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    Internationale Bibliographie zur germanistischen Lexikographie und Wörterbuchforschung
    (Open Journal Systems, 2007) Smit, Maria
    Review: Herbert Ernst Wiegand. Internationale Bibliographie zur germanistischen Lexikographie und Wörterbuchforschung. Mit Berücksichtigung anglistischer, nordistischer, romanistischer, slavistischer und weiterer metalexikographischer Forschungen. Volumes 1 and 2. 2006, 1458 pp. Volume 1: ISBN-13: 978-3-11-013758-3/ISBN-10: 3-11-013758-5. Price: €198. Volume 2: ISBN-13: 978-3-11-019026-7/ISBN-10: 3-11-019026-5. Price: €198. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
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    The South African Military Academy's educational offerings and the National Threat perception
    (Open Journal Systems, 2004) Visser, D.
    The national threat perception of a nation is an important guideline for the education of its officers, since it defines or anticipates the general military and socio-political milieu in which those officers must be prepared to operate. This paper traces the evolution of the threat perception of the South African Department of Defence since 1950 and the response of the South African Military Academy in terms of its educational programmes. It highlights the attitude of Defence Headquarters towards the Military Academy as a military-academic institution and the historical position of the Academy in the course of officer development. The paper also investigates the number and demographic profile of students routed through the Military Academy, which is central to these issues. Today, in the wake of the termination of the so-called Bush War on her borders and the liberation struggle within her frontiers, there is no clear, direct military threat against South Africa. In the absence of such a threat, the secondary functions of the SANDF, particularly regional peacekeeping and peace support operations, seem to occupy the centre stage. The paper therefore concludes with a perspective on the relevance of the Military Academy’s current academic offerings to the preparation of SANDF officers for their perceived role scenario in the twenty-first century.
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    So het hulle gesterf: Gedenkboek van teregstellings van Kaapse rebelle en Republikeinse burgers tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog 1899-1902
    (Open Journal Systems, 1998) Visser, G. E.
    Soos die subtitel aandui, is hierdie publikasie 'n gedenkboek van Kaapse rebelle en Republikeinse burgers wat gedurende die Anglo-Boereoorlog van 1899-1902 deur die Britse militere owerhede tereggestel is. Dit is gebaseer op G. Jordaan se alombekende boek "Hoe Zij Stierven: Mededeelingen aangaande het einde dergenen, aan wien gedurende den laatsten oorlog, in de Kaap-Kolonie, het doodvonnis voltrokken is" wat in 1904 deur De Stem-Drukkerij, Burgersdorp uitgegee is. (HAUM het laasgenoemde werk in 1944 uit Nederlands na Afrikaans vertaal en onder die titel "So het hulle gesterf" gepubliseer. Jordaan se werk is volgens die skrywers "steeds een van die betroubaarste verwysingsbronne" oor hierdie teregsteIlings, aangesien dit slegs twee jaar na' die oorlog geskryf is, "toe die gebeure nog vars in die geheue van familie en naasbestaandes was" (p. 11). Dit bestaan uit 'n versameling briewe en verteIlings wat Jordaan gepubliseer het net soos hy dit van die familie en naasbestaandes van die tereggesteldes ontvang het, maar is nie 'n voIledige rekord van aIle teregsteIlings nie. Jooste en Oosthuizen het dus naas Jordaan se werk ook 'n wye verskeidenheid publikasies wat die afgelope eeu oor die Kaapse rebeIle verskyn het, geraadpleeg. Daarby het hulle taIle argiefstukke, foto's en geskrifte in argiefbewaarplekke, museums, biblioteke en privaat besit, asook vele inskripsies op monumente en grafstene tydens hul navorsing vir die boek ontgin. Die inhoud van die boek is in twee dele verdeel. Deel I handel oor teregstellings in Kaapland en Deel II oor teregstellings in die Boererepublieke. Die publikasie sluit 'n kaart van Suid-Afrika in, waarop aangedui word waar al die teregsteIlings plaasgevind het. Die werk word met talle foto's en sketse toegelig en deur bronverwysings ondersteun.
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    Fireforce - One man's war in the Rhodesian Light Infantry
    (Open Journal Systems, 1998) Van der Waag-Cowling, N.
    "They have the faces of boys but they fight like lions" The history of the Rhodesian Light Infantry is an illustrious one. The RLI produced many of the senior brass who led the Rhodesian Army including Gen Peter Walls. It was arguably Rhodesia's premier fighting unit (if one excludes Rhodesia's two special forces outfits, the Special Air Service and the Selous Scouts). The spirit of the RLI runs deep in Rhodesian military lore, it was to all intents and purposes a unique Regiment. The RLI was a regular unit, which absorbed many young conscripts. It was also one of the Rhodesian Army's premier frontline regiments alongside the Rhodesian African Rifles, the Scouts and the SAS. The fundamental difference between the RLI and these other units was that the RLI was a mixture of conscripts and regulars whereas the remaining three units made use of regular volunteers and territorials. The author of this book, Chris Cocks, was a teenage conscript in the RLI and this is his story. This book is a challenge to the straightforward writing of Military History, where so many historians choose to focus on prominent personalities and battlefield tactics. This is the story of a soldier's war - it is a gripping and bittersweet look at Army life. Cocks brings the constant thread of death to the forefront of this book. At no time does he attempt to disguise the brutality of the Bush War or hide the atrocities, which were committed by troops and guerrillas alike. The writer's own sense of doubt as to whether this was a just cause adds a further dimension to the book. Many of the young Rhodesian conscripts accepted the status quo without question, others, like Cocks were constantly plagued by the morality of a war that ultimately witnessed a society feeding upon itself.
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    (Open Journal Systems, 1998) Van der Waag, I. J.
    In September 1998 the Faculty of Military Science, University of Stellenbosch (Military Academy) in association with the Institute for Security Studies hosted a conference in commemoration of the first fifty years of United Nations peacekeeping. The increasing need for peacekeeping and peace-support operations, the ongoing conflicts in central Africa and the escalating call for African peacekeepers underlay the importance of bringing politicians, diplomats and academics together in Africa at this time