Technology as a new learning area in the South African school curriculum: a critical reflection

Adams, John
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates the implementation of Technology as a learning area in the South African school curriculum. This investigation is done within the context of three articles contained in chapters two, three and four. Article one, chapter two, investigates the readiness of educators to implement Technology in the classroom. A survey was done by means of interviews and a questionnaire. The interviews and questionnaire focused on three critical questions to determine the readiness of educators, namely • A conceptual understanding of Technology as learning area; • The type of technology suitable for the South African curriculum; and • The extent of government support to implement Technology successfully. The findings suggest that educators do have a conceptual understanding of Technology and that they emhasized the use of technology within the curriculum that suits local conditions. It identified the lack of government support as the biggest problem facing the successful implementation of Technology. Article two, chapter 3, investigates Technology as part of the Outcomes- Based Curriculum 2005. It is a theoretical study that discuss the relevance and purpose of Technology as learning area in the new curriculum. It finds that the position of Technology as learning area in the curriculum is unequivocal. It proved that there is a strong link between technological innovation, economic growth and social development. It suggest, therefor, that Technology is a catalyst for economic growth and social development. Article three, chapter four, invetsigates how Technical Drawing as subject from the old dispensation can be reconciled with Technology as a learning area. It finds that Technical Drawing as a graphical language can be applied as an effective tool of communication in the different stages of the Technological Process. It suggests that the old subjects can reconcile with the learning areas in the new curriculum. These three articles, in summary, emphasize the importance and relevance of Technology as a separate learning area in the new curriculum. The objective, therefore, is to use Technology as a catalyst for economic growth and social development, so dearly needed by South Africa.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die implementering van Tegnologie as 'n leerarea in die skoolkurrikulum. Hierdie ondersoek word binne die konteks van drie artikels wat in hoofstukke twee, drie en vier vervat word, gedoen Artikel een (hoofstuk twee), ondersoek die gereedheid van opvoeders om Tegnologie in die klaskamer toe te pas. 'n Opname is deur middel van onderhoude en 'n vraelys gedoen. Ten einde die gereedheid van opvoeders te bepaal, is daar in die onderhoude en vraelys op drie kritieke vrae gefokus: • 'n konseptueie begrip van Tegnologie as 'n leerarea; • die soort tegnologie wat relevant sou wees binne die Suid- Afrikaanse kurrikulum; en • die mate van regeringshulp wat nodig sou wees om Tegnologie suksesvol as leerarea te implementeer. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat opvoeders wel 'n konseptueie begrip van Tegnologie het. Dit blyk voorts dat opvoeders die gebruik binne die kurrikulum beklemtoon van tegnologie wat by plaaslike omstandighede pas. Gebrekkige regeringshulp is as die grootste probleem rakende die suksesvolle implementering van Tegnologie as leerarea geidentifiseer. Artikel twee (hoofstuk drie) ondersoek Tegnologie as deel van die Uitkomsgebaseerde Kurrikulum 2005. Dit is 'n teoretiese studie wat die toepaslikheid en doel van Tegnologie as leerarea in die nuwe kurrikulum bespreek. Daar word bevind dat die plek van Tegnologie as leerarea in die kurrikulum ondubbelsinnig is. Daar is bewys dat daar 'n sterk band bestaan tussen tegnologiese vernuwing, ekonomiese groei en sosiale ontwikkeling. Artikel drie (hoofstuk vier) ondersoek hoe Tegniese Tekene as "ou" vak van die vorige bedeling, met Tegnologie as leerarea versoen kan word. Daar word bevind dat Tegniese Tekene, as 'n grafiese taal, aangewend kan word as 'n doeltreffende kommunikasiemiddel in die verskillende stadia van die Tegnologiese Proses. Daar word voorgestel dat die ou vakke versoen kan word met die leerareas in die nuwe kurrikulum. Hierdie drie artikels beklemtoon dus die belangrikheid en relevansie van Tegnologie as 'n aparte leerarea in die nuwe kurrikulum. Die doel is om Tegnologie aan te wend as katalisator vir ekonomiese groei en sosiale ontwikkeling wat so dringend nodig is in Suid-Afrika.
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2002.
Technology -- Study and teaching -- South Africa, Dissertations -- Education, Theses -- Education