A community model for water-energy-food security nexus development: cultivating sustainable livelihoods and an adaptive comanagement approach in rural Mozambique

dc.contributor.advisorGoldsmith, Candiceen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorLager, Zacharyen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : Mozambique is one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world. In its 2019 Human Development Index, the United Nations Development Programme ranked Mozambique 180 out of 189 qualifying countries. This lack of development is experienced at a household and community level through a diversity of deprivations, including lack of access to water, energy and food. These deprivations are experienced more acutely in rural areas such as the district of Nhamatanda, Sofala Province, Mozambique where only 50% of people have access to clean water, close to 40% of children suffer from stunting and malnutrition and only five percent have access to electricity (INE 2017). To address these critical needs, innovative, flexible and results based projects are needed that are locally relevant, ecologically sustainable and economically viable. In order to secure minimum access to these vital resources, and also contribute to more flourishing futures for rural communities, these projects need to build local livelihoods and enhance longer term ecological governance. This thesis and research endeavour explores one promising hybrid model by integrating insights from water-energy-food nexus theory, the sustainable livelihoods approach and adaptive comanagement. Integrating these insights and utilising a community based participatory action research process, the aim of the research was to collaboratively collect socio-ecological data with the community of Nguineia, Nhamatanda District and subsequently use that data to design a meaningful Logical Framework Matrix project proposal. The research design deployed a mixed methods approach that sought to quantify the socio-ecological flows of a local community demonstration farm, analyse local market dynamics and foster more qualitative data collection and feedback through focus groups and informal interviews. During the research process Cyclone Idai ravaged the research site and provoked a devastating humanitarian crisis. To respond to this crisis and building off the Logical Framework Matrix as a flexible prototype for project planning, the research adapted its methodology to address the immediate needs stemming from the cyclone, while also collecting critical data and feedback needed to develop a project proposal. The results of the research is a five year project proposal aimed at enhancing access to water, energy and food by cultivating and supporting local livelihoods. The proposed project’s initial activities are focused on building the capacity of the local community through practical agroecology training programmes and equipping two local manual borehole drilling teams. Building on the knowledge and skills gained from these initial capacity building activities, the project then shifts to fostering the capability of the community to extend and apply these skills in meaningful and locally adapted ways. Specifically, this will be accomplished through an agroecology farmer extension programme, a community borehole drilling campaign, an agroforestry community outreach initiative, horizontal integration of local farmers and local leadership development. Ultimately, the goal of the project is to build a bridge between theory and practice of community based natural resource management by fostering a locally relevant form of adaptive comanagement that enhances access to water, energy and food while also contributing to generative livelihood outcomes.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Mosambiek is een van die armste en mins ontwikkelde lande ter wêreld. Die Verenigde Nasies se Ontwikkelingsprogram het dié land in 2019 in die 180ste plek uit 189 kwalifiserende lande op die indeks van menslike ontwikkeling geplaas. Hierdie gebrek aan ontwikkeling lei tot verskeie ontberings op sowel huishoudelike as gemeenskapsvlak, waaronder ’n tekort aan water, energie en voedsel. Landelike omgewings soos die distrik Nhamatanda in die Mosambiekse provinsie Sofala word swaarder deur hierdie ontberings getref. Hier het slegs 50% van mense toegang tot skoon water, ly nagenoeg 40% van kinders aan belemmerde groei en wanvoeding, en het slegs 5% toegang tot elektrisiteit (INE 2017). Om in hierdie dringende behoeftes te voorsien, word innoverende, buigsame en resultaatgebaseerde projekte vereis wat plaaslik relevant, ekologies volhoubaar en ekonomies lewensvatbaar is. Om minimum toegang tot hierdie noodsaaklike hulpbronne te verseker, en ook tot ’n voorspoediger toekoms vir landelike gemeenskappe by te dra, moet hierdie projekte plaaslike bestaansmiddele bou en ekologiese bestuur op die lange duur versterk. Hierdie tesis en navorsingspoging verken een belowende hibridiese model deur insigte uit die teorie oor die water-energie-voedsel-neksus, die volhoubarebestaansbenadering en aanpasbare medebestuur te integreer. Die navorsing maak van ’n gemeenskapsgebaseerde deelnemende aksienavorsingsproses gebruik om in samewerking met die gemeenskap van Nguineia in die distrik Nhamatanda sosio-ekologiese data in te samel. Dié data word dan gebruik om ’n sinvolle voorgestelde projek binne die logiese raamwerkmatriks te ontwerp. Wat navorsingsontwerp betref, word gemengde metodes gebruik om die sosio-ekologiese vloei van ’n plaaslike gemeenskapsdemonstrasieplaas te kwantifiseer, plaaslike markdinamiek te ontleed, en deur middel van fokusgroepe en informele onderhoude meer kwalitatiewe data-insameling en terugvoer te bewerkstellig. Sikloon Idai het in die loop van die studie verwoesting op die navorsingsterrein gesaai en ’n enorme humanitêre krisis tot gevolg gehad. Om op hierdie krisis te reageer én op die logiese raamwerkmatriks as ’n buigsame prototipe vir projekbeplanning voort te bou, is die navorsingsmetodologie flink aangepas om in die onmiddellike behoeftes ná die sikloon te voorsien, en terselfdertyd noodsaaklike data en terugvoer vir die projekvoorstel in te samel. Die resultaat van die navorsing is ’n projekvoorstel vir vyf jaar wat beoog om toegang tot water, energie en voedsel te verbeter deur plaaslike bestaansmiddele te skep en te ondersteun. Die aanvanklike aktiwiteite van die voorgestelde projek konsentreer daarop om die plaaslike gemeenskap se vermoë deur praktiese agro-ekologie-opleiding te bou en twee plaaslike spanne toe te rus om boorgate met die hand te grawe. Op grond van die kennis en vaardighede wat uit hierdie aanvanklike vermoëbouaktiwiteite bekom word, verskuif die klem dan daarna om die gemeenskap in staat te stel om hulle nuwe vaardighede op sinvolle en plaaslik relevante maniere oor te dra en toe te pas. Dít sal spesifiek bereik word deur ’n agro-ekologie-landbouvoorligtingsprogram, ’n veldtog oor gemeenskapsboorgate, ’n gemeenskapsuitreik inisiatief in die agrobosboubedryf, horisontale integrasie van plaaslike boere, en plaaslike leierskapsontwikkeling. Die einddoel van die projek is om ’n brug tussen die teorie en praktyk van gemeenskapsgebaseerde natuurlikehulpbronbestuur te bou deur ’n plaaslik relevante vorm van aanpasbare medebestuur te skep wat toegang tot water, energie en voedsel verbeter, terwyl dit ook tot produktiewe bestaansuitkomste bydra.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxi, 164 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectSustainable living -- Mozambiqueen_ZA
dc.subjectCommunity development -- Mozambiqueen_ZA
dc.subjectEnergy security -- Mozambiqueen_ZA
dc.subjectFood security -- Mozambiqueen_ZA
dc.subjectWater security -- Mozambiqueen_ZA
dc.titleA community model for water-energy-food security nexus development: cultivating sustainable livelihoods and an adaptive comanagement approach in rural Mozambiqueen_ZA
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