A survey of South African endoscopic surgical practice

Warren B.L.
Bornman P.C.
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To coincide with the first annual meeting of the South African Society of Endoscopic Surgeons (SASES), a postal survey of the endoscopic surgical practices of 98 registered specialist surgeons was undertaken. A response rate of 73.5% was achieved, and 94.5% of respondents had personally performed endoscopic surgical procedures. Cholecystectomy (4 557) was the most commonly performed endoscopic surgical procedure and was associated with a postoperative mortality rate of 0.13% and morbidity of 3.5%. Twelve bile duct injuries were reported (0,26%). In descending order of frequency, other procedures reported were diagnostic laparoscopy (1 404), dorsal sympathectomy (412), appendicectomy (396), inguinal hernia repair (146), anti-reflux procedures (83) and diagnostic thoracoscopy (51). No postoperative deaths were recorded and complication rates varied from zero for diagnostic thoracoscopy to 4.8% for inguinal hernia repair and anti-reflux procedures. The selected sample of South African surgeons canvassed appears to have adopted endoscopic surgical techniques with enthusiasm and with complication rates that compare favourably with those reported elsewhere.
appendectomy, article, bile duct injury, cholecystectomy, diagnostic procedure, endoscopic surgery, gastroesophageal reflux, human, inguinal hernia, laparoscopy, morbidity, south africa, surgical mortality, surgical technique, sympathectomy, thoracoscopy, Endoscopy, Human, Questionnaires, South Africa, Surgical Procedures, Operative
South African Journal of Surgery