Biorefining of tuber crop residues to recover phytochemicals for the formulation of composite films and coatings

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The increased demand for processed sweet potatoes has promoted waste generation, mainly of the peels (15-40%), contributing to environmental pollution. Correspondingly, pollution from plastic packaging waste is increasing. Sweet potato peels (SPP) are rich in starch and bioactive compounds (polyphenols and anthocyanins) that can enable the formulation of films and coatings to reduce the use of plastic packaging. However, extracting starch and bioactive compounds from the peels can be challenging due to overlapping extraction conditions and incompatible extraction solvents. Thus, an optimised "green" sequential two-stage SPP biorefinery process (based on wet milling and ultrasound deep eutectic extraction) was developed to recover starch, then polyphenols, and anthocyanins. Additionally, a comparative environmental impact assessment between DES (green solvent) and methanol (conventional solvent) extraction methods was performed through a life cycle assessment (LCA). The wet milling starch extraction conditions: sodium bisulfite concentration (0.1-0.3%), liquid-solid ratio (2-4 mL/g), and extraction time (2-10 min)] using Box Behnken experimental design were optimised first for starch yield and purity. The extracted SPP starch was crosslinked with citric acid to enhance starch’s physiochemical properties (morphology, thermal stability, amylose content, and crystallinity) suitable for film and coating development. The bioactive compounds’ recovery using an ultrasound-assisted DES (UA-DES) from starch-extracted sweet potato peels (SSPP) was optimised next by varying DES concentration (0-90% v/v water), liquid-solid ratio (10-50 mL/g), and extraction time (2-120 min). Subsequently, the developed films and coatings were formed using the modified starch (5% w/v) and bioactive compounds in DES (2.75% v/v through solvent-casting. Under the optimal wet milling conditions of 2 min, 0.1% w/v bisulfite concentration, and a liquidsolid ratio of 3 mL/g, the starch yield achieved were 36.45-39.81%, surpassing the control (water), which yielded 34.40-35.46%. The citric-acid starch modification increased the amylose content from 20% to 29%. The UA-DES extraction efficiency at the optimal extraction conditions (22.5% v/v water/ DES, liquid: solid ratio of 20 mL/g, and 10 min processing time, was higher than UAmethanol’s. The UA-DES yield based on neochlorogenic acid, total phenolic content (TPC), and total anthocyanin content (TAC) were about 75 µg/g dw, 10.54 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/g dw, and 17.83 g/g dw, respectively, compared to UA-methanol’s, 40.24 µg/g dw, 7.90 mg GAE/g dw, and 13.78 g/g dw. In addition, the DES’s environmental impacts were lower than methanol’s (global warming: 0.025 vs 19.6 kg CO2 eq, acidification potential: 1.295 x10-4 vs 9.16 kg SO2 eq, water consumption: 4.79 x10-4 vs 16.9 m3 , and human carcinogenic toxicity: 2.84 x10-4 vs 669 kg 1.4- Dibenzo[def,p]chrysene). The optimal composite film and solution (5% starch and 2.75% phenolic compounds) had a higher modulus of elasticity (6.97±1.3 MPa) and elongation at break (15.75±2.6%) Stellenbosch University iii in comparison to the starch-only films (control). These improvements were attributed to the influence of the SSPP extracts in DES. Therefore, the two-stage biorefinery successfully extracted starch and bioactive compounds to develop eco-friendly films and coatings. Ultimately, the study's findings offer a greener extraction strategy for SPP that can reduce waste and add value. Furthermore, the SSPP fractionation in a biorefinery provides an opportunity for more value addition to sweet potato peels beyond starch production.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verhoogde aanvraag vir geprosesseerde soetpatats het afvalgenerasie bevorder, hoofsaaklik van die skille (15 – 40%), wat tot omgewingsbesoedeling bydra. Ooreenstemmend, besoedeling van plastiekverpakkingsafval neem toe. Soetpatatskille (SPP) is ryk in stysel en bio-aktiewe samestellings (polifenole en antosianiene) wat die formulasie van films en lagies in staat kan stel om die gebruik van plastiekverpakking te verminder. Die ekstrahering van stysel en bio-aktiewe samestellings vanuit die skille kan egter uitdagend wees as gevolg van die oorvleueling van ekstraheringskondisies en uiteenlopende ekstraheringsoplosmiddels. Dus, ’n geöptimiseerde “groen” sekwensiële twee-stap SPP bioraffinaderyproses (gebaseer op nat malery en ultraklank diep eutektiese ekstraksie) is ontwikkel om stysel, dan polifenole, en antosianiene, te herwin. Hierby was ’n vergelykbare omgewingsimpakassessering tussen DES (groen oplosmiddel) en metanol (konvensionele oplosmiddel) ekstraksiemetodes uitgevoer deur ’n lewensiklusassessering (LCA). Die nat malery styselekstraksiekondisies [sodiumbisulfietkonsentrasie (0.1 – 0.3%), vloeistof-vaste stof-verhouding (2 – 4 mL/g), en ekstraheringstyd (2 – 10 min)] wat Box Behnken-eksperimentele ontwerp gebruik het, is geöptimiseer eerste vir styselopbrengs en -suiwerheid. Die geëkstraheerde SPP-stysel is gekruisskakel met sitroensuur om stysel se fisiochemiese eienskappe te verbeter (morfologie, termiese stabiliteit, amilose-inhoud, en kristalliniteit) gepas vir film- en lagie-ontwikkeling. Die bioaktiewe samestellings se herwinning deur ultraklank-geassesteerde DES (UA-DES) van styselgeëkstraheerde soetpatatskille (SPPS), is volgende geöptimiseer deur variërende DES-konsentrasie (0 – 90% v/v water), vloeistof-vaste-stof-verhouding (10 – 50 mL/g), en ekstraksietyd (2 – 120 min). Gevolglik, is die ontwikkelde films en lagies gevorm deur die gebruik van die gemodifiseerde stysel (5% w/v) en bio-aktiewe samestellings DES (2.75% v/v) deur oplossinggieting. Die optimale nat malerykondisies van 2 min, 0.1 % w/v bisulfietkonsentrasie en 3 mL/g vloeistof-vaste-stofverhouding het tot styselopbrengs en suiwerheid van 36.45 – 39.81% en 92.80 – 95.70% gelei, onderskeidelik. Die sitroensuur-styselmodifikasie het die amilose-inhoud van 20% na 29% verhoog. Die UA-DES-ekstraksiedoeltreffendheid by die optimale ekstraksiekondisies (22.5% v/v water/DES, vloeistof: vaste stof verhouding van 20 mL/g, en 10 min prossesseringstyd), is hoër as UA-metanol Stellenbosch University iv s’n. Die UA-DES (neochlorogeniese suur) opbrengs, TPC, en TAC was rondom 75 µg/g dw, 10.54 mg gallussuur-ekwivalent (GAE)/g dw, en 17.83 g/g dw, onderskeidelik, in vergelyking met UAmetanol s’n, 40.24 µg/g dw, 7.90 mg GAE/g dw, en 13.78 g/g dw. Hierby, die DES se omgewingsimpak was laer as metanol s’n (globale verwarming: 0.025 vs. 19.6 kg CO2 eq, versuringspotensiaal: 1.295 x10-4 vs. 9.16 kg SO2 eq, waterverbruik: 4.79 x10-4 vs. 16.9 m3 , en menslike karsinogeniese toksisiteit: 2.84 x10-4 vs. 669 kg 1.4- Dibenzo[def,p]chriseen). Die optimale saamgestelde film en oplossing (5% stysel en 2.75% fenoliese samestellings) het ’n hoër modulus van elastisiteit (6.97±1.3 MPa) en verlenging by breek (15.75±2.6%) gehad in vergelyking met die slegs-stysel films (beheer). Hierdie verbeteringe is toegeskryf aan die invloed van die SPPSekstraksies in DES. Daarom, die twee-fase bioraffinadery het stysel en bio-aktiewe samestellings suksesvol geëkstraheer om eko-vriendelike films en lagies te ontwikkel. Uiteindelik bied die studie se bevindinge ’n groener ekstraskiestrategie vir SPP wat afval kan verminder en waarde toevoeg. Verder, die SSPP-fraksionering in ’n bioraffinadery verskaf ’n geleentheid vir meer waardetoevoeging tot soetpatatskille verder as styselproduksie.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.