n Toepassing van die teoretiese konstruk van die werkseis-beheerskema op opvoedkundige tolking : US as gevallestudie

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Traditionally, training programmes develop decision-making skills within a strongly prescriptive, rules-based framework where interpreters are granted little space to apply their own insights to overcome context-specific issues. This narrow approach focuses mainly on translational choices where equivalence and accuracy are seen as the most important measures of effective interpreting. Ethical decision-making during the process of educational interpreting aims to facilitate communication in order to establish teaching and learning in the classroom. If an interpreter cannot hear the lecturer or a student, or does not understand the terminology used in the particular environment, the interpreter has to make a decision in order to establish communication, and therefore the following question is at the core of this study: Do interpreters at Stellenbosch University have the necessary decision-making skills in order to enable them to perform effectively? An application of certain components of the theoretical construct of the job demand control scheme to educational interpreting at Stellenbosch University was used to answer the following questions: Which factors do educational interpreters at SU experience as job demandswithin the context of the interpreting programme? To which extent do educational interpreters at SU have outcomes-based ethicaldecision-making skills needed for facilitating effective communication andovercoming job demands? To answer these questions, data was collected by means of questionnaires and focus-group discussions, and deductions were made about the interpreters’ views on job demands, role, and ethical decision-making skills. The results of this study show that interpreters still try to find answers and guidelines within the framework of strict ethical codes of conduct where decision-making and behaviour are not always effective in bringing about successful communication.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tradisioneel ontwikkel opleidingsprogramme besluitnemingsvaardighede binne ’n streng voorskriftelike, reëlgebonde raamwerk waar tolke min ruimte gegun word vir eie insig om konteksspesifieke uitdagings te oorkom. Hierdie eng benadering fokus hoofsaaklik op vertaalkeuses waar ekwivalensie en akkuraatheid as die belangrikste maatstawwe vir effektiewe tolking beskou word. Etiese besluitneming gedurende die uitvoering van die tolktaak in opvoedkundige tolking het ten doel om kommunikasie te fasiliteer ten einde leer en onderrig in die klaskamer te bewerkstellig. Indien ’n tolk nie ’n dosent of student kan hoor nie, of nie die terminologie wat in die omgewing gebruik word verstaan nie, moet die tolk ’n besluit neem ten einde kommunikasie te bewerkstellig, en staan die volgende vraag sentraal in hierdie studie: Beskik tolke aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch oor die nodige etiese besluitnemingsvaardighede om effektiewe werkverrigting moontlik te maak? ’n Toepassing van sekere komponente van die teoretiese konstruk van die werkseis-beheerskema op opvoedkundige tolking aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch is gebruik om die volgende te beantwoord:  Watter faktore ervaar opvoedkundige tolke aan die US as werkseise binne die konteks van die tolkprogram ?  Tot watter mate beskik opvoedkundige tolke aan die US oor uitkomsgebaseerde etiese besluitnemingsvaardighede om effektiewe kommunikasie te fasiliteer en werkseise te oorkom? Om hierdie vrae te beantwoord is data ingesamel deur middel van vraelyste en fokusgroepgesprekke, en is daar afleidings gemaak oor tolke se beskouing van werkseise, rol en etiese besluitnemingsvaardighede. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie toon egter dat tolke steeds antwoorde en riglyne soek binne die raamwerk van streng etiese gedragskodes waar besluitneming en optrede nie noodwendig effektief is en kommunikasie suksesvol bewerkstellig nie.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Educational interpreters -- Stellenbosch University, Educational interpreting, Ethical decision-making by interpreters, Translating and interpreting, UCTD