A royal waste of time? : perspectives on liturgy as space against waste

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Stellenbosch University
In this article a brief look is taken at the so-called ‘functionality’ and ‘non-functionality’ of the worship service. It is argued that both these notions are necessary if the worship service is to play a meaningful role in matters concerning waste, i.e. matters that affect the dignity of humanity and the eco-system as well. The contention is that the phenomenon of waste should be brought into the space of worship, coram deo. Worship should face waste. The presentation concludes with some liturgical perspectives on worship as space against waste.
Please cite as follows:
Cilliers, J. 2014. A royal waste of time? : perspectives on liturgy as space against waste. Scriptura, 113(1): 1-11, doi:10.7833/113-0-724.
The original publication is available at http://scriptura.journals.ac.za/pub/article/view/724
Cilliers, J. 2014. A royal waste of time? : perspectives on liturgy as space against waste. Scriptura, 113(1): 1-11, doi:10.7833/113-0-724.