Infertility a female problem? : engaging with narrative theory and biblical narratives

dc.contributor.advisorPenxa-Matholeni, Nobuntuen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorClaassens, L. Juliana M.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorStrydom, Nataliaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study to present the problem that there is a large faith community, especially ministers and counsellors, who are not sensitive to the matter of infertility. By employing a feminist and gender lens, I also wish to point out that male infertility is an often taboo topic. Nevertheless, couples come to ministers and counsellors for counselling. By conducting this research, I want to to explore possible ways that ministers and pastoral counsellors can help to deconstruct the dominant stories regarding infertility, which are loaded with stigma. By employing the narrative approach, the counsellor and the counselees can construct a new preferred reality and make new meanings out of the crisis of infertility. Secondly, I argue that by being informed about the crisis of infertility, the counsellor will be better equipped to engage with empathy in a pastoral counselling journey with the couple. It is important that couples discover safe spaces to share their infertility story. The pastoral counsellor or minister should be one of those safe spaces and not contribute to the dominant problem story. By following the narrative approach and by sharing a self-narrative of infertility, I wish to paint the background of why a study such as this is important. The study offers an in-depth investigation to find biblical narratives that could be used by pastoral counsellors. The Bible stories that were chosen for this aim are mainly the stories of Ruth, Judah and Tamar. Other biblical and extra-biblical stories are also investigated as sub-narratives. However, this endeavour points to the fact that these are narratives that only illustrate implied male infertility. There are no biblical narratives regarding male infertility due to the stigma that has enveloped infertility from the earliest times. The researcher also unpacks male infertility and how it affects male identity, in other words, masculinity. The link between virility and fertility is explored in an attempt to better understand to what extent infertility causes a crisis for males and for the couple. By understanding this link, we are better equipped to understand that two individuals are affected by this crisis, but they are also affected as partners in the marital unit. The narrative counselling process allows the couple to create new meaning around the crisis and allows them to build preferred realities of what other goals they have for their marriage. It is also critically important that ministers, pastors and members of congregations begin to realise that they have the responsibility and privilege to form a support structure around this couple.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die probleem voor te hou dat daar in die groter geloofsgemeenskap, onder predikante en beraders, ’n onsensitiwiteit teenoor infertiliteit bestaan. Deur ’n feministiese- en genderlens toe te pas wys ek uit dat manlike infertiliteit nog meer ’n taboe onderwerp is. Tog is daar baie paartjies wat die berader of predikant raadpleeg vir berading in hierdie krisistyd. Deur hierdie navorsingstesis wil ek graag ’n manier ondersoek hoe die narratiewe benadering ons kan help om die dominante stories rondom infertiliteit te dekonstrueer. Narratiewe teorie stel die berader en kliënte in staat om ’n nuwe gekose realiteit te konstrueer en nuwe betekenis toe te ken vanuit die krisis van infertiliteit. Tweedens poog ek om uit te wys dat indien die berader meer ingelig is oor die krisis wat infertiliteit veroorsaak, meer empatie in die pastorale beradingsreis ontgin kan word wat die paartjie in staat sal stel om gehoor te voel in hierdie krisistyd. Die pastorale berader of predikant moet ’n veilige ruimte vir paartjies wees en juis nie bydra tot die dominante narratief nie. Deur die narratiewe benadering te volg en deur my eie self-narratief te deel oor infertiliteit probeer ek die agtergrond skilder van hoekom ’n studie soos hierdie een juis nodig is. Die studie bied ’n in-diepte ondersoek na die Bybelse verhale wat moontlik deur pastorale beraders aangewend kan word. Die Bybelverhale wat gekies is vir hierdie doel is hoofsaaklik die storie van Rut asook dié van Juda en Tamar. Ander Bybelse verhale en verhale buite die Bybel word ook ondersoek as sub-narratiewe. Hierdie ondersoek wys egter daarop dat hierdie verhale slegs op veronderstelde infertiliteit wys. Daar is geen Bybelse narratiewe oor manlike infertiliteit nie. Dit is hoofsaaklik vanweë die stigma wat daar van die vroegste tye af bestaan oor infertiliteit en veral manlike infertiliteit. Die navorser bekyk dan in ’n poging tot ’n beter verstaan manlike infertiliteit soos dit vandag verstaan word en ondersoek die impak wat manlike infertiliteit op ’n man se verstaan van sy manlike identiteit het. Die verhouding tussen viriliteit en fertiliteit word ondersoek in ’n poging om beter te verstaan tot watter mate infertiliteit ’n krisis veroorsaak vir die man en vir die paartjie. Deur hierdie verhouding beter te verstaan, word die pastorale berader beter toegerus om te verstaan dat dit nie bloot ’n individu is wat geraak word deur infertiliteit nie, maar dat die paartjie in hul huwelikseenheid daardeur geraak word. Die narratiewe benadering tot berading laat die paartjie toe om nuwe betekenis te skep vanuit die krisis en stel hulle in staat om ander doelwitte of redes te ondersoek vir hul huwelik. Dit is ook van kardinale belang dat predikante, pastors, pastorale beraders en gemeentelede tot die besef kom dat hulle deel vorm van die ondersteuningsnetwerk rondom die paartjie en dat hulle ’n verantwoordelikheid het om met groter sensitiwiteit om te gaan met paartjies wat deur die krisis van infertiliteit geraak word.af_ZA
dc.format.extent148 pages
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectInfertility, Femaleen_ZA
dc.subjectInfertility -- Religious aspects -- Christianityen_ZA
dc.subjectPastoral counselingen_ZA
dc.titleInfertility a female problem? : engaging with narrative theory and biblical narrativesen_ZA
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