what the perceptions of the students, who had attended the summer schools, were on the competencies they had developed during the SU International (SUI) summer school. These competencies were compared to competencies that, according to international literature, students develop by attending a summer school in Europe and the USA. Subsequent to the comparison, the researcher conceptualised the elements of intercultural competencies that are unique to SU and the South African context in order to determine the added value that students can be provided with by a study abroad experience in South Africa. The study found that there were three unique elements of intercultural competencies developed by students during their short-term study abroad experience at SU. These are: having a transformative mindset, empathy, and ‘ubuntu’. This study not only makes a contribution to the future planning of the SUI summer school to enhance the offering, but it creates an opportunity for South African higher education institutions to engage on study abroad and to collaborate in promoting the benefits of study abroad in South Africa with their European and American counterparts.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Internasionalisering het ‘n belangrike aktiwiteit in hoër onderwys in Suid Afrika en in die buiteland geword. Internasionalisering kan op verskeie manier bevorder word, en een so ‘n manier is deur studente vir korter of langer tydperke in die buiteland te laat studeer. Buitelandse studies gee studente die geleentheid om ‘n ander land en universiteit te ervaar en hulle uitkyk op die wêreld te verbreed. Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) is sedert 1993 betrokke by verskillende vorme van studente-uitruil, en het ‘n somerskool ontwikkel wat jaarliks vir plaaslike en internasionale studente aangebied word. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die elemente van interkulturele bevoegdhede te identifiseer wat studente glo hulle ontwikkel het deur ‘n somerskool in die Suid Afrikaanse konteks by te woon. Dit is gedoen deur middel van inhoudsanalise van blogs en individuele onderhoude om vas te stel wat die persepsies is van die studente wat die somerskool bygewoon het oor die bevoegdhede wat hulle tydens die US Internasionaal (SUI) somerskool ontwikkel het. Hierdie bevoegdhede is vergelyk met bevoegdhede wat studente volgens internasionale literatuur ontwikkel het deur ‘n somerskool in Europa en die VSA by te woon. Nadat die vergelyking gedoen is, het die navorser die elemente van interkulturele bevoegdhede wat uniek is aan die US en die Suid Afrikaanse konteks gekonseptualiseer om die toegevoegde waarde te bepaal wat ‘n buitelandse studie in Suid Afrika aan studente kan bied. Die studie het bevind dat daar drie unieke elemente van interkulturele bevoegdhede was wat studente ontwikkel het tydens hul korttermynstudie aan die US. Dit is om ‘n transformerende ingestelheid, empatie en ‘ubuntu’ te hê. Hierdie studie lewer nie net ‘n bydrae tot die toekomstige beplanning van die SUI somerskool om die aanbod te verbeter nie, maar dit skep ook ‘n geleentheid vir Suid Afrikaanse hoëronderwysinstellings om saam te werk sodat die voordele van studie in Suid-Afrika by hul Europese en Amerikaanse eweknieë bevorder kan word.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxi, 121 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectStudents, Foreign -- Psychological aspectsen_ZA
dc.subjectMulticultural educationen_ZA
dc.subjectCultural intelligenceen_ZA
dc.subjectEducation and globalizationen_ZA
dc.titleDevelopment of students’ intercultural competencies through a study abroad experience : an institutional case studyen_ZA
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