Exploring nurse educators lived experiences with technology-mediated education within private nursing colleges in Gauteng

dc.contributor.advisorVan der Heever, Mariana M.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorSunnasy, Aletheaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Nursing & Midwifery.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MNur)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : Background: The use of technology in education has become more evident globally and nationally. Nursing institutions recognize the importance of technology in nursing education and have incorporated the use of technology in teaching and learning practice. However, nursing comprises different generations of nurses. The millennials (born in 1981-1996, 23-37 years old) and generation X (born in 1965-1980, 38-53 years old) appear to grasp the integration of technology in teaching strategies better than the older generations such as the baby boomers (born in 1946-1964, 54-72 years old). Furthermore, nurse educators require in-service training and support to efficiently engage with technology-mediated education. On the other hand, nurse educators should also take the initiative and ensure that they are competent in technology-mediated education and thus subject themselves to continuous professional development. Aim: This study aimed to explore nurse educators’ lived experiences with technology-mediated education in private nursing education institutions in Gauteng. Objectives: - To explore the types of technology that nurse educators use. - To describe the nurse educator’s initial exposure to technology-mediated teachingmethods and the accompanied in-service training. - To gain an understanding of the lived experiences of nurse educators in relation tothe technology-mediated teaching methods that were available to them. Method: A qualitative approach with a descriptive phenomenological study design was applied. The study was conducted in two private nursing education institutions in Gauteng at three different campuses. The target population included nurse educators at private nursing institutions. A total of 11 nurse educators were selected through purposive sampling. The principle of maximum variation was considered by conducting interviews with nurse educators from different generations with a degree or a diploma in nursing education, with various levels of technology experience ( junior nurse educators, senior nurse educators and managerial figures ). A pilot interview was conducted, using a semi-structured interview guide to test the guide, the feasibility of the study, and the methodology. Data analysis was conducted according to the method described by Colaizzi. Ethical clearance was obtained from the Health Research Ethics Committee at Stellenbosch University. Thereafter, institutional permission was obtained from the nursing education institutions. Trustworthiness was strengthened using principles such as credibility, dependability, confirmability and transferability. Results: The themes that emerged from this study are: wide range of technology is used, decisions to use technology, accessibility, educator related aspects and support. Subthemes included decisions to use technology, ease of use, maintaining student interest, addressing students’ diverse needs, student engagement and the teaching and learning content. Nurse educators related that they are restricted to use certain websites and had limited access to the computer laboratory. Time constraints to use and master new technology were also identified. Nurse educators also referred to their competency levels and some focused on multi-generational technology transformation as part of their experiences. IT support and in-service training are vital for the delivery of technology-mediated education and yet was identified as insufficient by nurse educators.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Agtergrond: Die gebruik van tegnologie vir opleiding het wêreldwyd en nasionaal toenemend voor die hand liggend geword. Verpleeginrigtings gee erkenning aan die belangrikheid van tegnologie in verpleegopleiding en het die gebruik van tegnologie in onderrig- en leerpraktyk geïnkorporeer. Nietemin, verpleging bestaan uit verskeie generasies van verpleegsters. Dit blyk dat millenniale (gebore in 1981–1996, 23-37 jaar oud) en generasie-X (gebore in 1965-1980, 38-53 jaar oud), die integrasie van tegnologie in onderwysstrategieë beter begryp as die ouer generasie, soos na-oorlogse kinders (gebore in 1946-1964, 54-72 jaar oud). Voorts, verpleegopvoeders het indiensopleiding en ondersteuning om effektief met tegnologie-gemedieerde opleiding om te gaan, nodig. Daarteenoor, behoort verpleegopvoeders die inisiatief te neem om te verseker dat hulle bekwaam is vir tegnologie-gemedieerde opleiding en behoort hulle te onderwerp aan voortdurende professionele ontwikkeling. Doel: om verpleegopvoeders se ervaringe wat hulle met tegnologie-gemedieerde opleiding in private verpleegopleidingsinrigtings in Gauteng beleef, te ondersoek. Doelwitte: - Om die tipes tegnologie wat verpleegopvoeders gebruik, te ondersoek - Om die verpleegopvoeder se aanvanklike blootstelling aan onderrigmetodes en gepaardgaande indiensopleiding te beskryf - Om insig te kry in die ervaringe wat verpleegopvoeders beleef in verband met tegnologie-gemedieerde onderrigmetodes wat tot hulle beskikking is. Metode: ‘n Kwalitatiewe benadering met ‘n beskrywende, fenomenologiese studie-ontwerp is toegepas. Die studie is by twee private verpleegopleidinginrigtings in Gauteng op drie verskillende kampusse uitgevoer. Die teikenbevolking het verpleegopvoeders by private verpleeginrigtings ingesluit. ‘n Totaal van 11 verpleegopvoeders is deur middel van doelbewuste steekproewe geselekteer. Die beginsel van maksimum variasie is oorweeg deur onderhoude te voer met verpleegopvoeders uit verskeie generasies met ‘n graad of diploma in verpleegkunde, met verskeie vlakke van tegnologiese ervaring (junior verpleegopvoeders, senior verpleegopvoeders en diegene in bestuursposisies). ‘n Loodsprojek is uitgevoer deur gebruik te maak van ‘n semi-gestruktureerde onderhoudriglyn om die riglyn te toets, asook die uitvoerbaarheid en die metodologie van die studie. Die analise van data is volgens Colaizzi se beskrywing daarvan gedoen. Etiese goedkeuring is verkry van die Gesondheidnavorsingsetiekkomitee aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Daarna is institusionele goedkeuring verkry van die verpleegkunde inrigtings. Betroubaarheid is versterk deur die beginsels van kredietwaardigheid, geloofbaarheid, bevestigbaarheid en oordraagbaarheid. Resultate: Die temas wat uit hierdie studie voortgespruit het, is: ‘n Wye reeks tegnologie is gebruik, besluite wat geneem is om tegnologie te gebruik, toeganklikheid, opvoederverbande aspekte en ondersteuning. Subtemas sluit in: besluite om tegnologie te gebruik, verbruikersgerief, behoud en aanspreek van diverse studentebelangstelling, studentebetrokkenheid en die onderrig-en leerinhoud. Verpleegopvoeders het meegedeel dat hulle beperk word om sekere webtuistes te gebruik en dat hulle beperkte toegang het tot die gebruik van die rekenaarlaboratorium. Tydbeperkinge om die nuwe tegnologie te gebruik en te bemeester, is ook geïdentifiseer. Verpleegopvoeders het ook verwys na hul bekwaamheidsvlakke en sommiges het gefokus op multi-generasie tegnologie transformasie as deel van hulle ervaringe. Rekenaartegnologie ondersteuning en indiensopleiding is belangrik vir die lewering van tegnologie-gemedieerde onderrig en is deur verpleegopvoeders nogtans geïdentifiseer as onvoldoende.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiii, 79 pages, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectNursing -- Study and teaching -- Gauteng (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectMedical teaching personnel -- Attitudes -- Gauteng (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectPrivate universities and colleges -- Gauteng (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectTeaching hospitals -- Gauteng (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectComputer-assisted instruction -- Gauteng (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.titleExploring nurse educators lived experiences with technology-mediated education within private nursing colleges in Gautengen_ZA
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