The crucifixion and death of Jesus in Mark 15:21-41, from the perspective of its redaction history in the New Testament gospels

dc.contributor.advisorNel, Marius Johannesen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorHombana, Mphumezien_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Old and New Testament.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation investigates how the passion narrative tradition (crucifixion and death) of Jesus is redacted in the four New Testament gospels. In other words, how Matthew, Luke, and John interpreted the Markan passion narrative for their unique contexts. To answer this research question adequately, the issue of the four gospels’ relationships has been researched extensively. This study accepts Markan priority as the credible position in the synoptic puzzle. It also assumes that the Fourth Gospel has some form of a relationship with Mark, unlike Matthew and Luke. In this regard the question is seen to be not if John used the Synoptic Gospels as a literary source but if he responded to them or the tradition that had arisen from them. Hence, this study first attempted to investigate how the passion narrative developed from tradition into the Markan narrative account. The goal of this exercise was to provide the background for the entire study. Since Mark was the first canonical gospel that was written, this study shows how Matthew, Luke, and John redacted Mark 15:21-41. The research methodology employed in this study is redaction criticism. It is guided by the notion that a redaction-critical examination of Matthew, Luke, and John (the first existing sources to interpret Mark) can provide key details about how Jesus’ disciples read Mark 15:21-41 in the first century. As a result, this in-depth examination of these events (i.e., Jesus’ crucifixion and death) may yield a plausible understanding of Mark 15:21-41. This project contributes to the ongoing debate about the relationship between John and the Synoptic Gospels that is central to the fourth quest for the historical Jesus. Even though the study largely reaffirms the findings of various studies that have worked on segments of the text analysed, the approached is novel in that it combines the analysis of three canonical Gospels as redactors of Mark 15:21-41. It is hoped that this study, which has been undertaken on African soil by an African scholar will encourage other African scholars to work on the Greek text itself.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif ondersoek hoe die tradisie van die passie-narratiewe (kruisiging en dood) van Jesus in die vier Nuwe-Testamentiese evangelies geredakteer is? Met ander woorde, hoe het Matteus, Lukas en Johannes die passie-narratief in Markus vir hul unieke kontekste geïnterpreteer. Om hierdie navorsingsvraag voldoende te beantwoord, is die kwessie van die vier evangelies se verhoudings breedvoerig nagevors. Eerstens, aanvaar hierdie studie Markus-prioriteit as die geloofwaardige standpunt in die sinoptiese vraagstuk. Dit volg ook die aanname dat die Vierde Evangelie in verhouding tot Markus staan, anders as Mattheus en Lukas. In hierdie verband is die vraag dus nie soseer of Johannes die Sinoptiese Evangelies as literêre bron gebruik het nie, maar of hy gereageer het op die bronne of die tradisie waaruit die Sinoptiese Evangelies ontstaan het. Daarom het hierdie studie eers gepoog om te ondersoek hoe die tradisie van die passie-narratief, tot die Markus-narratiewe ontwikkel het. Die doel van hierdie oefening was om agtergrond vir die hele studie te verskaf. Aangesien Markus eerste van die kanonieke evangelies geskryf is, toon hierdie studie hoe Matteus, Lukas en Johannes Markus 15:21-41 geredakteer het. Die navorsingsmetodologie wat in hierdie studie aangewend is, is redaksie-kritiek. Die studie is gelei deur die opvatting dat ‘n redaksie-kritiese ondersoek van Matteus, Lukas en Johannes (die eerste bestaande bronne wat Markus geïnterpreteer het) belangrike inligting kan lewer oor hoe Jesus se dissipels Markus 15:2-41 in die eerste eeu gelees het. Gevolglik kan hierdie in-diepte ondersoek van hierdie gebeure (d.w.s. Jesus se kruisiging en dood) ʼn geloofwaardige begrip van Markus 15:21-41 oplewer. Hierdie projek dra by tot die voortdurende debat oor die verhouding tussen Johannes en die Sinoptiese Evangelies wat sentraal staan in die vierde soeke na die historiese Jesus. Hoewel die ondersoek grootliks die bevindinge bevestig van verskeie studies wat gewerk het met gedeeltes van die teks wat ontleed is, is die benadering nuut aangesien dit die ontledings van drie kanonieke evangelies as redaktors van Markus 15:21-41 kombineer. Hopelik sal hierdie studie, wat op Afrika-grond deur ‘n Afrika-navorser onderneem is, ander Afrika-navorsers aanmoedig om op die Griekse teks te werk.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxii, 219 pages
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectBible. Mark XV, 21-41 -- Criticism, interpretation, etc.en_ZA
dc.subjectBible. Mark XV, 21-41 -- Relation to Luke -- Historyen_ZA
dc.subjectMatthean passion narrativeen_ZA
dc.subjectLukan passion narrativeen_ZA
dc.subjectPassion narratives (Gospels) -- Criticism, interpretation, etc.en_ZA
dc.subjectJesus Christ -- Crucifixionen_ZA
dc.titleThe crucifixion and death of Jesus in Mark 15:21-41, from the perspective of its redaction history in the New Testament gospelsen_ZA
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