Design context for tidal current energy: The Agulhas current stream

Elombo A.I.
Chowdhury S.P.
Chowdhury S.
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This paper presents an overview of the design and operation of tidal energy conversion systems. The authors discuss tidal energy as a form of renewable energy in comparison to wind energy, especially the close resemblance between the design and operation of the turbine principles used for the two types of renewable energy. The main purpose of this paper is to set a flag to the fact that tidal energy (a form of ocean-current energy) could be a lucrative solution to the much experienced energy crises and the conspicuous global warming pandemic. The discussions in this paper will be insightful to the prospects of exploiting tidal energy in the Agulhas current stream; an ocean-current stream that flows westwardly in the Indian Ocean. © 2010 IEEE.
Agulhas current, Design and operations, Design context, Energy crisis, Indian ocean, Renewable energies, Tidal current energy, Tidal energy, Design, Energy conversion, Energy policy, Global warming, Ocean currents, Wind power, Tidal power
2010 IEEE International Energy Conference and Exhibition, EnergyCon 2010