Books (Strategic Studies)

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    The African Standby Force : Quo Vadis?
    (AFRICAN SUN MeDIA, 2017) Vrey, Francois; Mandrup, Thomas
    Standby forces of the African Union are expected to deploy rapidly into high-intensity conflict zones. Inherently they stem from and are expected to work effectively with regional militaries of differing capabilities. But first, the AU has to muster the political will to deploy the force at all and do it all on a shoestring budget. Vreÿ and Mandrup’s edited volume illuminates through the chapter contributions the breadth of challenging political hurdles that the African Union’s African Standby Force faces. They do this in clear and readable terms. This important book is imperative for anyone seeking to understand the rapid deployment forces on which African states have optimistically pinned the future of their collective security aspirations.
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    Maritime security in Southern African waters
    (SUN MeDIA, 2009) Potgieter, Thean; Pommerin, Reiner
    This publication includes papers from academic experts and practitioners addressing topics from Port Security to the economic dimensions of maritime security, from Asymmetrical War and Terror at Sea to the African Experience of Piracy. These papers represent some of the presentations given at the international conference “Maritime Security in Southern African Waters” which took place in July 22-23, 2008 at the Wallenberg Centre at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies. The conference was a result of cooperation between academics from Germany and South Africa.