An exploration of the utility of a self-report emotional intelligence measure

Bailie, Karina
Ekermans, Gina
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Swinburne University of Technology
The purpose of this research was to address the need for evidence regarding the practical utility of the Swinburne University Emotional Intelligence Test (SUEIT, Palmer & Stough, 2001). More specifically, the predictive, as well as incremental validity of Emotional Intelligence (EI) over personality in leadership competence was explored. The EI, personality and Assessment Centre (AC) leadership competency constructs were operationalised through the SUEIT, Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ32i) and leadership AC technology, respectively. EI data was collected with an online version of the SUEIT from a sample of 111 middle managers from a life assurance company in South Africa. The OPQ32i and AC data was extracted from archival records of the company. Correlational and multivariate data analysis procedures were employed. The results revealed significant relationships between various EI dimensions and the Customer Focus, Building Working Relationships, Gaining Commitment, Developing Others, Problem Solving and Stress Tolerance leadership competencies. Various dimensions of the SUEIT demonstrated incremental validity above personality in predicting variance in numerous leadership competencies (e.g. Building Working Relationships, Developing Others etc.). The results are discussed and recommendations for further research are made.
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Emotional intelligence, Personality, Leadership, Swinburne University Emotional Intelligence Test (SUEIT), Occupational Personality Questionaire (OPQ32i)
Bailie, K. & Ekermans, G. 2006. An exploration of the utility of a self-report emotional intelligence measure. E-Journal of Applied Psychology, 2(2):3-11.