Secondary school language teachers' experiences of accepting and using information communication technology - an overview of literature on the status quo

dc.contributor.advisorAnthonissen, Christineen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorCupido, Stephenen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Modern Foreign Languages.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis examines the importance of incorporating technology into language teaching and learning in South African secondary schools, with illustrative reference to the position in the Western Cape region. By exploring the current challenges many high school teachers face with the lack of technology in their classes, this study aims to investigate these limitations and discuss the benefits of using technology within the current school system. One of the main challenges teachers face with regards to incorporating technology into their classes is their inexperience of using the various technological platforms. Students are often more adept at learning to understand and use these various platforms, thereby disclosing a radical disconnect between teachers and students using technology within the classroom. Examining reports from language classes such as Afrikaans Home Language, and English First Additional Language this study aims to demonstrate how utilising technology within these language classes could assist teachers now already, as well as in the future. By improving their computer literacy teachers could be empowered to better teach, guide and prepare these learners to become successful players on the world stage. To gain an in-depth understanding of the benefits of using technology in secondary schools this study draws on various sources and on first-hand accounts of teachers who have experienced both the benefits and challenges of using technology within the school system. The need to incorporate technology in schools is articulated in a recent national and Western Cape Education Department (WCED) policy; however, the policy was implemented with minimal preparation for the transition. Keeping this policy in mind, the study offers an overview of three themes pertinent to teachers tasked with introducing new technologies in their classrooms. Additionally, this study considers the problem of teachers and teacher educators have in weighing up materials that investigate, inform and advise on the relation between using new technologies and effective teaching and learning.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie tesis is om die belangrikheid van die gebruik van tegnologie by taalonderrig en –leer in Suid-Afrikaanse sekondêre skole te ondersoek met illustratiewe verwysing na die posisie in Wes-Kaapse onderwys. Deur te verwys na die uitdagings wat sekondêre skoolonderwysers tans ondervind met die gebrek aan tegnologie in hulle klaskamers, beoog hierdie navorsing om die beperkinge uit te lig en om die voordele van die gebruik van tegnologie binne die skoolstelsel te ondersoek. Een van die grootste uitdagings wat onderwysers met die insluit van tegnologie in hulle klasse ervaar, is hulle gebrek aan ondervinding in die gebruik van die verskeidenheid sosiale platforms wat tans beskikbaar is. Leerders is dikwels baie meer vertroud met die gebruik van hierdie platforms as van hul onderwysers, gevolglik is daar ‘n groot verskil in van hoe leerders en onderwysers met hierdie beskikbare tegnologie in die klas omgaan. Met die nodige fokus op hoe die beskikbare tegnologie in veral Afrikaans Huistaal en Engels Eerste Addisionele Taal aangewend word, beoog hierdie ondersoek om te toon hoe die gebruik van tegnologie onderwysers nou reeds en in die toekoms kan ondersteun. Deur die rekenaargeletterdheid van onderwysers te ontwikkel, kan hulle bemagtig word om die leerders in hul klasse beter te onderrig, te lei en voor te berei sodat hulle deur die gebruik van tegnologie, suksesvol kan wees op die wêreld verhoog. Hierdie ondersoek beoog verder om in diepte ‘n verskeidenheid beskikbare bronne in die vorm van publikasies te bestudeer, asook deur te verwys na die eerstehandse ervaring van onderwysers wat sowel die voordele as die uitdagings van die gebruik van tegnologie in hul klaskamers en in die skoolstelsel, ervaar het. Die vereiste om tegnologie in klaskamers te gebruik, vorm deel van ‘n nasionale (Departement van Nasionale Onderwys) en provinsiale (Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement) beleid wat onlangs geïmplementeer is, waar daar minimale voorbereiding was vir hierdie oorgang. Met hierdie beleid in gedagte, gee hierdie ondersoek ‘n oorsig oor drie pertinente temas wat onderwysers kan ondersteun in die opdrag om nuwe tegnologie in hul klasse te inkorporeer. Verder gee hierdie studie aandag aan die uitdaging wat onderwysers en onderwyser-opvoeders ervaar om die beskikbare bronne wat die gebruik van tegnologie bied, te ondersoek en inligting en advies daaroor te gee rakende die verhouding tussen die gebruik van nuwe tegnologie en suksesvolle onderrig en leer.af_ZA
dc.format.extentvi, 121 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectLanguage and languages -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Technological innovationsen_ZA
dc.subjectEducational technologyen_ZA
dc.subjectLanguage acquisitionen_ZA
dc.subjectLanguage and languages -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Computer-assisted instructionen_ZA
dc.titleSecondary school language teachers' experiences of accepting and using information communication technology - an overview of literature on the status quoen_ZA
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