Cloning of a novel esterase gene from Bacillus pumilus and its characterisation in Escherichia coli

dc.contributor.advisorVan Zyl, Willem Heberen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorPieterse, Antonen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Science. Dept. of Microbiology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Esterases play a variety of roles in nearly every aspect of life ranging from cellular metabolism, signal transduction to defence mechanisms in plants. One aspect of esterases that recently is receiving more attention is the role esterases play in the .degradation of plant material. With fossil fuels (coal and oil) estimated to run out in the next 20 to 30 years, renewable sources such as plant biomass are becoming increasingly important. Plant biomass contains hemicellulosic and cellulosic materials that need to be degraded to their different constituents before they can be optimally used for the production of commodities. Although the enzymes needed to hydrolyse the xylan backbone (xylanases and P-xylosidases) are important, enzymes that remove side chains from the polymer are equally important. They facilitate hydrolysis by xylanases and P-xylosidases and will improve the availability of monomeric sugars for utilisation when used in conjunction with other xylanolytic enzymes. Many of these side-chains are esters and they need to be removed through the action of esterases, either directly from the xylan backbone or from shorter xylo-oligomers. An existing genomic DNA library of Bacil/us pumilus in Escherichia coli was screened for the presence of an acetyl esterase encoding gene. Positive clones were identified by the formation of clearing zones on plates containing glucose pentaacetate. Plasmid DNA was isolated from a positive E. coli clone. The DNA insert was sequenced and found to contain two open reading frames, one of which encoded a novel esterase (estA). Using different primers the gene was amplified by polymerase chain reaction and inserted into an inducible expression vector (pKK223- 3) for expression in E. coli. The plasmid was introduced into E coli and the esterase activity determined, using the chromogenic substrate a-naphthyl acetate. Activity levels decreased shortly after induction with IPTG and therefore plasmid pAP4 was used for enzymatic assays. Cultures containing plasmid pAP4 produced extracellular activity of 2.5 nkatal/ml. The pH and temperature optima as well as temperature stability of the enzyme was determined. The enzyme exhibited optimal activity at pH 6 and 60°C and was stable at 60°C after 2 h. Enzyme assays on different substrates yielded activity on methylumbelliferyl butyrate and methylumbelliferyl acetate in addition to the glucose pentaacetate and a-naphthyl acetate. The estA gene was cloned into a yeast expression vector between the PGK promoter and terminator sequences for expression of the gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The estA open reading frame was also fused to the MFa 1 secretion signal for secretion of the protein from S. cerevisiae. The expression vector was successfully transformed into S. cerevisiae, but no extracellular activity was detected. Only low intracellular activity of 0.260 nkatal/ml was detected in S. cerevisiae.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Esterases speel 'n verskeidenheid van rolle in feitlik elke aspek van lewe, van sel metabolisme, sein transduksie tot verdedigingsmeganismes in plante. Een aspek van esterases wat al hoe meer aandag geniet, is die rol wat esterases in die afbraak van plant en plantmateriaal speel. Met olie- en steenkoolbronne wat na beraming oor 20 tot 30 jaar tot niet sal gaan, raak die rol wat hernubare bronne speel al hoe belangriker. Plantbiomassa bevat sellulose en hemisellulose wat tot die verskillende komponente afgebreek moet word voordat dit optimaal vir die vervaardiging van produkte aangewend kan word. Alhoewel die ensieme wat vir die hidrolise van die xilaanruggraat benodig word, (xilanases en ~-xulosidases) belangrik is, is die ensieme wat die sygroepe vanaf die polimeer verwyder ewe belangrik aangesien hulle die hidrolise deur xilanases en ~-xulosidases bevorder. Wanneer hulle saam met die ander xilanolitiese ensieme gebruik word, sal hulle die beskikbaarheid van monomeriese suikers vir fermentasie verhoog. Baie van hierdie sygroepe is esters en hulle word deur die aksie van esterases verwyder, of direk van die ruggraat, ofvanafkorter xilo-oligosakkariede. 'n Bestaande genoom DNA biblioteek van Bacillus pumilus in Escherichia coli is vir die teenwoordigheid van 'n asetielesterase-koderende geen gesif. Positiewe klone is deur die vorming van 'n sone op plate wat glukose pentaasetaat bevat, geïdentifiseer. Die DNA-invoeging van die positiewe E. coli-kloon se DNA-volgorde is bepaal en twee oopleesrame is gevind waarvan een vir 'n unieke esterase (estA) kodeer. Met behulp van verskillende inleiers is die geen met die polimerasekettingreaksie (PKR) geamplifiseer en in 'n induseerbare promotor vir uitdrukking in E. coli gekloneer. Die plasmied is getransformeer in E. coli en aktiwiteit is bepaal deur cc-naftielasetaatte gebruik. Vlakke van aktiwiteit het kort na induksie met IPTG weer gedaal en daarom was plasmied pAP4 vir ensiematiese toetse gebruik. E. coli-transformante met plasmied pAP4 het ekstrasellulêre aktiwiteit van 2.5 nkatal/ml gelewer. Die pH en temperatuur optima sowel as die temperatuurstabiliteit van die ensiem was bepaal. Die ensiem toon optimale aktiwiteit by pH 6 en 'n temperatuur van 60°C. Aktiwiteitstoetse op verskillende substrate het aktiwiteit op metielumbelliferielasetaat en metielumbelliferielbutiraat bo-en-behalwe die glukosepentaasetaat en c-naftielasetaar getoon. Die estA geen is in uitdrukkingskasette bevattende die PGKpromotor en-termineerder vir uitdrukking in Saccharomyces cerevisiae gekloneer. Dit is ook agter die MFal-sekresiesein gekoppel vir sekresie vanuit S. cerevisiae. Geen ekstrasellulêre aktiwiteit is gevind nie. Slegs intrasellulêre aktiwiteit van 0.26 nanokatal per mililiter was bepaal.af_ZA
dc.format.extent111 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectBacillus (Bacteria) -- Geneticsen_ZA
dc.subjectEscherichia coli -- Geneticsen_ZA
dc.subjectMolecular cloningen_ZA
dc.titleCloning of a novel esterase gene from Bacillus pumilus and its characterisation in Escherichia colien_ZA
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