A comprehensive simulation based methodology for optimal design of a PMSM drive

dc.contributor.advisorStrauss, Johann M.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorStatt, Cundellen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: One of the biggest problems with regards to electric vehicles is range and charge times.Therefore, the efficiency of the electric drive train is of utmost importance. This has resultedin the common use of three-phase brushless permanent magnet synchronous machines. Dueto the DC nature of batteries, a three-phase motor drive is needed, which is the focal pointin this thesis. Although efficiency is one of the key design focuses, a compromise has to be made betweenthis, cost and weight. A compromise is never an easy task to perform however, the moreinformation available, the more accurate of a choice can be made. Thus, a method usingsimulation was developed aiding in the process of setting the minimum MOSFET specifica-tions. From this, the losses of each MOSFET in the selection can be determined through asecond Simulink simulation. Typically the choice of switching component would now be made with the thermal effectsbeing a secondary design process. However, placing the thermal aspect at the forefront ofthe design can result in a large savings in cost and weight, due to a reduction of coolingrequirements. For this reason, a method using computational thermodynamics was developedto allow multiple design revisions to be tested and optimised.To further aid in the choice of the optimal MOSFET, each MOSFET in the selection issimulated in the thermal model using the previously determined losses. The maximumtemperature for each MOSFET is determined, clearly indicating which MOSFETs are thethermally optimal choice.The design and construction of a5kWpermanent magnet synchronous machine drive iscompleted. From this, the accuracy of the simulations can be tested and confirmed. The driveis focused on lightweight vehicle applications such as the vehicle produced by the companyMellowcabs. Thus, simulations were run focusing on the optimisation and improvement oftheir cooling method to reduce cost and weight. By doing this the benefits of placing thethermal aspect at the forefront of the design can clearly be seen.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Een van die grootste probleme met elektriese voertuie is reikafstand en laaitye en daarom isdie doeltreffendheid van die elektriese masjienaandrywing van die grootse belang. Dit het al-gemeen gelei tot die gebruik van driefase, borsellose, permanente magneet sinkroonmasjiene.Met batterye wat direkte stroom lewer word driefasemasjienaandrywing benodig. Dit is diefokus van hierdie tesis. Alhoewel benuttingsgraad een van die belangrikste fokuspunte vanontwerp is, moet daar ’n kompromie aangegaan word tussen benuttingsgraad, koste en gewig.’n Kompromie is egter nie ’n maklike taak om uit te voer nie, maar met meer inligting kan’n meer akkurate keuse gemaak word. Dus is ’n metode ontwikkel wat gebruik maak vansimulasie om die minimum MOSFET spesifikasies vas te stel. Vervolgens kan die verliesevan elke MOSFET in die keuse bepaal word deur ’n tweede simulasie. Gewoonlik word diekeuse van skakelkomponente nou gemaak met die termiese aspekte as sekondere ontwerps-proses. Deur die termiese aspekte aan die voorpunt van die ontwerpsproses te plaas, kan ditlei tot groot vermindering in koste en gewig deur die vermindering in verkoelingsvereistes.Vir hierdie rede is ’n metode ontwikkel wat gebruik maak van numeriese termodinamikawat verskeie ontwerpswysigings toelaat om getoets en geoptimeer te word. Om verder tehelp met die keuse van die optimale MOSFET, is elke MOSFET in die keuselys gesimuleerin die termiese model deur gebruik te maak van die verliese wat voorheen bepaal is. Diemaksimum temperatuur vir elke MOSFET is bepaal wat duidelik aandui watter MOSFET isdie termies optimale keuse. Die ontwerp en konstruksie van die 5 kW permanente magneetsinkroonmasjienaandrywer is voltooi. Vervolgens kan die akkuraatheid van die simulasiesgetoets en bevestig word. Die aandrywing is gefokus op ligte motorvoertuig toepassingssoos die voertuig wat vervaardig word deur die maatskappy Mellowcabs. Dus was simulasiesgefokus op die optimering en verbetering van die verkoelingsmetodes om koste en gewig teverminder. Deur hierdie te doen is die voordele van die plasing van die termiese aspekte aandie voorpunt van die ontwerp duidelik.af_ZA
dc.format.extent122 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectPermanent magnet synchronous machineen_ZA
dc.subjectElectric vehiclesen_ZA
dc.subjectMetal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistorsen_ZA
dc.titleA comprehensive simulation based methodology for optimal design of a PMSM driveen_ZA
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