Multidimensional analytical techniques for the characterization of aliphatic polyesters

dc.contributor.advisorPasch, Haralden_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorMcLeary, J. B.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorPretorius, Nadine Odetteen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Science. Dept. of Chemistry and Polymer Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Complex polymers are defined by their distributive properties with respect to molecular weight, chemical composition, functionality and molecular topology. As a result, polymer properties are very frequently determined not only by one of these entities but by the correlation of two or more distributions. Aliphatic polyesters are industrially implemented in high performance coatings, paints and varnishes. However, it is typically difficult to correlate the resulting properties with the synthesis parameters as these polymers vary in reactivity and application properties. Copolyester synthesis by direct polyesterification is often assumed to produce randomized products due to the mechanisms involved in stepwise polymerization. The formation of cyclic products by intramolecular reactions of hydroxyl (OH) and carboxylic (COOH) functional groups, sidereactions such as transesterification, alcoholysis, and ester-ester interchange allow even further randomization, enabling a highly complex system. Therefore, in addition to molecular weight distribution, polyesters exhibit chemical composition, functionality type as well as branching distributions, classifying them as complex polymeric systems. The different methods of polymer chromatography in combination with sophisticated spectrometry techniques are useful tools for enabling the full description of the molecular heterogeneity of these complex polyesters. The present study entails method development of different modes of chromatography and mass spectrometry along with their combination, to facilitate the analysis of the various distributions of two model polyester systems, phthalic and maleic anhydride, respectively, in combination with propylene glycol. Gradient HPLC analysis enabled an oligomeric separation based on chemical composition of the respective anhydride/propylene glycol samples. Its off-line coupling to MALDITOF MS and ESI-QTOF MS revealed the presence of several distributions of varying endgroup functionality type and molecular weight distributions at different intervals throughout the polymerization. In addition, online gradient HPLC x size exclusion chromatography (2D-LC) was conducted to obtain the dual chemical composition-molecular weight (CCD-MWD) distribution. The combination of the different coupling techniques provided the opportunity to a more in-depth analysis of the structure-property relationships.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Komplekse polimere word gedefinieer deur hul verdelings eienskappe ten opsigte van molekulêre massa, chemiese samestelling, funksionaliteit en molekulêre topologie. Gevolglik, word hul eienskappe dikwels bepaal deur nie net een van hierdie entiteite nie, maar ‘n korrelasie van twee of meer verdelings. Alifatiese poliësters word industrieel geϊmplimenteer in hoë werkverrigting bestrykings, verwe en politoere, dog is dit tipies moeilik om die uiteinde eienskappe met die verwante sintese parameters te korrelleer, aangesien die polimere varieer in reaktiviteit en toepassingseienskappe. Ko-poliëster sintese vanaf direkte poliësterivering word dikwels aanvaar om willekeurige produkte op te lewer as gevolg van die meganismes wat betrokke is tydens trapgroei polimerisasie. Die produsering van sikliese produkte weens intra-molekulêre reaksies van hidroksiel(OH) en karboksiel (COOH) verwante funksionele groepe, newereaksies soos transverestering, alkoholise en ester-ester verwisseling, het verdere ewekansigmaking tot gevolg wat ‘n hoog gekomplekseerde sisteem tot gevolg het. Benewens die molekulere massa verdeling, vertoon poliësters dus chemiese samestelling, funksionaliteit tipe so wel as vertakkings verdeling wat hul as komplekse polimeer sisteme klassifiseer. Die verskillende metodes van polimeer chromatografie in kombinasie met gesofistikeerde spektrometriese tegnieke dien as nuttige bronne vir die volledige beskrywing wat betref die molekulêre heterogeniteit van komplekse poliesters. Die huidige studie stel metode ontwikkeling van verskillende modus van chromatografie, massa spektrometrie sowel as hul aaneenvoeging bekend, om die die verskillende verdelings van twee model poliester sisteme, ftaal- en maleϊensuuranhidried onderskeidelik in kombinasie met propileenglikol, suksesvol te analiseer. Gradiënt hoë-druk vloeistof chromatografie (HPLC) analise het ‘n oligomeriese skeiding, gebaseer op die chemiese samestelling van die verskeie anhidried /propileenglikol monsters, opgelewer. Die nie-gekoppelde skakeling met matriks-assisteerdelaser/ desorpsie-ionisasie tyd-van-vlug (MALDI-TOF) en elektron-sproei-ionisasie kwadrupool-tyd-van-vlug (ESI-QTOF) massa spektrometrie het die teenwoordigheid van verskeie verdelings van varieërende endgroep funksionaliteit tipe en molekulêre verdelings by verskillende intervalle tydens die polimerisasie aan die lig gebring. Gekoppelde skakeling van gradient HPLC en grootte uitsluitings chromatografie is ook uitgevoer om die tweedelige chemiese samestelling-molekulere massa verdeling te bepaal. Aaneenvoeging van die verskeie skakelings tegnieke het die geleentheid gebied om ‘n deeglike studie van die struktuureienskappe verhoudinge suksesvol uit te voer.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxv, 112 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectHigh performance liquid chromatographyen_ZA
dc.subjectAliphatic compoundsen_ZA
dc.subjectPolymers -- Analysisen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Polymer scienceen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Polymer scienceen_ZA
dc.titleMultidimensional analytical techniques for the characterization of aliphatic polyestersen_ZA
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