What constitutes impact? definition, motives, measurement and reporting considerations in an African impact investment market

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Impact investing is the fastest growing responsible investment strategy and has the potential to address many of the environmental and socio-economic challenges faced by humanity. Some scholars, however, claim that definitional ambiguity confounds impact measurement and hence reduces the attractiveness of this investment strategy. To investigate this claim, semi-structured personal interviews were conducted with 13 experienced impact investors in a large African market. Participants did not regard definitional ambiguity as a serious barrier, but found it difficult to identify and articulate specific impact objectives that could match their financial return expectations. Investors called for more training and information sharing platforms.
CITATION: McCallum, S. & Viviers, S. 2021. What constitutes impact? definition, motives, measurement and reporting considerations in an African impact investment market. African Journal of Business Ethics. 15(1):11-27, doi:10.15249/15-1-262.
The original publication is available at http://ajobe.journals.ac.za
Impact investing, Investments -- Analysis -- South Africa
McCallum, S. & Viviers, S. 2021. What constitutes impact? definition, motives, measurement and reporting considerations in an African impact investment market. African Journal of Business Ethics. 15(1):11-27, doi:10.15249/15-1-262