Not by might, nor by power : a history of the Igreja Reformada em Moçambique, 1908-2004

Gouws, Willem Johannes,1963-
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction: The reasons explained for writing a history of the Igreja Reformada em Mocambique, the point of departure, defining the dates chosen as parameters, the method of presenting this history and about the title. Part One: Establishing the ORC Mission in Portuguese East Africa: 1908 -1922 OpeningtheMissioninthePEA: 1902-1909, Expansion: 1909-1915, Problems and closure of missions: 1915 - 1922, Evaluation Part Two: Seventy years of Exile: 1922 - 1992 A: Fifty years wlthout formal leadership in congregations: 1922 -1971 Efforts to re-open: 1922 - 1933, Dark ages - trans-border ministry: 1933 - 1962, Changing Climate and Leadership of the Elders: 1962 - 1972, The beginnings of the fRM in GazaJMaputo: 1971 B: Twenty years of painful progress: 1972 - 1992 Short time of grace: 1972 - 1975, Political change and Tribulation: 1975 - 1982, 2.1 Encouraging events: 1977 -1982: Mphatso Synod, Moderator visits, Maputo Visits, Overview of Ecclesiastical Development New fields: 1983 - 1991: Zambesia: 1983 -, Exterior Support and First Missionary, 1986, Adjusting to the climate: 1986 - 1990, First Teams, New congregations: Beira, Tete, Ulongue Medical Co-operation IAcris New Dawn: More Missionaries, Bibles Part Three: Rapid expansion, consolidation and healing: 1992- Expansion and New Frontiers: 1992 -1996 Synod of 1992, Tete congregation, teams, Peace - starting with reconstruction, Maize Seed 1993 -1995: Expanding Orderly (chronological development) Ecclesiastical Development: Tete (Ulongue Church) & Zambesia Province. Work in the South, Synodical Meetings and Ecumenism, Dreams coming true: Hefsiba, Other Ministries, Support. New Frontiers: 1995 -1996 Yao Outreach, Makua Outreach, Youth Team, Two Synods (reasons and formation of Joint Com). Epilogue: Conclusion on main objectives, the IRM as Reformed Church and the uniqueness of its history.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding: Redes vir die skrywe van 'n geskiedenis vir die Igreja Reformada em Mocarnbique, die vertrekpunt vir so 'n skrywe, verduideliking vir keuse van datums wat dien as tydperk grense, die metode van aanbieding en oor die titel. Deel Een: Vestiging van die NGK Sending in Portugees Oos Afrika: 1908 -1922 Opening van die Sending in die POA: 1902 -1909, Uitbreiding: 1909 - 1915, Probleme en sluiting van Sending stasies: 1915 - 1922, Evaluering Deel Twee: Seventig Jaar in 8allingskap: ]922 - 1992 A: Vyftig Jaar sonder Formele Leierskap in Gemeentes: 1922 -1971 Pogings om te heropen: 1922 - 1933, Donker Eeue - trans-grens bedieninge: 1933 - 1962, Veranderinge en Leierskap van die Ouderlinge: 1962 - 1972, Die begin van die IRM in GazaJMaputo: 1971 B: Twintig Jaar vall MoeiLike Vooruitgang: 1972 - 1992 Kort tyd van genade: 1972 - 1975, Politieke Verandering en Vervolging: 1975 - 1982, Bemoedigende Gebeure, 1977 -1982: Mphatso Sinode, Besoeke deur Moderator, Maputo Besoeke, Oorsig van Ekklesiologiese Ontwikkeling Nuwe Velde tussen 1983 - 1991: Zambesia: 1983 -; Buitelandse Hulp en die Eerste Sendeling na 1975; Aanpassing by die Landsomstandighede: 1986 - 19901; Eerste Spanne; Nuwe Gemeentes: Beira, Tete, Vila Ulongue Mediese Samewerking IAcris Nuwe Tydperk: Meer Sendelinge , Bybels Deel Drie: Vinnige Vooruitgang, Konsolidasie en Heling, 1992- Voorultgang en Nuwe Grense: 1992 -1996 Sinode van 1992, Tete gemeente, Spanne, Vrede - Begin van herkonstruksie, Mielie Saad. 1993 -1995 - Ekklesiologiese Ontwikkeling: Tete (Ulongue Kerk en Binneland); Zambesia Provinsie, Werk in die Suide, Sinodale Byeenkomkste en Ekumene, Drome Bewaarheid: Hefsiba, Ander Bedieninge, Ondersteuning Nuwe Grense: 1995 -1996 Yao Uitreik, Makua Uitreik, Jeug span '95, Twee Sinodes (redes en vorming van die "Joint Com"). Epiloog: Konklusie n.a.v. hoof doelstellings, die IRM as Gereformeerd Kerk en die uniekheid van haar geskiedenis
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2005
Igreja Reformada em Moçambique -- History, Missions -- Mozambique, Mozambique -- Church history, Dissertations -- Theology, Theses -- Theology, Dissertations -- Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology, Theses -- Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology