Study into the viability of e-mobility and requirements for the strategic roll out of electric vehicles in South Africa
dc.contributor.advisor | Von Leipzig, Konrad | en_ZA | | Bakker, Rick | en_ZA |
dc.contributor.other | Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Industrial Engineering. | en_ZA | | 2012-11-28T13:53:34Z | en_ZA | | 2012-12-12T08:22:37Z | | | 2016-01-01T03:00:15Z | | | 2012-12 | en_ZA |
dc.description | Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. | en_ZA |
dc.description.abstract | ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The electrification of transportation through the introduction of electric vehicles in the South African market can potentially reduce oil dependency and lead to the possible reduction of carbon footprints through lower annual CO2 emission rates. The key question is if the introduction of electric mobility will be financially viable in South Africa and, if so, what business model should be followed. To answer this question cost analysis and total cost of ownership calculations have been modelled based on 8 scenarios. All scenarios consisted of different variables in order to identify the key variables affecting the financial viability of e-‐mobility. Global market forecasts and governmental incentives and the effect of it on the total cost of ownership have been researched and compared to proposed South African incentives by the DTI. Battery recharging techniques and different battery and vehicle types have been evaluated. Furthermore, the impact on the national grid has been studied, as well as the potential e-‐mobility value chain and the associated direct job creation. The findings in this thesis illustrate that the introduction of e-‐mobility can be viable if it is based on a model 2 based business model. Early adopters will preferably use level 2 home charging in the introductory stage. The commencement of demonstration projects is to shed more light on uncertainties and to overcome potential limitations by gathering the desirable data and valuable insights regarding driving and charging preferences and habits. Cost analysis has shown that the biggest aspects affecting the total cost of ownership are initial battery costs, battery price reduction, and vehicle acquisition costs, while operating cost are predominantly relying on the difference between fuel and energy prices. The analysis has shown that governmental incentives don’t significantly affect e-mobility’s viability. | en_ZA |
dc.description.abstract | AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die elektrifisering van vervoer deur die gebruik van elektries aangedrewe motorvoertuie het die potensiaal om Suid Afrika se afhanklikheid van olie asook die CO2 impak wesenlik te verminder. Die vraag is egter of die implementering van elektriese vervoer finansieël aantreklik is vir Suid Afrika, en indien wel watter spesifieke besigheidsmodel toepaslik sou wees. Om die vraag te beantwoord is ‘n koste analise gedoen wat kyk na die verskillende kostes en tenologië. ‘n Kostemodel om die totale koste van eienaarskap te bepaal is gedoen, baseer op 8 verskillende senarios. Deur die verskillende senarios is hoof veranderlikes bepaal wat ‘n invloed het op die bekostigbaarheid van elektrifisering. Globale mark vooruitskattings asook regeringsinisiatiewe is ondersoek, en vergelyk met Suid Afrikaanse voorstelle en moontlike aansporings rondom die onderwerp soos uiteengesit in DTI beplanningsdokumente. Verskillende battery tipes, verskillende elektriese motors asook herlaaitegnologië is evalueer. Die impak van die gebruik van elektries aangedrewe voertuie op die SA elektrisiteitsnetwerk is ondersoek, en die moontlikhede van waardetoevoeging oor die hele waardeketting en werkskepping is op ‘n hoë vlak bespreek. Die bevindinge van hierdie tesis dui daarop dat e-‐vervoer (“e-‐mobility”) wel lewensvatbaar kan wees mits ‘n spesifieke besigheidsmodel (model 2 in die dokument) gevolg word. Aanvanklik sal gebruikers verkies om vlak 2 tuis herlaaitegnolgie te gebruik. Om die onsekerhede van moontlike gebruikers uit die weg te ruim, asook om steekproefdata te bekom vir verdere ontleding oor gebruikersgedrag, is dit noodsaaklik om elektrifiseringsprojekte binne ‘n klein geografies afgebakende gebied te implementer. Die kosteanaliese het getoon dat die aanvanklike batterykoste, die toekomstige prysafname in hierdie prys, asook die voertuigprys self die grootste bydraes maak tot die totale koste van eienaarskap. Loopkosteverskille word hoofsaaklik bepaal deur die prysverskille tussen elektrisiteit en olie/brandstof. Laastens toon die ondersoek dat finansiële aansporings van regeringskant af nie ‘ | af_ZA |
dc.embargo.terms | 2015-12-31 | |
dc.format.extent | xii, 121 pages ; illustrations | en_ZA |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en_ZA | en_ZA |
dc.publisher | Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University | en_ZA |
dc.rights | Stellenbosch University | en_ZA |
dc.subject | e-mobility | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Electric vehicles -- South Africa | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Electric vehicles -- Cost | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Clean energy industries | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Automobiles -- Motors -- Environmental aspects | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Oil industry -- Environmental aspects -- South Africa | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Electric vehicles -- Economic aspects -- South Africa | en_ZA |
dc.subject | UCTD | en_ZA |
dc.subject.other | Industrial Engineering | en_ZA |
dc.title | Study into the viability of e-mobility and requirements for the strategic roll out of electric vehicles in South Africa | en_ZA |
dc.type | Thesis | en_ZA |
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