Adolescent offenders’ perceptions regarding restorative justice

dc.contributor.advisorNaidoo, Anthony V.
dc.contributor.authorJanse van Rensburg, Joannaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherUniversity of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Psychology.
dc.descriptionThesis (MA (Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Department of Correctional Services (DCS) has adopted an approach to corrections based on the principle of restoration. This restoration takes place between the offender and the victim, the community and their own family and within themselves. According to DCS, rehabilitation can not take place without restoration (The White Paper on Corrections in South Africa, 2005). For this reason the DCS has shown a concerted commitment to the promotion of restorative justice programmes as part of offender rehabilitation. The aim of the study is to assess the perception that juvenile offenders, who were in prison at the time of the study, have of restorative justice in prison. The findings obtained in this regard could be used to contribute to various aspects of restorative justice in prisons such as what offenders perceive to be indications of readiness to participate in such programmes; the perceived effect of restorative justice programmes on the offender; what facilitative mechanisms can be used, and the extent of the need to educate offenders with regard to restorative justice. The findings could be used to contribute to programme presentation and ultimately to the outcomes of restorative justice programmes in prison. Twenty three participants that were selected were juvenile offenders aged between 18 and 20. They were all serving sentences of more than 2 years, and had served at least 2/3 of their sentence and/or are about to be released. The offences of the participants included economic, violent, sexual and homicide crimes. The DVD titled Burning Bridges was used as a research stimulus and data was gathered by means of individual interviews and a focus group discussion. The data revealed that offenders need to be educated about the principles and practices of restorative justice programmes. The offenders’ ability to address the victim and the community needs to be assessed, as well as their ability to recall and talk about their crime. There should also be a focus on the offender’s general behaviour in prison, which includes their willingness to use the opportunities that they receive in prison. Knowledgeable personnel should be become more involved with the selection of suitable candidates, as they will be able to give a rich description of the offender that is being assessed.en
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste (DKD) se benadering tot korreksies is gebasseer op restorasie. Hierdie restorasie vind plaas tussen die oortreder en die slagoffer, die gemeenskap, sy/haar eie familie en ook binne die oortreder self. Volgens die DKD kan rehabilitasie van die oortreder nie plaasvind indien restorasie nie plaasgevind het nie (The White Paper on Corrections in South Africa, 2005). Vir hierdie rede het die DKD `n verbintenis gemaak om regstellende geregtigheid programme deel te maak van die oortreder se rehabilitasie. Die doel van die studie is om vas te stel wat jeug oortreders se persepsie van regstellende geregtigheid in tronke is. Die bevindings wat op hierdie manier verkry word kan gebruik word om `n bydrae te lewer tot verskeie aspekte van restellende geregtigheid in tronke. Die data wat verkry word sal aandui wat jeug oortreders beskou as gereedheid om deel te neem aan sulke programme en watter voorsorgmaatreëls in plek gestel kan word om die doelwitte van die program te bereik. Die bevindings kan ook as aanduiding gebruik word of daar `n behoefte aan onderrig aangaande regstellende geregtigheid bestaan. Die studie kan dus gebruik word om by te dra tot die aanbieding van restellende geregtigheid programme, sowel as die uitkomste van die programmme in tronke. Die 23 deelnemers wat geselekteer was, was tussen die ouderdom van 18 en 20. Hulle was almal gevonnisde oortreders wat vir meer as 2 jaar gevonnis was, wat ten minste 2/3 van hul vonnis voltooi het en/of wat binnekort vrygelaat sou word. Die deelnemers was gevonnis vir ekonomiese misdade, geweldsmisdade, seksuele oortredings en moord. Die DVD ’Burning Bridges’ was as navorsing stimulus gebruik en data is gegenereer deur middel van individuele onderhoude en fokus-groep besprekings. Die data het aangetoon dat oortreder opgevoed moet word in verband met die beginsels en die toepassings van regstellende geregtigheid programme. Die oortreder se vermoë om met die slagoffer en die gemeenskap te praat moet geassesseer word, sowel as sy/haar vermoë om die misdaad te herroep en daaroor te praat. Daar moet ook gekyk word na die oortreder se algemene gedrag in die tronk. Dit sluit in sy/haar bereidwilligheid om die geleenthede wat in die tronk aangebied word te gebruik. Personeel wat die nodige kennis en ervaring het moet meer betrokke raak in die seleksie van geskikde kandidate, aangesien hulle instaat sal wees om `n indiepte beskrywing te gee van die oortreder wat geassesseer
dc.format.extent91 p.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
dc.rights.holderUniversity of Stellenbosch
dc.subjectRestorative justiceen_ZA
dc.subjectCorrectional serviceen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Psychologyen
dc.subjectTheses -- Psychologyen
dc.titleAdolescent offenders’ perceptions regarding restorative justiceen_ZA
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