Exploring the transition of track and field athletes from Grade 12 to first year university

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Many talented high school sport performers continue their studies at tertiary institutions; therefore, it is important to create awareness of the challenges faced by these athletes during the transition from school to university. The current study explored the transitional experiences, including the barriers and facilitators experienced by student track and field athletes during their transition from Grade 12 to first year university at Stellenbosch University. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight first-year student-athletes (three men/ five women), respectively participating in track, field, and combined events, who made the transition from high school (Grade 12 in 2019) directly into their first year at Stellenbosch University the following year (2020). This allowed for retrospective accounts of their high school experiences, as well as concurrent feedback about their experiences during the first few months of their first year at university. The interview script guided the participants to discuss their transition, covering multiple domains of their lives (i.e., athletic, psychological, psychosocial, academic/vocational, financial, and legal). Student-athletes are simultaneously transitioning from junior-to-senior level competition and from high school to tertiary education, negotiating the change into adulthood, building new and mature relationships, and becoming emotionally independent. They are reliant on financial support from family, universities, or the sport’s governing body. The study was exploratory and utilized a descriptive phenomenological qualitative research design. The Developmental Model on Transitions faced by athletes, as well as the Holistic Athletics Career Model became the lens through which the research questions were framed, and the findings and discussions were presented. The Covid-19 pandemic broke out just before these interviews were conducted. The pandemic caused unforeseen disruptions on a global scale and led to drastic changes to the 2020 academic and sporting year. The student-athletes underwent concurrent transitional experiences across multiple domains. The qualitative findings revealed seven overarching themes, namely facilitators, transitional experiences, and barriers within the academic, athletic, psychosocial, psychological, financial, and legal domains. The Covid-19 pandemic as the second transition, and support mechanisms available to student-athletes were also discussed. Each of the themes consisted of numerous subthemes and categories of codes. The domains cannot be viewed as separate entities. They must be considered as cross-domain transitional experiences and how their interaction influences the life of student-athletes. The labels of experiences either being barriers and/or facilitators depend on the individual perceptions held by the student-athletes and how they were able to negotiate the situation at hand. The student-athlete’s perceived identity depended on their motivation towards their academic and athletic pursuits. Their identities fluctuated throughout the academic year depending on the priority of the task at the specific timepoint. The Covid-19 pandemic caused a shift toward a stronger student identity because of the cancellation of sport events, the inability to train outside during the national lockdown and a subsequent increase in time to focus on studies. The support structures and systems provided by Maties Sport, if used optimally, would facilitate the student-athlete’s athletic performance, and enhance their personal growth and development and success across multiple life domains.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Baie talentvolle hoërskool sportpresteerders gaan voort met hul studies by tersiêre instelling en; daarom is dit belangrik om bewustheid te skep van die uitdagings wat hierdie student-atlete in die gesig staar tydens die oorgang van skool na universiteit. Die huidige studie het die oorgangservarings ondersoek, insluitend die hindernisse en fasiliteerders wat deur studente-baan- en veldatlete ervaar word tydens hul oorgang van Graad 12 na eerstejaar aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is gevoer met agt eerstejaarstudent-atlete (drie mans/vyf vroue), wat onderskeidelik aan baanitems, velditems en gekombineerde items deelgeneem het, wat die oorgang van hoërskool (Graad 12 in 2019) direk na die eerste jaar aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch die volgende jaar (2020) gemaak het. Dit het voorsiening gemaak vir terugwerkende weergawes van hul hoërskool-ervarings sowel as gelyktydige terugvoer oor hul ervarings gedurende die eerste paar maande van hul eerste jaar op universiteit. Die onderhoudskrif het die deelnemers in staat gestel om hul oorgang te bespreek, wat verskeie domeine van hul lewens dek (d.w.s. atleties, sielkundig, psigososiaal, akademies/beroepsgerig, finansieel en wetlik). Studente-atlete beleef terselfdertyd die oorgang van junior- na seniorvlakkompetisie en van hoërskool na tersiêre onderwys terwyl hulle die verandering na volwassewording bestuur, nuwe en volwasse verhoudings bou en emosioneel onafhanklik word. Hulle is aangewese op finansiële ondersteuning van familie, universiteite, of die sportsoort se beheerliggaam. Die studie was verkennend en het 'n beskrywende fenomenologiese kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp gebruik. Die Ontwikkelingsmodel oor Oorgange wat atlete in die gesig staar, sowel as die Holistiese Atletiekloopbaanmodel was die lens waarbinne die navorsingsvrae gestel is en die bevindinge en besprekings aangebied is. Die Covid-19-pandemie het uitgebreek net voordat hierdie onderhoude gevoer is. Die pandemie het onvoorsiene ontwrigtings op wêreldwye skaal veroorsaak en gelei tot drastiese veranderinge aan die 2020 akademiese en sportjaar. Die student-atlete het gelyktydige oorgangservarings oor verskeie domeine ondergaan. Die kwalitatiewe bevindinge het sewe oorkoepelende temas aan die lig gebring, naamlik fasiliteerders, oorgangservarings en hindernisse binne die akademiese, atletiese, psigososiale, psigologiese, finansiële en regsdomeine. Die Covid-19-pandemie as die tweede oorgang, en ondersteuningsmeganismes beskikbaar vir studente-atlete is ook bespreek. Elkeen van die temas het bestaan uit talle subtemas en kategorieë van kodes. ʼn Mens kan nie die domeine as aparte entiteite beskou nie, maar moet die kruisdomein-oorgangservarings oorweeg en hoe hul interaksie die lewe van die student-atlete beïnvloed het. Die etikette van ervarings wat óf hindernisse en/of fasiliteerders was, het afgehang van die individuele persepsies wat die student-atlete gehad het en hoe hulle in staat was om die situasie op hande te onderhandel. Die student-atleet se waargenome identiteit het afgehang van sy/haar motivering vir hul akademiese en atletiese strewes. Sy/haar identiteit het deur die akademiese jaar gewissel na gelang van die prioriteit van die taak op die spesifieke tydstip. Die Covid-19-pandemie het 'n verskuiwing na 'n sterker studente-identiteit veroorsaak as gevolg van die kansellasie van sportbyeenkomste, die onvermoë om buite te oefen tydens die nasionale inperking en 'n daaropvolgende toename in tyd om op sy/haar studies te fokus. Die ondersteuningstrukture en -stelsels wat deur Maties Sport verskaf is, indien optimaal gebruik word sal die student-atleet se atletiese prestasie fasiliteer, en sy/haar persoonlike groei en ontwikkeling en sukses oor verskeie lewensdomeine bevorder.
Thesis (M Sport Sc)--Stellenbosch University. 2023.