Browsing by Author "Cilliers, Johan"
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- Item"Alle kaarte op die preek?"(Pieter de Waal Neethling Trust, 2014) Cilliers, JohanIn hierdie artikel word kortliks gelet op drie grondlyne van die Reformasie, naamlik die vertroosting van die beangste mens tydens die laat Middeleeue, die hunkering na vryheid en die behoeft e aan fundamentele verandering. Dit word opgevolg met ’n uiteensetting van die sakramentele verstaan van die reformatoriese prediking, en die bevraagtekening hiervan in die huidige tydvak. Aan die hand van ’n sakramenteel-profetiese perspektief op die prediking, word drie homiletiese kontoere vir prediking in ons tyd getrek, naamlik sakramenteel-profetiese prediking as bevestiging, onderbreking en pro-formasie. Ten slotte word enkele suggesties gemaak oor die vraag of ons (nog) “alle kaarte op die preek” kan of moet plaas.
- ItemAs it is in heaven? : reflections on liturgical reframing(Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Theology, 2009) Cilliers, JohanThis article reflects on the phenomenon of a growing dissatisfaction and restlessness with traditional forms of worship as well as on some conceptions of the notion of liturgical renewal. It proposes that a fundamental liturgical reframing is indeed needed, grounded on the theological locus of the Christ-event. A brief description is given of the liturgical importance of this event, followed by some liturgical implications, inter alia, the need for a responsible liturgical reframing of anthropology and our understanding and expectation of the encounter with God.
- ItemDie Bedeutung des Abendmahls fur die Menschenwurde : Eine Sudafrikanische Gechichte(Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology, 2013) Cilliers, JohanIn diesem Artikel wird ein kurzer Blick auf den historischen Hintergrund des berüchtigten Synode-Entscheids der ‚Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk’ im Jahre 1857 geworfen, separate Abendmahlsgottesdienste „wegen der Schwachheit mancher" zu erlauben. In Anbetracht dieser Begebenheit in der Geschichte Südafrikas und mit einer relationalen Auffassung der Menschenwürde als Aus-gangspunkt werden drei Thesen aufgestellt, nämlich erstens: dass die Menschen-würde davon abhängt, den „anderen" anzunehmen, während menschliche Ent-würdigung das Resultat des Ausschließens des „anderen" ist; zweitens: aus der Perspektive des Abendmahls wird die Menschenwürde in der Umkehr traditioneller Beziehungen verliehen; und drittens: die Menschenwürde hat sakramentale Dimen-sionen, während menschliche Entwürdigung anti-sakramental ist.
- ItemBetween dwellings and doors : spatial perspectives on preaching(AOSIS Publishing, 2017) Cilliers, JohanAlthough many classical works on preaching, especially within the reformed tradition, would take as point of departure the question of understanding, that is, how to do exegesis of a biblical text in such a manner that it makes sense (is understandable) to present-day listeners of sermons, this article opts for an aesthetical approach, which does not exclude the question of intelligibility, but places it within aesthetical frameworks, such as our multi-sensing of space and time. Preaching, in my opinion, entails more than just speaking, hearing and (cognitive) understanding. It calls, inter alia, for a multi-sensory (re)discovery of space and time, within space and time. This article reflects specifically on the spatial dimension of preaching pertaining to experiences of being, or coming, home and, conversely, leaving home, that is, experiencing liminality, as not-being-at-home.
- ItemBetween enclavement and embracement : perspectives on the role of religion in reconciliation in South Africa(Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Theology, 2012) Cilliers, JohanThis article takes a brief look at two indicators of the state of reconciliation in South Africa, provided by the National Planning Commission of the Government, as well as the South African Reconciliation Barometer survey, initiated by the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation. This is followed by a description of some theological efforts that have been made to outline spaces for cultural inter-facing within the South African context, and the article is concluded with a reference to the tension between the syndrome of ‘enclavement’, and the theological metaphor of ‘embracement’, as proposed by Miroslav Volf.
- ItemBetween fragments and fullness : worshipping in the inbetween spaces of Africa(AOSIS Publishing, 2013-03) Cilliers, JohanIn this article the aesthetical practical theological notion of fragment, as introduced by the German Practical Theologian Henning Luther, was brought into dialogue with the African understanding of fullness, as articulated for instance in the concept Ubunye [we are one]. In the light of this, some basic tensions of worshipping in Africa were profiled, id est the dynamic interaction between individuality and communality, between the already and the not yet (present and future), between identity as being and identity as becoming, et cetera. The article concluded with some suggestions concerning worship in Africa as a space of paradox.
- ItemBetween separation and celebration : perspectives on the ethical-political preaching of Desmond Tutu(Pieter de Waal Neethling Trust, 2015) Cilliers, JohanRecognising the complexity of a pluralistic South African society, this article attempts to identify four ethical movements in preaching in the past, as well as the present. These movements are from silence to struggle, from separation to celebration, from lamenting to longing, and from shaming to playing. In this regard, cognisance is taken in particular of the sermons, speeches, and letters of Archbishop Desmond Tutu. The paper concludes with a discussion of a classic South African film from 1976, entitled e’Lollipop.
- ItemBinne die kring-dans van die kuns : die betekenis van estetika vir die gereformeerde liturgie(SUN PReSS, 2007) Cilliers, JohanGod lag op ’n koggelende wyse skreeusnaaks: dood waar is jou angel! Wie laaste lag, dit is die allerlaaste lag van vreugde. Johan wil in hierdie boek die gereformeerde teologie in die 21ste eeu laat lag. Want God se estetika spreek mense nie aan op wat hulle moet doen nie, hulle prestasies nie, maar op wie hulle is; deur die genade van God is ons wie ons is (1Kor 15:10). So prakties is die Praktiese Teologie van ’n kring-dans.
- ItemThe clown before the powers : a South African response to Charles Campbell's comic vision on preaching(Academy of Homiletics, 2008) Cilliers, JohanIn this paper Charles Campbell’s vision on the foolishness of preaching is brought into dialogue with the South African context with its history of apartheid and its struggles with issues such as poverty, HIV and AIDS, crime and most recently, xenophobia. The contribution of Campbell is discussed in terms of its significance for breaking the syndrome of silence, the revalidation of the image of the preacher as jester or clown, the role of the biblical texts as counter-testimonies to the status quo, and the rediscovery of the image of a vulnerable God.
- ItemClowning on the pulpit? : contours of a comic vision on preaching(Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Theology, 2009) Cilliers, JohanThis paper revisits the concept of the preacher as clown, tracing some aspects of the basic philosophy and history behind this somewhat unconventional understanding of the ministry. Attention is given to aspects such as the disruptive effect that the presence of a clown or jester can have on normative discourse, the role of scripture in attaining speech that is subversive to the status quo, and the ethical implications of such a mode of preaching. The theological background for this is explained in terms of the image of a vulnerable God.
- ItemDisabling God in an able world? : analysis of a South African sermon(Pieter de Waal Neethling Trust, 2012) Cilliers, JohanIn this article the Heidelberg Method of sermon analysis is used to analyse a sermon preached in South Africa one month after the first general democratic elections, held in April 1994. The fundamental hermeneutic structure of the sermon is revealed to consist of three parts: a historical view of God’s acts in the past; a particular understanding of God’s intent and possible actions in the future; and an activist imperative that seeks to collapse and condense past and future in the present. The basic question that is posed concerns the God-image in the sermon: how is God pictured, if at all? And: how is this related to experiences of fragmentation in (post-apartheid) South Africa?
- Item'n Eggo van Afrikaner-nasionalisme : 'n homileties-analitiese terugblik op Nederduitse Gereformeerde prediking uit die jare 1960-1980(Department of Old and New Testament, Stellenbosch University, 2003) Cilliers, JohanThe period 1960 – 1980 marks a time of political, economical and social turmoil in South Africa. In this article fourteen sermons, reflecting the experience of threat and fear by a section of the white population, and the theological and homiletical effort to counteract this, are analyzed and evaluated. The sermons were published in the official magazine of the Dutch Reformed Church (“Die Kerkbode”) and illustrates a general hermeneutical tendency. Firstly, to purpose analogies between the experiences of the Afrikaner and those of Israel. Secondly, to implement these analogies as a basis for moralistic preaching, and thirdly, to project guilt on to a caricaturized enemy. The paper concludes by suggesting the need for an ecumenical hermeneutics in which diverse perceptions of the Biblical message will/can be controlled and enriched.
- ItemEtiese prediking in post-apartheid Suid-Afrika? : enkele homiletiese oorwegings(Pieter de Waal Neethling Trust, 2018) Burrows, Shaun; Cilliers, JohanEthical preaching in post-apartheid South Africa? A few homiletic considerationsThis article will try to indicate that while the church’s approach during the apartheid era was characterized by liberation theology and preaching, the post-apartheid era – that is still characterized by social decay, moral impoverishment and especially an increase in poverty, family violence, divorce and a spirit of individualism – asks for an increased focus on sustainable poverty eradication. It is argued that in post-apartheid South Africa a fundamental consensus on binding values, non-negotiable standards and morally acceptable ground attitudes are urgently needed. It is in this context that the role of ethical preaching is examined. In a context of widespread poverty, unemployment and a sense of insecurity, apathy, unconcern and depression among many ethical preaching, as an orientation event, can bring a new dignity to people.
- ItemFides quaerens corporalitatem : perspectives on liturgical embodiment(AOSIS OpenJournals, 2009-07) Cilliers, JohanIn the light of a number of paradigm shifts that have taken place in practical theological methodology, this article proposes an integrative approach that takes the fundamental role of embodiment into account. A brief discussion of the theological understanding of embodiment is followed by a reflection on certain liturgical implications, inter alia liturgical embodiment as immediate participation; as multi-sensory interpretative act; and as broken presence and celebrated absence.
- ItemFides quaerens imaginem : the quest for liturgical reframing(Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Theology, 2012) Cilliers, JohanThis article proposes that the theory of reframing, as developed within the context of a philosophically based theory of change, and consequently adapted by psychologists and neurological change theorists, can be useful in the quest for liturgical renewal. It elucidates this theory from an aesthetical viewpoint, referring to art works by Duchamp, Dali, and Cilliers, and distinguishes between reframing as relabeling, re-figuring, and re-signifying. Some implications are drawn in view of liturgical reframing, implementing key concepts such as re-creation, repetition, the other and wise foolishness.
- ItemFides quaerens societatem : praktiese teologie op soek na sosiale vergestalting(Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, 2009-12) Cilliers, JohanHierdie artikel bied ’n kort opsomming van sommige van die eiendomlike spanninge in die teologiese vakdissipline van Praktiese Teologie, as uitvloeisel van die grondliggende spanning wat reeds deur die naam gesuggereer word, naamlik praktyk en teologie, of praktyk en teorie. Agt paradigmas waarbinne Praktiese Teologie verstaan kan word, word kortliks opgesom, te wete geloof op soek na begrip, verwoording, handeling, hoop, verbeelding, visualisering, beliggaming en sosiale vergestalting (laasgenoemde die integrerende paradigma). Die uitgangspunt is dat Praktiese Teologie op ’n hermeneutiek van sinduiding rus, wat nie as ’n nuwe vorm van klerikale of ekklesiologiese mag of beheer beskou moet word nie, maar eerder as ’n meewerkende en interaktiewe wyse om die lewe, soos wat dit in die samelewing tot uiting kom en beleef word, te dien en te verryk.
- ItemDie geheim van die prediking : om mondig te word(Faculty of Theology, University of the Free State, 2003) Cilliers, JohanThis article contends that preaching is a speech-act in which the voice of the preacher – symbol of his or her personality and spirituality - has an important role to play. It argues that the voice of the preacher is a factor not to be overlooked in the dynamic structure of communication, and should be cultivated in a theologically responsible manner. The function of the voice of the preacher should, however, not be understood as a new, homiletical moralism, but in its relationship to (a) the salvation works of God, (b) the relational integrity of the preacher, (c) the integration of prayer within the framework of the preacher's theology, and (d) a life of virtue before God. The main thrust of the argument is that preaching is constituted simultaneously by a deeply human and profoundly divine activity in the life of the church.
- ItemDie geheim van prediking : in-stemming met die gemeente(AOSIS, 2002) Cilliers, JohanThis paper concentrates on the role of the congregation in the process of preaching, contending that true contextualisation can only take place when the congregation fulfills its role as carrier and protector of the truth. It advocates the development of an ecumenical and hermeneutical approach to preaching, which not only implies a dialogue with the congregation of the present, but also of the past. The paper takes a brief look at certain homiletical trends in this regard, and puts forth three contours of contextualisation: (a) the continual translation of the language of Scripture, (b) the contemporary adaptation of the form of preaching, and (c) the nurturing of a congregational-hermeneutical culture.
- ItemGod for us : an analysis and assessment of Dutch Reformed preaching during the apartheid years(SUN PReSS, 2006) Cilliers, JohanPreaching reveals, amongst other things, the state of the heart of the church – whether it be healthy or ailing. Sermons from the South African apartheid era, taken from the official mouthpiece of the Dutch Reformed Church (Die Kerkbode), as preached during the years 1960 to 1980 reveal a church sickened by an ideology that had a devastating effect on the country as a whole. In this book, these sermons are analyzed in depth, following a method of “close reading” that not only takes the linguistic detail of each sermon very seriously, but also the theological perspectives conveyed by these details. These analyses bring to light the way preachers made use of biblical texts to sanction national ideals, to create and perpetuate selective God-images, and to stabilize a certain identity during a time of crises. It is saddening and shocking to read and relive these sermons, even after 12 years of democracy in South Africa. But it must not be erased from our memory too quickly. The church cannot do without remembrance. It watches over the state of her heart.
- ItemGod in granite? : aesthetic-theological perspectives on the monumentalisation of religion(Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Theology, 2015) Cilliers, JohanIn this article an introductory look is taken at the phenomenon of the monumentalisation of religion, particularly in view of its imperial expressions. The history and religious meaning of the Voortrekker Monument, situated outside Pretoria in South Africa, is outlined briefly as a case in point, followed by a number of aesthetic-theological perspectives on the notion of the monumentalisation of religion, using the keywords as lenses. The article concludes with a reflection on an art work by Argentinian born artist/architect Tomás Saraceno, entitled: ‘On Space Time Foam’.
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