Improvement of the thermodynamic description of polar molecules and their mixtures in the SAFT framework

dc.contributor.advisorBurger, A. J.en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorSchwarz, C. E.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorCripwell, Jamie Theoen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Process Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (D.Phil)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: Chemical processes are designed around the manipulation of thermodynamic properties of chemical species and their mixtures. The ability to predict these properties accurately has driven the development of thermodynamic models from the humble beginnings of the van der Waals equation to the fundamental statistical mechanical theories we have today. Despite the successes of recent years resulting from improved fundamental understanding and availability of increased computational power, the accurate representation of certain chemical species and some thermodynamic properties remain elusive. This is particularly true of the holistic properties of polar components and their mixtures, which is the focus of the work presented here. Arguably the most successful product of the more fundamental approach to thermodynamic modelling is the Statistical Associating Fluid Theory (SAFT). This equation of state has allowed for the accurate representation of molecular geometries, molecular association and the accurate representation of polar interactions. The resulting model framework produces highly accurate predictions of mixture phase equilibria of many systems, which has been the focus of the model’s development. Exceptions still remain however, with one such systematic fault providing specific context for model improvement in this work. A central aim of this work was to establish whether there is deterioration in the predictive capacity of polar sPC-SAFT when applied to the phase equilibrium of different polar isomers. This follows from previous work, where such systematic deterioration was found for ketones, and is extended to ethers and esters here. A lack of previously measured data for isomers of these polar functional groups necessitated generation of such experimental data. Thus, new isobaric vapour-liquid equilibrium data were generated for two C6 ether isomers with n-heptane, and five C6 ester isomers with n-octane at 60 kPa. The experimental data showed that significant differences in mixture phase behaviour and resulting phase envelopes are present for each isomer considered, consistent with the experimental trend seen for ketones. Modelling of the experimental data using sPC-SAFT with the Jog & Chapman (JC) and Gross & Vrabec (GV) polar terms showed that similar trends to that witnessed for ketones previously are apparent for ethers and esters. Using pure component data alone, sPC-SAFTGV parameters were determined for all but one considered isomer, displaying a consistent level of accuracy in the prediction of mixture VLE. Significant parameter degeneracy was apparent for sPC-SAFTJC however, resulting in an inability to regress unique parameter sets for less polar isomers. The results constitute the first case of systematic superiority of the Gross & Vrabec polar term over that of Jog & Chapman. The modelling results served to clarify the relationship between isomer identity and predictability of the component properties. The predictive capacity of polar sPC-SAFT decreases as the behaviour of the isomer approaches that of an equivalent size/mass nonpolar component. In the case of ketones previously and esters here, this behaviour is linked to the shifting of the polar group centrally, while a more terminally located functional group produces this result in ethers. The incorporation of VLE data in the parameter regression, or fixing the value of the polar parameter, were shown to be excellent mitigation strategies for regressing accurate parameter sets. The systematic difficulties in modelling isomer phase behaviour raises questions over the overall predictive capacity of the sPC-SAFTJC and sPC-SAFTGV models. Combined with the previously demonstrated inability of these models to simultaneously model phase equilibria and derivative properties using a single parameter set lead to the decision to consider a new polar SAFT framework. To this end, the recently developed SAFT-VR Mie equation of state provided an ideal foundation, and the new SAFT-VR MieJC and SAFT-VR MieGV variants, using the same JC and GV polar terms, were proposed. An extensive regression exercise demonstrated the difficulty with which polar SAFT-VR Mie parameters are determined. This comes as a result of the more complex regression space, being a function of five regressed parameters (σ, m, ε/k, λr and xp/np). For SAFT-VR MieJC in particular, the problem of broad minima in the objective function was more widespread, resulting in an inability to generate parameter sets with nonzero polar contributions. This was true for all components when considering pure component data alone, but also for the ketone functional group when mixture data were considered. This finding supports similar conclusions drawn for sPC-SAFT and points to an inferiority of this variant. SAFT-VR MieGV proved a more robust model and, applied to the same phase behaviour of isomeric systems, demonstrated that the model performs at least as well as its sPC-SAFT counterpart when a unique parameter set was determined. As with polar sPC-SAFT before it, accurate parameter sets were shown to be determinable for SAFT-VR MieGV when VLE data were incorporated in the regression procedure. These optimum VLE parameter sets were demonstrated to produce highly accurate predictions, not only for the traditional application to mixture phase equilibria, but to derivative properties such as speed of sound in mixtures as well. This signifies a significant improvement over the polar sPC-SAFT framework, achieving the elusive simultaneous prediction of VLE and derivative properties using a single parameter set. Novel application to mixture excess properties further demonstrates that, while the new polar SAFT-VR Mie models yield similar predictions to their sPC-SAFT counterparts, room for improvement still exists. This is particularly true for representation of the temperature dependence of Ar in SAFT type models. The prediction results of the Correlation parameter sets represent the most significant contribution of this work - the reliance of generating an accurate parameter set on the availability of mixture VLE data is simply not an acceptable caveat in promoting a new predictive model. Here, the value of the polar parameter is fixed to physically meaningful values while the remaining parameters are regressed using pure component data alone. In particular, the pure component speed of sound is incorporated to produce a more well-balanced parameter set. Using these parameters improves the prediction of mixture speed of sound, while incurring only a small deterioration of the mixture VLE prediction. However, the ability to yield such accurate, holistic predictions for polar components by regression using pure component data alone is a characteristic of a truly predictive model.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Chemiese prosesse word rondom die manipulering van die termodinamiese eienskappe van chemiese spesies en hul mengsels ontwerp. Die vermoë om hierdie eienskappe akkuraat te voorspel, het die ontwikkeling van termodinamiese modelle aangespoor; van die eenvoudige Van der Waals-vergelyking, tot die hedendaagse fundamentele statistiese meganika-modelle. Ten spyte van die sukses wat, as gevolg van ’n verbeterde fundamentele insig en die beskikbaarheid van toenemende rekenaarvermoë, in die laaste jare behaal is, is die akkurate voorstelling van sekere chemiese spesies en sommige termodinamiese eienskappe nog ontwykend. Dit is veral die geval vir die holistiese eienskappe van polêre komponente en hul mengsels, wat die fokus van hierdie ondersoek is. Die Statistical Associating Fluid Theory (SAFT) is stellig die mees suksesvolle produk van die soeke na ’n meer fundamentele benadering tot termodinamiese modellering. Hierdie toestandsvergelyking het die akkurate voorstelling van molekulêre geometrie, molekulêre assosiasie, en van polêre interaksies teweeggebring. Die modelraamwerk lewer hoogs akkurate voorspellings van die mengsel-fase-ewewig van baie sisteme, wat die fokus van die model se ontwikkeling was. Daar is egter nog steeds uitsonderings. Een van hierdie sistematiese foute bied die spesifieke konteks vir modelverbeterings in hierdie ondersoek. Een van die sentrale doelwitte van hierdie ondersoek was om te bepaal of die voorspellingsvermoë van polêre-sPC-SAFT verswak wanneer dit op die fase-ewewig van verskillende polêre isomere toegepas word. Dit volg uit ’n vorige ondersoek, waar sistematiese verswakking vir ketone gevind is. Hierdie ondersoek word na eters en esters uitgebrei. ’n Tekort aan literatuurdata vir isomere van hierdie funksionele groepe het die meet van sulke eksperimentele data genoodsaak. Nuwe data vir isobariese damp-vloeistof-ewewig (VLE) is vir twee C6-eterisomere met n-heptaan, en vyf C6-esterisomere met n-oktaan by 60 kPa gegenereer. Die eksperimentele data wys dat merkbare verskille in die mengselfasegedrag en gepaardgaande fasediagramme vir elke isomeer aanwesig is, wat in ooreenstemming is met die tendens wat vir ketone waargeneem is. Modellering van die eksperimentele data, deur gebruik te maak van sPC-SAFT, met die Jog & Chapman (JC) en Gross & Vrabec (GV) polêre terme, wys dat soortgelyke tendense, wat voorheen vir die ketone waargeneem is, ook vir die eters en esters sigbaar is. Deur slegs suiwer-komponentdata in die regressieprosedure in te sluit, is sPC-SAFTGV parameters vir alle isomere, behalwe een, bepaal. Hierdie parameters vertoon deurgaans dieselfde akkuraatheid wanneer mengsel-VLE voorspel word. Beduidende parameter-ontaarding is egter duidelik vir sPC-SAFTJC, wat daartoe gelei het dat geen parameters vir minder-polêre isomere bepaal kon word nie. Hierdie resultate vorm die eerste geval van sistematiese superioriteit van die Gross & Vrabec-polêre term teenoor dié van Jog & Chapman. Die modelleringsresultate verduidelik die verhouding tussen die identiteit van die isomeer en die voorspellingsvermoë van die komponent se eienskappe. Die voorspellingsvermoë van polêre-sPC-SAFT neem af soos die isomeergedrag streef na dié van ’n ekwivalente grootte/massa nie-polêre komponent. Vir ketone en esters gaan hierdie gedrag gepaard met die skuif van die polêre groep na die sentrale koolstofatoom, terwyl die eter met die polêre groep op die buitenste koolstofatoom dieselfde gedrag voortbring. Twee verskillende strategieë het akkurate parameterstelle gelewer: deur VLE-data in die regressieprosedure in te sluit, of die waarde van die polêre parameter vas te maak. Die sistematiese struikelblokke in die modellering van isomeergedrag, bring vrae oor die voorspellingsvermoë van sPC-SAFTJC en sPC-SAFTGV na vore. Hierdie vraagstuk, tesame met die onvermoë van die modelle om met dieselfde parameterstel tegelykertyd fase-ewewig en ander termodinamiese eienskappe te voorspel, het daartoe gelei dat ’n nuwe polêre-SAFT-raamwerk oorweeg is. Die onlangs ontwikkelde SAFT-VR Mie toestandsvergelyking het die ideale grondslag hiervoor gebied, en, deur gebruik te maak van dieselfde JC- en GV-polêre terme, is die nuwe SAFT-VR MieJC- en SAFT-VR MieGV-variante voorgestel. ’n Omvattende regressie-oefening het getoon dat dit moeilik is om parameters vir die polêreSAFT-VR Mie modelle te bepaal. Dit is as gevolg van die meer komplekse regressieruimte wat nou uit vyf regressieparameters (σ, m, ε/k, λr, en xp/np) bestaan. Breë minima in die doelfunksie was vir veral SAFT-VR MieJC problematies, en het daartoe gelei dat unieke parameterstelle nie gegenereer kon word nie. Dit was die geval vir alle komponente wanneer slegs suiwer-komponentdata in die regressieprosedure oorweeg is, maar ook vir ketone, selfs met die toevoeging van mengseldata. Hierdie bevinding staaf soortgelyke gevolgtrekkings wat vir sPC-SAFT gemaak is, en dui op ’n ondergeskiktheid van hierdie modelvariant. SAFT-VR MieGV is die meer robuuste model, en wanneer dit op dieselfde fasegedrag van isomeersisteme toegepas word, presteer die model ten minste so goed soos sPC-SAFTGV met ’n unieke parameterstel. Soos vir die polêre-sPC-SAFT modelle, kon akkurate parameterstelle vir SAFT-VR MieGV bepaal word wanneer VLE-data by die regressieprosedure gevoeg is. Die optimum VLE-parameterstelle kon hoogs akkurate voorspellings lewer, nie net vir die tradisionele toepassing op mengsel-fase-ewewig nie, maar ook van ander termodinamiese eienskappe soos die spoed-van-klank in mengsels. Dit dui op ’n noemenswaardige verbetering teenoor die polêre-sPC-SAFT-raamwerk: ’n enkele parameterstel kan nou gebruik word om VLE en ander termodinamiese eienskappe tegelyk te beskryf. Die polêre-SAFT-VR Mie modelle lewer voorspellings vir mengsel-oormaateienskappe wat soortgelyk aan dié van hul sPC-SAFT eweknieë is, en dui daarop dat die modelle nog kan verbeter. Dit is veral die geval vir ’n akkurate voorstelling van die temperatuurafhanklikheid van Ar in SAFT-tipe modelle. Die resultate wat met die Korrelasie-parameterstelle verkry is, verteenwoordig die mees noemenswaardige bydra van hierdie werkstuk – dat die generering van akkurate parameterstelle op die beskikbaarheid van mengsel-VLE-data afhanklik is, is nie ’n aanvaarbare voorbehoud vir ’n model wat op voorspellings gerig is nie. Daarteenoor lewer die Korrelasie-metode polêre parameters wat tot fisiesbetekenisvolle waardes vasgemaak is, terwyl die oorblywende parameters deur regressie met insluiting van slegs suiwer-komponentdata bepaal word. Suiwer-komponent spoed-van-klankdata word gebruik om ’n meer gebalanseerde parameterstel te lewer. Hierdie parameters lewer verbeterde voorspellings van mengsel-spoed-van-klank, terwyl mengsel-VLE voorspellings slegs ’n klein bietjie verswak. Die vermoë om sulke akkurate, holistiese voorspellings vir polêre komponente te lewer, deur regressiesprosedures wat slegs suiwer-komponentdata insluit, is ’n eienskap van ’n model wat werklik voorspellend is.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxv, 217 pages ; illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectStatistical Associating Fluid Theory (SAFT)en_ZA
dc.subjectThermodynamic modellingen_ZA
dc.subjectPhase equilibriaen_ZA
dc.subjectPolar moleculesen_ZA
dc.subjectMolecules -- Modelsen_ZA
dc.titleImprovement of the thermodynamic description of polar molecules and their mixtures in the SAFT frameworken_ZA
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