Research Articles (Forensic Medicine)

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    Establishing the College of Pathologists of East, Central and Southern Africa – The Regional East Central and Southern Africa College of Pathology
    (2020-06-03) Sayed, Shahin; Mutasa, Rudo; Kaaya, Ephata
    The scarcity of pathologists in sub-Saharan Africa is a well established fact that is attributable to few training programmes in the region; this is further compounded by the lack of harmonised curricula, training and exams within and without member countries. Description of the intervention: Through the Association of Pathologists of East, Central and Southern Africa, the College of Pathologists of East, Central and Southern Africa (COPECSA) was formed with the clear-cut goal of establishing a regional and internationally recognised college to support and inform good quality medical and laboratory practice by promoting leadership, mentorship and excellence in the safe practice of pathology through training, exams, accreditation, advocacy and professional development for health. Lessons learnt: Since its inception in 2010, COPECSA has conferred fellowships to 120 practising pathologists in the East, Central and Southern Africa in partnership with international organisations; the college has been awarded five competitive grants and conducted several quality improvement workshops. Recommendations: This paper describes the journey that COPECSA has made towards standardising the practice and training of pathology in the East Central and Southern Africa region.
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    Medical certification of death in South Africa – moving forward
    (Health & Medical Publishing Group, 2015) Burger, Elsie Helena; Groenewald, Pam; Rossouw, Anastasia; Bradshaw, Debbie
    Despite improvements to the Death Notification Form (DNF) used in South Africa (SA), the quality of cause-of-death information remains suboptimal. To address these inadequacies, the government ran a train-the-trainer programme on completion of the DNF, targeting doctors in public sector hospitals. Training materials were developed and workshops were held in all provinces. This article reflects on the lessons learnt from the training and highlights issues that need to be addressed to improve medical certification and cause-of-death data in SA. The DNF should be completed truthfully and accurately, and confidentiality of the information on the form should be maintained. The underlying cause of death should be entered on the lowest completed line in the cause-of-death section, and if appropriate, HIV should be entered here. Exclusion clauses for HIV in life insurance policies with Association of Savings and Investments South Africa companies were scrapped in 2005. Interactive workshops provide a good learning environment, but are logistically challenging. More use should be made of online training resources, particularly with continuing professional development accreditation and helpline support. In addition, training in the completion of the DNF should become part of the curriculum in all medical schools, and part of the orientation of interns and community service doctors in all facilities.
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    A 10-year review of fatal community assault cases at a regional forensic pathology facility in Cape Town, South Africa
    (Health and Medical Publishing Group, 2015) Herbst, Celeste Ingrid; Tiemensma, Marianne; Wadee, Shabir Ahmed
    Background. An increase in autopsied community assault (CA) fatalities was observed at the Tygerberg Forensic Pathology Services (FPS), Cape Town, South Africa (SA). There is a paucity of information on the incidence and prevalence of these cases in SA. Objectives. To determine the patterns and trends of injuries sustained in so-called CA fatalities. Methods. A retrospective and descriptive study was conducted. Fatal CA cases admitted to the Tygerberg FPS over the 10-year period 1 January 2003 - 31 December 2012 were reviewed. Data were collected from autopsy/postmortem reports, contemporaneous notes, attached hospital records, the South African Police Services (SAPS) 180 form (completed by the SAPS representative) and other FPS documentation. Results. A total of 424 cases of fatal CA were seen during the study period, with an annual increase between 2003 and 2007 and a second peak in 2012. The cause of death in most cases was multiple injuries (42.0%), with blunt-force trauma being the basis of most injuries sustained. The area with the greatest burden of injury was the township of Mfuleni (73 CA deaths per 100 000 population). There was a predominance of males, with only one female fatality recorded. Conclusion. Adequate policing in prevalent areas is essential to address unnecessary loss of life and the burden imposed by these cases on the criminal justice system and healthcare services.
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    Shaken baby syndrome : a South African medico-legal perspective
    (North-West University, 2014) Le Roux-Kemp, A.; Burger, E.
    Shaken Baby Syndrome refers to the violent and repetitive shaking of an infant, and is a form of abusive head trauma. It was first described in 1974, and has since been the topic of intensive study and discussion. The syndrome has classically been diagnosed with a triad of injuries, namely subdural haemorrhage, retinal haemorrhage and encephalopathy (brain abnormalities). However, recent publications have led to some doubt regarding the causation and diagnostic significance of the triad. It is now generally accepted that other conditions, even natural diseases, may cause the findings listed in the so-called "triad". To date, no reported case law is available on Shaken Baby Syndrome in South Africa; therefore this article focuses on cases in the United States and United Kingdom to delineate some of the issues associated with litigating the condition. This includes the obligation of expert witnesses to give independent, factual evidence about their areas of expertise. It is recommended that medical and legal professionals involved in cases of alleged child abuse should collect as much information as possible about the context of the case. Confessions by parents or caregivers should be treated with circumspection. Awareness campaigns should be aimed at informing the public of the dangers of shaking an infant. And with regards to Shaken Baby Syndrome an increased focus on evidence-based medicine is necessary to dissipate the uncertainty around the condition.
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    Medical mistakes-a student's perspective
    (Health and Medical Publishing Group (HMPG), 2011-12) Van Schalkwyk, Gerrit; Moodley, Keymanthri
    ‘Only one rule in medical ethics need concern you – that action on your part which best conserves the interests of your patient.’ Martin H Fischer. Although Fischer’s premise seems perfectly reasonable, the alarming public perception that medical mistakes are commonplace suggests that even this ‘one rule’ is not being followed to the extent that patients are confident that their best interests will be preserved. This article aims to explore this concept from the perspective of a medical student. Rather than offer a comprehensive review of the topic, the focus will be on some rather unusual and possibly controversial views, which aim to highlight the unique constraints and difficulties of the medical profession.