The role of tutor development in a flexible learning system

Grundling, Gertruida Jeanette
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Technikon Southern Africa defined its role as distance learning institution with the implementation of the Integrated Learner Centred Distance Learning (ILCDE) model. This model implied the establishment of regional offices as well as the implementation of a tutor system. The tutor system implied the appointment of tutors at the different regional offices. In an attempt to take the distance out of distance learning the following functions of tutors were identified: • Telephone tutoring • Conducting contact sessions • Assessing assignments The focal point of this study was tutor development within a flexible learning system as no structured learning programmes for tutors exist at TSA. The purpose was to investigate and analyse the learning needs of tutors in a flexible learning system. Various critical questions stimulated this study. However, the following three questions formed the basis of this study: • What is the role of training and development in the tutor system? • Do tutors have a need for continuing professional learning programmes? If so, what . should the nature of such learning programmes be? • What should the criteria be to evaluate and monitor the development oftutors? A qualitative research approach was followed and the data was obtained by means of interviews and participative observation sessions. The subjects of the study were the tutors of the Subject Group: Management Leadership: Policing appointed for the registration period May 1998 - May 1999. One of the conclusions of the study was that the following processes regarding the tutor system need attention: • Recruitment and selection • Interviewing and appointment • Job descriptions • Orientation, training and development programmes • Evaluation and monitoring programmes • Role clarification • Marketing strategy The following recommendations were formulated: • A guide for the recruitment and appointment processes of its tutors should be compiled. • An assessment of the support needs of learners should be performed. • Establishing a continuing professional learning unit should be considered. • A proposal for learning interventions for continuing professional learning should be developed.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: DIE ROL VAN TUTORONTWIKKELING IN 'N PLOOffiARE LEERSTELSEL Die Technikon Suider-Afrika het sy rol as afstandsonderriginstansie gedefinieer toe die Geïntegreerde Leergesentreerde Afstandsonderrigmodel (lLeD£) geïmplementeer is. Hierdie model het die daarstelling van streekkantore asook die implementering van 'n tutorstelsel veronderstel. Die tutorstelsel het die aanstelling van tutors by die onderskeie streekkantore tot gevolg gehad. Om die afstand uit afstandsonderrig te haal, is die volgende drie funksies van tutors geïdentifiseer: • Telefoonbegeleiding • Fasilitering van kontaksessies • Assessering van werkopdragte Die fokuspunt van hierdie studie was tutorontwikkeling binne 'n plooibare leerstelsel, aangesien geen gestruktureerde leerprogramme vir tutors by TSA bestaan nie. Die doel was om die leerbehoeftes van tutors in so 'n plooibare leerstelsel te ondersoek en te ontleed. Verskeie kritiese vrae het aanvanklik hierdie studie gestimuleer, maar die volgende drie vrae het die basis van die studie gevorm: • Wat is die rol van opleiding en ontwikkeling in die tutorstelsel? • Is daar 'n behoefte aan deurlopende professionele leerprogramme? Indien ja, wat behoort die aard van die programme te wees? • Wat behoort die kriteria te wees om die ontwikkeling van tutors te evalueer en te monitor? 'n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering IS gevolg en die data IS deur middel van onderhoudvoering en deelnemende waarnemingsessies ingesamel. Die tutors wat aangestel is vir die registrasietydperk Mei 1998 - Mei 1999, van die Vakgroep: Bestuursleierskap: Polisiëring is vir die studie gebruik. Een van die gevolgtrekkings van die studie IS dat die volgende prosesse lil die daarstelling van die tutorstelsel aandag vereis: • Werwing en keuring • Onderhoudvoering en aanstelling • Posbeskrywings • Oriënterings-, opleidings- en ontwikkelingsprogramme • Evaluerings- en moniteringsprogramme • Roluitklaring • Bemarking Die volgende aanbevelings is geformuleer: • 'n Handleiding vir die werwing en keuring van tutors behoort saamgestel te word. • 'n Behoeftebepaling van die ondersteuningsbehoeftes van die leerders behoort gedoen te word. • Die vestiging van 'n deurlopende professionele leereenheid behoort oorweeg te word. • 'n Voorstel vir leerintervensies vir personeelontwikkeling behoort ontwikkel te word.
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000.
Tutors and tutoring, Individualized instruction, Distance education, Teachers -- Training of, Dissertations -- Education