Books (Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies (STIAS))

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    Affirmative action : a view from the global South
    (SUN MeDIA, 2014) Dupper, Ockert; Sankaran, Kamala
    Affirmative Action: A View from the Global South provides insight into a range of aspects of the affirmative action policies in seven countries from Africa, Asia, South America and the Middle East. In addition to these national perspectives, important theoretical concepts and international developments on affirmative action are explored.
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    Unfinished business? Faith communities and reconciliation in a post-TRC context
    (African Sun Media, 2020) Thesnaar, C. H.; Hansen, Len
    This publication takes one back to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s (TRC) Faith Communities’ Hearings in 1997 and the re-enactment of those hearings in 2014. Some communities revisit their support of those in power and their change of heart. Others revisit their struggle against the regime and its ideology. All also revisit promises made in 1997 to work together - individually and collectively - toward a new society post 1994. After twenty years, the same faith communities (and some additional ones) and some prominent South Africans who played leading roles in the run-up to and during the hearings ask what faith communities promised at the time and whether this has been achieved by 2014. Over two days, together with local and international observers, they again face the past, but also the unfinished business in the present and future of a just, reconciled and transformed South Africa so clearly envisioned by the TRC, in 1997.
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    Teacher education for transformative agency : critical perspectives on design, content and pedagogy
    (African Sun Media, 2020) America, Carina; Edwards, Nazeem; Robinson, Maureen
    "Many teacher education programs globally are undergoing significant changes in response to government policy, imperatives driven by global competitiveness, as well as local conditions. This is particularly relevant in the South African context where teacher education seeks to navigate from the ravages of apartheid education towards addressing the developmental needs of the majority of its citizens. This book records and explores efforts by academic staff members within the Faculty of Education at Stellenbosch University, South Africa, responding to the demands of a new program in initial teacher education. It brings together diverse views seeking to present a coherent program in the Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE). It examines how curriculum design unfolds across disciplines in the program, and crucially, the commonalities in the presentation of course material. Lecturers examine the purpose, structure and content of their teaching as they engage with putting democratic policy goals into practice in the core, as well as subject-specific modules of the program."
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    Ta'arruf as a philosophy of Muslim education : extending Abu Bakr Effendi’s pragmatism
    (African Sun Media, 2020) Waghid, Yusef
    In this book, Yusef Waghid constitutes his argument in defence of ta’arruf (associational knowing) as an expanded conception of ta’dib (good education). In the first part of the book he elucidates Abu Bakr Effendi’s position on a Muslim educational philosophy which can be couched as rational, pragmatic and critical. As a backdrop to this, in the second part of the book, he argues for a notion of Muslim educational philosophy according to ta’arruf (associational knowing) on the basis that it enhances the notion of an autonomous self and its capabilities; summons different people to engage in deliberative encounters; and provokes the self to be reflectively open towards that which remains in becoming. This leads him to posit that ta’arruf (associational knowing) has the potential to cultivate humanity. His notion of ta’arruf extends practices of tarbiyyah (rearing), ta’lim (learning), and ta’dib (good education) associated with Muslim educational philosophy.
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    Solank ek hier is : oor die soeke na sin
    (African Sun Media, 2020) Cilliers, Johan
    In hierdie diep persoonlike boek maak bekende Cilliers temas – insluitend die skep van sin, prediking, moderne kuns, kleur, Stellenbosse wyne, en die Karoo – op ’n verrassend nuwe wyse hulle verskyning. Hulle word verbind met intens gelukkige en uiters hartseer outobiografiese momente, en word as niks meer as fragmente aangebied nie. Terwyl mens egter die boek lees, begin die fragmente as ’n geheel met mekaar kommunikeer, en skep só al spelende ’n verrassende, eksistensiële teologie. ’n Teologie wat aanhak by jou eie eksistensie as leser. Neem, lees, en geniet hierdie smaakvolle boek.