Economical, PV maximum power point tracking regulator with simplistic controller

Wolf S.M.M.
Enslin J.H.R.
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A 30% cost reduction of photovoltaic generation can be brought about, by the investment in a novel, highly efficient maximum power point tracker (MPPT). Such a converter is currently under development, implementing a feedforward output current controller as tracking algorithm. The dc-to-dc converter, typical of a MPPT, exploits the efficient high-frequency operation, associated with zero-transition switching. Thus the output filter only consists of the combination of a storage battery and its cabling. The resulting converter is suitable for integration into standard PV panels during manufacturing. The efficiency of the MPPT is 96% for a range of output powers at a low battery voltage of 12,5V and a component cost of US$21,00.
Costs, Efficiency, Electric variables control, Energy conversion, Solar cells, Switching circuits, Feedforward output current controller, Power point tracking regulators, Simplistic controllers, Zero transition switching, Photovoltaic cells
PESC Record - IEEE Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference