The noun and the dictionary in Tshivenda

dc.contributor.advisorDu Plessis, J. A.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorTshikota, Shumani Leonarden_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of African Languages.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The lemmatisation of nouns in African and Non-African language dictionaries is investigated with a view to account for the development of a theoretical framework of how nouns could be lemmatised in a Tshivenda monolingual dictionary. Within the African language dictionaries two traditions exist for lemmatisation of nouns: the stem or root system and the word system. Dictionaries belonging to the Nguni languages enter nouns according to the letter of the root or stem and this has been followed because of the presence of a preprefix in these langauges. Languages like Venda, Tsonga and Sotho usually enter nouns in the dictionary under the first letter of the prefix if present. In African languages the morphological and syntactic category noun is exactly the same. With syntax and morphology the category noun is presented by the root or stem of the noun with prefixes added as inherent semantic and grammatical features of such nouns. So, the exact entry in a dictionary has to be considered form the view point of the syntactic and morphological category only. Taking these considerations into account a case can be made for the treatment of nouns in dictionaries. In a Tshivenda monolingual dictionary nouns are entered as head of the noun phrases (NPs); thus indicating the syntactic operation of the noun outside the context of a sentence. In other instances the syntactic operations are indicated within the context of a sentence and this information is indicated within a dictionary implicitly or covertly by means of illustrative examples. Nouns in these dictionaries may appear with two and or more than two arguments. Semantically, the noun Halwa in a Tshivenda monolingual dictionary may have two arguments: firstly it may mean "an intoxicating drink" and secondly it may refer to "a container for holding beer". Thus the noun in African language dictionaries, Tshivenda in particular, could be represented syntactically morphologically and semantically.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die lemmatisering van naamwoorde in Afrika- en nie-Afrikatale woordeboeke is ondersoek om 'n teoretiese raamwerk te ontwikkel vir die lemmatisering van naamwoorde in 'n Tshivenda eentalige woordeboek. Binne die Afrikatale woordeboek bestaan twee tradisies vir die lemmatisering van naamwoorde: die stamsisteem en die woordsisteem. Woordeboek vir die Ngunitale skryf naamwoorde in volgens die eerste letter van die stam: Dié stelsel is toegepas weens die teenwoordigheid van 'n voorprefiks in hierdie tale. Tale soos Venda, Tsonga en Sotho neem gewoonlik naamwoorde in die woordeboek op onder die eerste letter van die prefiks, as daar een is. In die Afrikatale is die morfologiese en sintaktiese kategorie naamwoord presies dieselfde. Die naamwoord word deur die stam of wortel verteenwoordig en van prefikse vergesel ter aanduiding van bepaalde semantiese en grammatikale kenmerke. Die presiese inskrywing in 'n woordeboek word bepaal deur die sintaksiese en morfologiese kategorie. Baie aandag moet dus gegee word aan die aard van die behandeling van naamwoorde in woordeboeke. In 'n Tshivenda eentalige woordeboek, word naamworde opgeneem as kern van die naamwoordstukke ter aanduiding van die sintaksiese optrede van die naamwoord buite die konteks van 'n sin. In ander gevalle word die sintaksiese optrede aangedui binne die konteks van 'n sin en hierdie inligting word in 'n woordeboek implisiet aangedui deur middel van voorbeeldmateriaal. Naamwoorde in hierdie woordeboek kan met twee en of meer as twee argumente voorkom. Semanties kan die naamwoord [ Halwa] in 'n Tshivenda eentalige woordeboek twee argumente hê : eerstens kan dit beteken" 'n dronkmakende bier" en tweedens 'n blik wat bier hou". Dus kan die naamwoorde in Afrikataalwoordeboeke, veral Tshivenda, sintakties, morfologies en semanties voorgestel word.af_ZA
dc.format.extent156 p.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectVenda language -- Lexicographyen_ZA
dc.subjectVenda language -- Nounen_ZA
dc.titleThe noun and the dictionary in Tshivendaen_ZA
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