Essential oils as natural alternatives to growth promotors: the effect on growth performance, gut health, meat quality, and profitability in feedlot sheep

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In an effort to improve animal performance and feed efficiency, ionophore antibiotics have been regularly provided to ruminants since the 1900’s. However, consumer concerns are being raised against the proposed use of antibiotics as feed additives in livestock nutrition, particularly due to antibiotic resistance concerns and antibiotic residues discovered in animal products intended for human consumption. Individual essential oil compounds, as well as blends of these compounds have the potential to replace ionophores because they are considered safe for both human and animal consumption. The current study aimed to evaluate the effects of a commercial essential oil compound (containing citral, gingerol and linalool) to ionophores (monensin) and no supplementation on the production performance, gut health, carcass characteristics and meat quality of feedlot lambs. A total of 48 Merino whether lambs weighing 30.15 ± 2.43 kg were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups: control (CON), monensin (MON; 20 ppm), or an essential oil compound containing citral, gingerol, and linalool (EOC; 1 g/ lamb/ day). Each group's dry matter intake (DMI) and growth over a 42-day period were recorded, and the feed conversion ratio and profitability were subsequently calculated. Post mortem, a gut health analyses and carcass (classification, fatness, pH temperature) and meat quality analyses (meat proximate composition, water holding capacity, colour stability, lipid oxidation and texture) was conducted on the longissimus thoracis (LT) muscle. The first part of the study found that neither the addition of a blend of essential oil compound or monensin to the diet of feedlot lambs had any effect on DMI, growth, FCR or carcass weights. Dressing percentage of the MON group was higher (P < 0.05) than the EOC group. Furthermore, the histomorphology study of the rumen and small intestine (specifically duodenum and jejunum) revealed no association between MON and EOC supplementation on the determined gut health parameters of feedlot lambs. Despite not differing from the control, it was concluded that the commercial EO blend could effectively replace monensin in the diets of feedlot Merino whether lambs. From an economic perspective, no changes in margin above specified cost per lamb were observed between treatments. Even though there has been a significant improvement in recent years in our knowledge of the potential use of essential oils to modify rumen microbial fermentation and improve animal performance, additional research on dosage rates, rumen microbe degradation, and the fate of essential oils in the gastro-intestinal tract, is still required. The apparent lack of benefit from monensin supplementation on lamb feedlot performance should also be revisited. In the carcass and meat quality analyses, initial and final pH, temperature, and carcass classification were unaffected by EOC or MON supplementation. Increase in drip loss (day 2 and 8) and cooking loss was observed with the addition of the EOC when compared to CON and MON. Some changes in meat colour in comparison to CON and MON of specific measured parameters have also been observed. Despite no alterations in meat chemical composition or overall ratios of fatty acids, the addition of an EOC and MON showed a decrease (P < 0.05) in total fatty acid content, as well as levels of specific fatty acids. Overall lipid oxidation was reduced (P < 0.05) by the addition of the EOC. No difference in tenderness was observed between the different treatment groups, while the CON group had the highest (P < 0.05) cooking loss. Considering all, it was concluded that the specific EO compound used in the current study could serve as multipurpose feed supplement to feedlot lambs, influencing meat quality characteristics and lipid oxidation. Due to the inconsistent findings reported in the literature and the current study, further research into the application and results of dietary essential oils to improve the quality of lamb meat is necessary.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ionofoor-antibiotika word sedert die 1900's gebruik in herkouervoeding in 'n poging om diereprestasie en voerdoeltreffendheid te verbeter. Verbruikersbekommernisse word egter deur die voorgestelde gebruik van antibiotika as voerbymiddels in veevoeding, veral weens antibiotikaweerstandigheid en antibiotika-residue wat in diereprodukte vir menslike gebruik bedoel word, geopper. Individuele essensiële olieverbindings, sowel as mengsels van hierdie verbindings, het die potensiaal om ionofore te vervang aangesien dit as veilig vir beide menslike- en diereverbruik beskou word. Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om die effekte van 'n kommersiële essensiële olieverbinding (wat sitral, gemmer en linalool bevat) teenoor ionofore (monensien) en geen aanvulling op die produksieprestasie, spysverteringkanaalgesondheid, karkaseienskappe en vleiskwaliteit van voerkraallammers te evalueer. 'n Totaal van 48 Merino lammers (30.15 ± 2.43 kg), is ewekansig aan een van drie behandelingsgroepe toegewys: kontrole (CON), monensien (MON; 20 dpm), of 'n essensiële olieverbinding wat sitral, gemmer en linalool (EOC; 1 g/ lam /dag) bevat. Elke groep se droëmateriaalinname (DMI) en groei is oor 'n tydperk van 42 dae aangeteken, waarna die voeromsetverhouding (VOV) en winsgewendheid bereken is. Na slagting is dermkanaalgesondheids- karkas- (klassifikasie, vetheid, pH en temperatuur) en vleiskwaliteitontledings (chemiesesamestelling, waterhouvermoë, kleurstabiliteit, lipiedoksidasie en tekstuur) op die longissimus thoracis (LT) uitgevoer. Die eerste deel van die studie het bevind dat nie die byvoeging van ’n mengsel van EOC of MON by voerkraallammers se dieet geen invloed op DMI, groei, VOV, of karkasmassa gehad het nie. Uitslagpersentasie van die MON groep was hoër (P < 0.05) as die EOC-groep. Verder het die histomorfologiestudie van die rumen en dunderm (spesifiek duodenum en jejunum) geen verband tussen MON en EOC aanvulling en die dermgesondheid van voerkraallammers getoon nie. Ten spyte daarvan dat dit nie van die kontrole verskil het nie, is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die kommersiële EO-mengsel wel effektief monensien in die dieet van voerkraal Merino lammers kan vervang. Geen veranderinge in marge bo die gespesifiseerde koste per lam is vanuit 'n ekonomiese perspektief waargeneem nie. Ten spyte van 'n aansienlike verbetering in die afgelope aantal jaar in ons kennis van die potensiële gebruik van essensiële olies om rumen-mikrobiese-fermentasie te verander en diereprestasie te verbeter, is bykomende navorsing oor spesifieke dosis, rumen-mikrobe-degradasie en die lot van essensiële olies in die spysverteringkanaal steeds nodig. Die oënskynlike gebrek aan voordeel van monensinaanvulling op die prestasie van voerkraallammers moet ook herbesin word. Die karkas- en vleiskwaliteit-ontledings het aangetoon dat aanvanklike en finale pH, temperatuur en karkasklassifikasie nie deur EOC- of MON-aanvulling beïnvloed is nie. 'n Toename in drupverlies (dag 2 en 8) en kookverlies teenoor die CON en MON is waargeneem met die byvoeging van die EOC. Enkele veranderinge in vleiskleur teenoor of die CON of MON vir spesifieke gemete parameters is ook waargeneem. Ten spyte van geen veranderinge in vleis chemiese samestelling of algehele verhoudings van vetsure, het die byvoeging van EOC en MON getoon dat die totale vetsuurinhoud, sowel as vlakke van sekere vetsure (P < 0.05) verlaag. Algehele lipiedoksidasie is deur die byvoeging van die EOC verlaag (P < 0.05). Geen verskil in sagtheid is tussen die verskillende behandelingsgroepe gevind nie, terwyl die CON groep tot die hoogste (P < 0.05) kookverlies gelei het. Alles in ag genome, is daar dus tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die spesifieke EO-verbinding, soos in hierdie studie gebruik is, as veeldoelige voeraanvulling vir voerkraallammers kan dien om vleiskwaliteiteienskappe soos kleur en lipiedoksidasie te verbeter. Weens teenstrydige resultate wat in literatuur gerapporteer word, insluitende dié van die huidige studie, word verdere navorsing oor die toepassing en resultate van essensiële olies om die kwaliteit van lamsvleis te verbeter benodig.
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.