Thinking about, with and through design : a cartography for transformation

dc.contributor.advisorCostandius, Elmarieen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorKarolien, Perold-Bullen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Visual Arts.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Transformation in South African higher education has recently been a topic of major debate. Student protests have given rise to increased awareness of the inherent complexities involved in actively working towards a transformed, just and productive citizenry through higher education. How to actively move forward while negotiating these complexities at ground level, however, remains a challenge, specifically at Stellenbosch University. This research aimed to productively respond to this challenge. It therefore was anchored in a philosophy of immanence and relational ontology. From this perspective, it is impossible to separate the ontological, epistemological and methodological aspects of research from one another. Research has to be approached onto-epistemologically. This implied that I took on the challenge of practising the change I wanted to address through my teaching and learning within the institution, rather than studying it from the outside. I actively tried to flatten the boundaries between the dominantly defined subject positions I occupied in this context, i.e. that of designer, researcher and teacher. The central aim of the research was accordingly to critically explore design education in the context of transformation at Stellenbosch University through practising design research/education geared at productive change within the institution. In doing this, a range of critical cartographies emerged. In thinking about design, design in the South African context was mapped genealogically. In thinking with design, the entangled fields of research and education were similarly explored. In thinking through design, a variety of processes of subjectification that transpired through the doing of a specific case of design/research/teaching in the context of the Visual Communication Design curriculum in the Visual Arts Department of Stellenbosch University was deliberated on through employing the methodological tool of plugging-in developed by Jackson and Mazzei. Key theoretical concepts that sprouted in thinking about and with design were used to develop analytical questions that encouraged processes of dis-identification, i.e. resistance to the easy extraction of meaning from data, throughout this process. These concepts included Deleuze’s notion of difference in itself, Braidotti’s concept of affirmative ethics, Rancière’s idea of emancipation, Barad’s notion of intra-action, and Foucault’s concept of parrhesia or critical truth-telling. Negotiating the research in thinking about, with and through design – an inherently creative and relational practice – allowed embodied experience of how effecting productive transformation in the context of Stellenbosch University necessitated active commitment to experimentation with representational praxis in ways that challenged its traditional semiotic function. Such experience contributed to subjects becoming more attuned to recognising moments of transformation within and as part of their situated present. Consequently, it could be argued that the more these moments become felt through everyday teaching and learning, the more ‘real’ transformation could become in the broader institutional context. Experimentation with onto-epistemological praxis in other situated teaching and learning contexts at Stellenbosch University is hence recommended and warrants further research.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Transformasie in Suid-Afrikaanse hoër onderwys is die afgelope paar jaar ’n onderwerp van groot debat. Studente-protesaksie het tot groter bewustheid van die kompleksiteite inherent aan hoër onderwys se strewe na ‘n getransformeerde, regverdige en konstruktiewe samelewing gelei. Dit bly egter ’n uitdaging om aktief vorentoe te beweeg terwyl hierdie kompleksiteite op grondvlak onderhandel word, spesifiek aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch. Hierdie navorsing het gepoog om die bogenoemde uitdaging op ’n produktiewe manier aan te pak. Dit is daarom geanker in ’n filosofie van immanensie en verhoudingsgebaseerde ontologie. Vanuit hierdie perspektief is dit onmoontlik om die ontologiese, epistemologiese en metodologiese aspekte van navorsing van mekaar te skei. Navorsing moet onto-epistemologies benader word. Dit het geïmpliseer dat ek die uitdaging aanvaar het om die verandering wat ek wou aanspreek deur middel van my onderrig en leer binne die instansie te doen, eerder as om dit van ’n afstand te ondersoek. Ek het daadwerklik probeer om die grense tussen die dominant-gedefinieerde subjekposisies wat ek in hierdie konteks ingeneem het, te verplat, d.i. dié van ontwerper, navorser en opvoeder. Die sentrale doel van die navorsing was dus om ontwerp-onderrig in die konteks van transformasie aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch krities te ondersoek deur ontwerp-navorsing/onderrig gerig op produktiewe verandering binne die instelling te beoefen. Hierdeur het ’n verskeidenheid kritiese kartografieë ontstaan. Deur te dink oor ontwerp is ontwerp in die konteks van Suid-Afrika genealogies gekarteer. Deur te dink met ontwerp is die verstrengelde gebiede van navorsing en opvoedkunde op ’n soortgelyke wyse ondersoek. Deur te dink deur ontwerp is ’n verskeidenheid prosesse van subjektivering wat deur die loop van ’n spesifieke geval van ontwerp/navorsing/onderrig in die Visuele Kommunikasieontwerp-kurrikulum van die Visuele Kunste Departement aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch vorendag gekom het, oorweeg deur gebruik te maak van die metodologiese hulpmiddel “plugging-in”, ontwikkel deur Jackson en Mazzei. Deur te dink oor en met ontwerp het kernkonsepte na vore gekom wat gebruik is om analitiese vrae te ontwikkel wat prosesse van dis-identifikasie, d.i. weerstand teen die maklike ekstraksie van betekenis uit data, deurlopend aangemoedig het. Hierdie konsepte het die volgende ingesluit: Deleuze se konsep van verskil insigself, Braidotti s’n rakende bevestigende etiek, Rancière s’n oor emansipasie, Barad se konsep van intra-aksie, en Foucault s’n rakende parrhesia of die kritiese vertel van waarheid. Deur hierdie navorsing aan te gepak het deur te dink oor, met en deur ontwerp – ’n inherent kreatiewe en verhoudingsgebaseerde praktyk – het vergestalte ervaring verleen in hoe produktiewe transformasie in die konteks van die Universiteit Stellenbosch noodsaak dat daar met toewyding geëksperimenteer word met verteenwoordigende (‘representational’) praksis op maniere wat die tradisionele semiotiese funksie daarvan uitdaag. Sodanige ervaring het daartoe bygedra dat individue skerper ingestel was om oomblikke van transformasie binne en as deel van hulle plaaslike teenwoordigheid te kon raaksien. Dit kan gevolglik geargumenteer word dat transformasie al hoe meer van ’n werklikheid sal word soos sulke oomblikke deur alledaagse onderrig- en leerervaringe meer tasbaar raak. Eksperimentering met onto-epistemologiese praksis in ander kontekste van onderrig en leer binne die Universiteit Stellenbosch word dus aanbeveel en regverdig verdere navorsing.af_ZA
dc.format.extent203 pages : illustrations, mapen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectTransformation -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectHigher education -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.titleThinking about, with and through design : a cartography for transformationen_ZA
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