Books (Library and Information Service)

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    Exchanging symbols : monuments and memorials in post-apartheid South Africa
    (African Sun Media, 2019) Nettleton, Anitra; Fubah, Mathias Alubafi
    This book comprises eight essays that consider the politics and polemics of monuments in Africa in the wake of the #RhodesMustFall movement in 2015. The removal of the Rhodes statue from UCT main campus is the pivot on which the discussion of monuments as heritage in South Africa turns. It raised a number of questions about the implementation of heritage policy and the unequal deployment of memorials in the South African and other postcolonial landscapes. The essays in this volume are written by authors coming from different backgrounds and different disciplines. They address different aspects of this event and its aftermath, offering some intensive critique of existing monuments, analysing the successes of new initiatives, meditating on the visual resonances of all monuments and attempting to map ways of moving forward.
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    The University of Stellenbosch Library Service 1895-1995
    (1995) Booyens, Bun
    As a past (and hopefully future) frequent user of our library, I should like to offer my heartiest congratulatios to all my colleagues in the University of Stellenbosch's Library Service on the hundredth anniversary of this service. From small beginnings in a room in the old Main Bui/din& the library has grown, together with the University, into the giant it is today. But the US Library Service is a giant not only in a physical sense, it is an organisation that plays a key role in the exercise of the Universitys academic duties and responsibilities. Its position as supporter of academic and research functions is enormous, and without it the University would not be able to exist. In the past 100 years, the concept of library services and information provision has . undergone drastic changes. The information explosion especially of the past few decades has fundamentally influenced the acquisition, storage and provision of information. A hundred years ago just one room of books was enough to provide for the needs of the body of students and lecturers of the then Victoria College. Today (happily) we still use books, but technology plays an increasing role in the arrangement, storage and tracing of information. Who could have predicted a century ago that information - even whole encyclopedias - could be obtained on microfiche, microfilm and CD, and that catalogues and indexes could be accessed by means of computers. These developments have been really astounding and, as technology expands further, this area will undergo many adaptations and changes in the future. But, however well equipped a library may be, the quality of its service is dependent on dedicated and well-informed staff. Our University can be very proud of the people who ensure that outstanding service is offered to our academic and research community. Many thanks to all who contribute to the successful running of the US Library Service, and best wishes for the future.