The role of special management areas in the protection of the urban edge

Dreyer, Annerine
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study considers the possibility of using special management areas at metropolitan level as a measure to control urban sprawl in South Africa, and specifically in the greater Cape Town area. Important issues included in the study are: international and local measures currently and previously used, relevant South African legislation that support urban edge protection, economic and ethical theories regarding urban edge protection, the measures currently implemented in Stellenbosch, an examination of special management areas and recommendations. International attempts in curbing urban sprawl dates back to post-Industrial Revolution Europe (1800s). British and American measures are compared, mostly differing in the level of public support of sustainable development. Local attempts have been limited and have not been implemented at the scale of international measures. Recently developed policies such as the Metropolitan Spatial Development Framework (1996) and the Bioregional Planning Framework (2000) are more directly focussed on sustainable development than previous policies (e.g. guide plans and structure plans) have been. The Metropolitan Spatial Development Framework proposes the demarcation of urban edges in the Cape Metropolitan Region, while the Bioregional Planning Framework is intent on dividing the Western Cape Province into bioregions. The Bioregional Planning Framework originated the use of special management areas to control development in rural (agricultural and natural) areas. The idea of this study is to measure the feasibility of using special management areas at metropolitan level, in conjunction with both the Metropolitan Spatial Development Framework and the Bioregional Planning Framework, to protect the urban edge. This study concludes by disproving its hypothesis: special management areas have limited applicability as a general urban edge control measure at metropolitan level.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie oorweeg die moontlike gebruik van spesiale bestuursareas in Suid-Afrika, en spesifiek in die groter Kaapstad gebied as maatreël vir die bekamping van stadskruip. Belangrike kwessies wat in hierdie studie ingesluit word is: internasionale en plaaslike maatreëls wat tans en in die verlede gebruik is om stadsgrense the beskerm, relevante Suid- Afrikaanse wetgewing wat die beskerming van stadsgrense ondersteun, toepaslike ekonomiese en etiese teorieë, maatreëls wat tans deur Stellenbosch geïmplementeer word, 'n ondersoek na spesiale bestuursareas, en voorstelle vir toekomstige beleid. Internasionale pogings om stadskruip te bekamp dateer uit die post-Industriële Revolusie era in Europa (1800s). Britse en Amerikaanse maatreëls is vergelyk. Die mees merkbare verskil tussen dié twee lande lê in die vlak van openbare steun vir volhoubare ontwikkeling. Die omvang van plaaslike pogings was in die verlede beperk tot gids- en struktuurplanne, wat nie veel beskerming aan die rand van die stad gebied het nie. Beleide wat onlangs ontwikkel is (die Metropolitaanse Ruimtelike Ontwikkelingsraamwerk en die Biostreekbeplanningsraamwerk) fokus meer direk op volhoubare ontwikkeling as hul voorgangers. Die Metropolitaanse Ruimtelike Ontwikkelingsraamwerk (1996) stel die afbakening van stadsgrense voor, terwyl die Biostreekbeplanningsraamwerk (2000) voorstel dat die Wes- Kaapse Provinsie in biostreke verdeel word. Die Biostreekbeplanningsraamwerk het oorspronklik die gebruik van spesiale bestuursareas voorgestel om ontwikkeling in landelike (landbou en natuurlike) gebiede te beheer. Die idee van hierdie studie is om die uitvoerbaarheid van die gebruik van spesiale bestuursareas op metropolitaanse vlak, saam met die Metropolitaanse Ruimtelike Ontwikkelingsraamwerk en die Biostreekbeplanningsraamwerk, te bepaal. Hierdie studie sluit af deur die hipotese verkeerd te bewys: spesiale bestuursareas het beperkte toepaslikheid as algemene stadsgrens beheermaatreëlop metropolitaanse vlak.
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2001.
Greenbelts -- South Africa -- Cape Town Metropolitan Area -- Management, Greenbelts -- South Africa -- Cape Town Metropolitan Area -- Planning, Cities and towns -- Growth, Urban edge, Dissertations -- Town and regional planning, Theses -- Town and regional planning