Perceptions on the role of peer pressure in increasing HIV related risky sexual behaviours in further education and training (FET) colleges : a case study of pc training and business college in Gauteng, South Africa
dc.contributor.advisor | Setswe, Geoffrey | en_ZA | | Mpofu, Limkile | en_ZA |
dc.contributor.other | Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Industrial Psychology. Africa Centre for HIV/AIDS Management. | en_ZA | | 2012-02-01T09:05:14Z | en_ZA | | 2012-03-30T10:49:53Z | | | 2012-02-01T09:05:14Z | en_ZA | | 2012-03-30T10:49:53Z | | | 2012-03 | en_ZA |
dc.description | Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. | en_ZA |
dc.description.abstract | ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The following research question motivated the study: What is the perception of FET students about the role of peer pressure in engagement in HIV related risky behaviour? To answer this research question, an FET college PC Training and Business College was chosen as its students consist of diverse learners from all backgrounds and it is in the hub of Gauteng which is amongst the provinces in South Africa with the highest HIV prevalence. This research used a quantitative approach. Questionnaires were administered and analysed using SSPS version 17. The study made use of cross-sectional survey design in order to link peer pressure and HIV related risky behaviour to questionnaire data. The research findings indicated that peer pressure plays an insignificant role in influencing HIV related risky sexual behaviours and that it cannot be surprising that it contributes positively. Findings of the present study extended previous research as it emerged that students engaged in risky sexual behaviours despite their knowledge of these risky sexual behaviours. The participants were motivated to avoid negative side effects of sexual risk taking behaviours such as unwanted pregnancies. It was also noted that there was inadequate communication among many close associates within the tertiary institution environment about HIV and sexual issues and practices as reflected by the lack of knowledge about the use of contraceptives by their peers depicting peer influence as playing a lesser role. It emerged that a general strategy would not be feasible, since the norms, values, cultures, and traditions of the various communities in South Africa are too different. Thus the focus of a prevention program for students would have to be based on the particular needs and beliefs of each community. | en_ZA |
dc.description.abstract | AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die volgende navorsingsvraag het die studie gemotiveer: Wat is die persepsie van VOO-studente rakende die rol van groepsdruk in betrokkenheid in die MIV-verwante risikogedrag? Om te antwoord op hierdie navorsing vraag, is 'n VOO-kollege-rekenaar-opleiding en besigheidskollege gekies aangesien sy studente bestaan uit diverse mense van alle agtergronde en dit is die middelpunt van Gauteng, wat een van die provinsies met die hoogste voorkoms van MIV in Suid-Afrika is. Hierdie navorsing het gebruik gemaak van 'n kwantitatiewe benadering. Vraelyste is geadministreer en ontleed met behulp van SSPS weergawe 17. Die studie het gebruik gemaak van 'n dwarsdeursnee-opname-ontwerp om groepsdruk en MIV-verwante risiko gedrag te skakel na die vraelys data. Die navorsing het aangedui dat groepsdruk 'n onbeduidende rol speel in die MIV-verwante risiko seksuele gedrag beïnvloed. Bevindinge van die studie het vorige navorsing uitgebrei soos dit aan die lig gekom het dat die studente wat betrokke is in riskante seksuele gedrag, ten spyte van hul kennis van hierdie riskante seksuele gedrag. Die deelnemers is gemotiveer om negatiewe newe-effekte van seksuele risikogedrag soos ongewenste swangerskappe te voorkom. Daar is ook opgemerk dat daar onvoldoende kommunikasie onder baie naby geassosieerdes binne die tersiêre instelling omgewing oor MIV en seksuele kwessies en-praktyke soos weerspieël deur die gebrek aan kennis oor die gebruik van voorbehoedmiddels deur hul eweknieë uitbeeld. Dit blyk dat 'n algemene strategie nie haalbaar is nie, aangesien die norme, waardes, kulture en tradisies van die verskillende gemeenskappe in Suid-Afrika te verskillend is. Die fokus van 'n program vir die voorkoming vir studente moet gebaseer wees op die spesifieke behoeftes en oortuigings van elke gemeenskap. Die gevolgtrekking was dat groepsdruk nie dieselfde negatiewe invloed op alle jeugdiges het nie, individue verskil in hul vatbaarheid. | eaf_ZA |
dc.format.extent | 103 p. | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en_ZA | en_ZA |
dc.publisher | Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University | en_ZA |
dc.rights.holder | Stellenbosch University | |
dc.subject | College students -- Sexual behavior -- South Africa -- Gauteng | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Peer pressure -- South Africa -- Gauteng | en_ZA |
dc.subject | HIV infections -- Risk factors -- South Africa -- Gauteng | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Dissertations -- Industrial psychology | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Theses -- Industrial psychology | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Assignments -- Industrial psychology | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Dissertations -- HIV/AIDS management | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Theses -- HIV/AIDS management | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Assignments -- HIV/AIDS management | en_ZA |
dc.subject.other | Africa Centre for HIV/AIDS Management | en_ZA |
dc.title | Perceptions on the role of peer pressure in increasing HIV related risky sexual behaviours in further education and training (FET) colleges : a case study of pc training and business college in Gauteng, South Africa | en_ZA |
dc.type | Thesis |