Antioxidant activity of South African red and white cultivar wines: Free radical scavenging

2003, 2003
De Beer D.
Joubert E.
Gelderblom W.C.A.
Manley M.
De Beer D.
Joubert E.
Gelderblom W.C.A.
Manley M.
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The free radical scavenging activity of South African red (n = 46) and white (n = 40) cultivar wines was determined using 2,2′-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothialozinesulfonic acid) radical cations (ABTS·+) and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radicals (DPPH·). The total antioxidant activities (TAA) of red and white wines using ABTS·+ were 14.916 and 0.939 mM Trolox, respectively, at corresponding total phenol (TP) contents of 2339.0 and 273.8 mg of gallic acid equiv/L. Ruby Cabernet wines had the lowest TAAABTS (13.177 mM Trolox) of the red wines, whereas the TAAABTS values of Chardonnay and Chenin blanc wines were the highest (1.060 mM Trolox) and lowest (0.800 mM Trolox) of the white wines. The TAADPPH values were of the same magnitude as the TAAABTS values, and similar trends were observed. TAA correlated (P < 0.001) with total phenol content of red (r = 0.935) and white (r = 0.907) wines, as well as flavanol content of red wines (r = 0.866) and tartaric acid ester content of white wines (r = 0.767). Canonical discriminant analysis using phenolic composition and antioxidant activity was applied to differentiate between red and white cultivar wines.
The free radical scavenging activity of South African red (n = 46) and white (n = 40) cultivar wines was determined using 2,2′-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothialozinesulfonic acid) radical cations (ABTS·+) and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radicals (DPPH·). The total antioxidant activities (TAA) of red and white wines using ABTS·+ were 14.916 and 0.939 mM Trolox, respectively, at corresponding total phenol (TP) contents of 2339.0 and 273.8 mg of gallic acid equiv/L. Ruby Cabernet wines had the lowest TAAABTS (13.177 mM Trolox) of the red wines, whereas the TAAABTS values of Chardonnay and Chenin blanc wines were the highest (1.060 mM Trolox) and lowest (0.800 mM Trolox) of the white wines. The TAADPPH values were of the same magnitude as the TAAABTS values, and similar trends were observed. TAA correlated (P < 0.001) with total phenol content of red (r = 0.935) and white (r = 0.907) wines, as well as flavanol content of red wines (r = 0.866) and tartaric acid ester content of white wines (r = 0.767). Canonical discriminant analysis using phenolic composition and antioxidant activity was applied to differentiate between red and white cultivar wines.
anthocyanin; antioxidant; ascorbic acid; flavanol derivative; free radical; phenol derivative; picric acid; scavenger; sulfonic acid derivative; tartaric acid; unclassified drug; antioxidant activity; article; chemical composition; chemistry; correlation analysis; discriminant analysis; fruit; grape; nutrient; oxidative stress; South Africa; wine; Anthocyanins; Antioxidants; Ascorbic Acid; Benzothiazoles; Discriminant Analysis; Free Radical Scavengers; Fruit; Phenols; Picrates; South Africa; Sulfonic Acids; Vitis; Wine; Vitis sp., anthocyanin, antioxidant, ascorbic acid, flavanol derivative, free radical, phenol derivative, picric acid, scavenger, sulfonic acid derivative, tartaric acid, unclassified drug, antioxidant activity, article, chemical composition, chemistry, correlation analysis, discriminant analysis, fruit, grape, nutrient, oxidative stress, South Africa, wine, Anthocyanins, Antioxidants, Ascorbic Acid, Benzothiazoles, Discriminant Analysis, Free Radical Scavengers, Fruit, Phenols, Picrates, South Africa, Sulfonic Acids, Vitis, Wine, Vitis sp.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry