Developing a framework for mediating farm evictions and security of tenure related disputes in South Africa

dc.contributor.advisorBroodryk, Theoen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorRoode, Nikitaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorStander, Nikitaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Law. Dept. of Mercantile Law.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (LLM)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation is concerned with the lack of a proper framework regulating the mediation of farm evictions and security of tenure related disputes in South Africa. The Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act, 3 of 1996 (‘the LTA’) and the Extension of Security of Tenure Act, 62 of 1997 (‘ESTA’) were enacted on 22 March 1996 and 4 February 1997, respectively, to specifically provide for the protection of the rights of residence of occupiers residing on agricultural land. Although these statutes contain occasional references to mediation, they do not provide a proper framework for the mediation of farm evictions and security of tenure related disputes. The uncertainty caused by the absence of a proper framework that regulates the mediation of farm evictions and security of tenure related disputes, legislative or otherwise, results in mediation being underutilised and ultimately has the effect that our courts continue to be inundated with evictions and security of tenure related applications. This is because it is unclear, for example, when disputes in terms of ESTA and the LTA may be referred to mediation; what the procedure is that should be followed during the mediation process; who bears responsibility for payment of the mediator’s costs; how the mediator should report on the outcome of the mediation; what the relevant mediation timelines are; and so forth. Farm eviction disputes usually involve poor, vulnerable and marginalised persons who stand to be left homeless and destitute by an eviction order. It is therefore vital that a clear and concise mediation framework be developed to facilitate the resolution of farm evictions and security of tenure related disputes without the parties necessarily having to resort to costly and time-consuming litigation. Ultimately, the purpose of the dissertation is to assist in developing a framework regulating the mandatory mediation of disputes instituted in terms of ESTA and the LTA. This will be achieved by comparing and analysing the legal position regarding the mediation of farm evictions and security of tenure related disputes in South Africa, including the mediation provisions and rules applicable in South African Magistrates’ Courts and High Court divisions, and the legal position applicable to mediation in the United States, Ontario, and Australia.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verhandeling het betrekking op die gebrek aan ʼn behoorlike raamwerk wat die bemiddeling van plaas uitsettings en verwante verblyfsekerheid geskille in Suid-Afrika reguleer. Die Wet op Grondhervorming (Huurarbeiders), 3 van 1996 (‘die LTA), en die Wet op Uitbreiding van Sekerheid van Verblyfreg, 62 van 1997 (‘ESTA’), is uitgevaardig op 22 Maart 1996 en 4 February 1997, onderskeidelik, spesifiek om voorsiening te maak vir die beskerming van die verblyfregte van okkupeerders wat op landbougrond woon. Hierdie wetgewing bevat egter slegs beperkte verwysings na bemiddeling, en bevat nie ’n behoorlike raamwerk vir die bemiddeling van plaas uitsettings en verwante verblyfsekerheid geskille nie. Die onsekerheid wat veroorsaak word deur die gebrek aan ’n behoorlike raamwerk, wetgewend of andersins, wat die bemiddeling van plaas uitsettings en verwante verblyfsekerheid geskille reguleer, het die gevolg dat bemiddeling onderbenut word en het uiteindelik die effek dat ons howe steeds oorweldig word met uitsettings en verwante verblyfsekerheid aansoeke. Dit is weens die feit dat daar onduidelikheid heers oor, byvoorbeeld, wanneer geskille in terme van ESTA en die LTA vir bemiddeling verwys mag word; wat die prosedure is wat tydens die bemiddelingsproses gevolg moet word; wie verantwoordelik sal wees vir betaling van die bemiddelaar se kostes; hoe die bemiddelaar aan die hof verslag moet doen oor die uitkoms van die bemiddeling; wat die relevante bemiddeling tydlyne is, ensovoorts. Plaas uitsetting geskille het gewoonlik betrekking op arm, weerlose en gemarginaliseerde persone wie uitsetting en armoede in die gesig staar, sou ’n uitsettingsbevel toegestaan word. Dit is daarom besonders noodsaaklik dat ’n duidelike en bondige bemiddelingsraamwerk ontwikkel word om die oplos van plaas uitsettings en verwante verblyfsekerheid geskille te fasiliteer sonder dat die partye hulle noodwendig tot duursame en tydrowende litigasie moet wend. Die uiteindelike doel van die verhandeling is om te help om ’n raamwerk te ontwikkel wat die verpligte bemiddeling van geskille wat ingevolge ESTA en die LTA ingestel word, te reguleer. Dit sal gedoen word deur die regsposisie met betrekking tot die bemiddeling van plaas uitsettings en verwante verblyfsekerheid geskille in Suid-Afrika, insluitende die bemiddelingsbepalings en reëls van toepassing in Suid-Afrikaanse Landdroshowe en Hooggeregshof afdelings, en die regsposisie van toepassing op bemiddeling in die Verenigde State van Amerika, Ontario en Australië, te vergelyk en te analiseer.af_ZA
dc.format.extent190 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectMediation of farm evictionsen_ZA
dc.subjectLand Reform (Labour Tenants) Act, 3 of 1996en_ZA
dc.subjectExtension of Security of Tenure Act, 62 of 1997en_ZA
dc.titleDeveloping a framework for mediating farm evictions and security of tenure related disputes in South Africaen_ZA
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