The abundance and diversity of Acidobacteria in fynbos soil: a closer look at culturability and function

dc.contributor.advisorJacobs, Karinen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorConradie, Tersia Andreaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Science. Dept. of Microbiology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: The Acidobacteria are considered to be one of the most widespread and highly abundant soil bacterial phyla. This phylum was first described in 1997 with only three cultured representatives. Currently, the Acidobacteria is divided into 15 class-level subdivisions, of which only 5 subdivisions contain the 62 successfully cultured and fully described species in the Acidobacteria. The reason for their low representation in culture collections, is partly due to their unculturable, or difficult to culture nature. The application of 16S rRNA gene techniques has revealed that this phylum can represent almost 50% of the soil bacterial community, averaging around 10-20% of the global soil bacteria. Their proliferation in soils suggests that the Acidobacteria play an important role in biogeochemical processes. Microorganisms are an essential part of the terrestrial environment and are important in maintaining ecological functions. These functions are especially important in biomes where nutrient availability is low, and plants depend on their symbiotic relationships with the soil microbiome. One example of such an environment include the fynbos biome in the Cape Floristic Region (CFR) of South Africa. Despite the dominant presence of the Acidobacteria in several habitats, little is still known about their diversity and distribution in the fynbos biome. The aim of this study, therefore, was to explore the Acidobacterial communities in fynbos soils with the use of 16S rRNA gene sequencing, and how they respond to environmental change, as well as agricultural practices. Further, we aimed to isolate as many species as possible from the fynbos biome, and taxonomically characterise novel species. In Chapter 2, we explored the distribution patterns of the Acidobacteria in different fynbos soils from native conservation areas, and in Chapter 3 how the Acidobacteria responds to seasonal changes and the cultivation of Aspalathus linearis (rooibos) and Cyclopia spp. (honeybush), two indigenous plants used in commercial agriculture. A total of 27 soil samples were collected at three nature reserves, namely Jonkershoek, Hottentots Holland, and Kogelberg. In addition, data from two previous studies from our research group, with GenBank accession numbers DRA003953 for Cyclopia spp. (honeybush) and DRA004000 for Aspalathus linearis (rooibos), were included in our analysis. A total of 33 acidobacterial operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified in the nature reserve samples, and a total of 32 and 31 OTUs were identified for honeybush and rooibos, respectively. The majority of OTUs in all samples were classified as representatives of subdivisions 1, 2, and 3. Significant differences were observed in the distribution and composition of these OTUs between nature reserves, between seasons for both honeybush and rooibos, as well as between the agricultural practices in some cases. Several OTUs and subdivisions correlated significantly with soil pH, potassium, phosphorus, and in some instances carbon and calcium. In Chapter 4, we successfully isolated two novel species, both within subdivision 1. We proposed the classification of strain HDX4T as the type strain of Edaphobacter sabuleum nom. prov., and strain ADX1T as the type strain of Terriglobus capensi nom. prov. Based on the genome sequences, both strains had the genomic potential for several complete carbohydrate metabolic pathways, organic nitrogen metabolism, as well as several survival mechanisms that contributes to their survival in the soil environment. In short, this study has contributed greatly to our knowledge of the Acidobacteria and their distribution and diversity in the fynbos biome. The successful isolation of two novel species were added to the list of cultivated Acidobacteria from around the globe.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Die Acidobacteria word beskou as een van die algemeenste en volopste grondbakterieë. Hierdie filum is die eerste keer in 1997 beskryf met slegs drie gekweekde verteenwoordigers. Tans word die Acidobacteria verdeel in 15 onderafdelings op klasvlak, waarvan slegs 5 onderafdelings die 62 spesies van die Acidobacteria bevat wat suksesvol gekweek is. Die rede vir hul onderverteenwoordiging in kultuurversamelings is deels te wyte aan hul onkweekbare, of moeilik om te kweek aard. Die toepassing van 16S rRNS-tegnieke het uitgewys dat hierdie filum tot en met 50% van die totale bakteriese gemeenskap van die grond en gemiddeld ongeveer 10-20% van die wêreldwye grondbakterieë, verteenwoordig. Die teenwoordigheid van hierdie filum in meeste gronde dui daarop dat die Acidobacteria 'n belangrike rol speel in biogeochemiese prosesse, aangesien mikro-organismes 'n belangrike rol speel in die omgewing en belangrik is vir die handhawing van ekologiese funksies. Hierdie funksies is veral belangrik in biome waar die beskikbaarheid van voedingstowwe laag is, en plante van hul simbiotiese verwantskappe met die grondmikrobioom afhanklik is. Een voorbeeld van so 'n bioom is die fynbosbioom in die Kaapse Floristiese Streek (KFS) van Suid-Afrika. Ondanks die oorheersende voorkoms van die Acidobacteria in verskeie habitatte, is daar nog min bekend oor hul diversiteit en verspreiding in die fynbosbioom. Die doel van hierdie studie was dus, om die Acidobacteria-gemeenskappe in fynbosgronde te ondersoek met behulp van 16S rRNS- geenvolgordebepalings, en te bepaal hoe hulle reageer op omgewingsveranderinge, sowel as landboupraktyke. Verder het ons daarop gefokus om soveel moontlik spesies vanuit die fynbosbioom te isoleer en nuwe spesies taksonomies te karakteriseer. In Hoofstuk 2 het ons die verspreidingspatrone van die Acidobacteria in verskillende fynbosreserwegronde ondersoek en in Hoofstuk 3 hoe die Acidobacteria reageer met seisoenale veranderinge en kweking van Aspalathus linearis (rooibos) en Cyclopia spp. (heuningbos). Altesaam 27 grondmonsters is vanaf drie natuurreservate, naamlik Jonkershoek, Hottentots Holland en Kogelberg, versamel. Data uit twee vorige studies van ons navorsingsgroep, met GenBank-toetredingsnommers DRA003953 vir Cyclopia spp. (heuningbos) en DRA004000 vir Aspalathus linearis (rooibos), is ook in die studie gebruik. Altesaam 33 Acidobacteria operasionele taksonomiese eenhedes (OTE's) is in die natuurreservaatmonsters geïdentifiseer, en 'n totaal van 32 en 31 OTE's is onderskeidelik vir heuningbos en rooibos geïdentifiseer. Die meeste OTE’s is geklassifiseer as verteenwoordigers van onderafdelings 1, 2 en 3. Beduidende verskille is waargeneem in die verspreiding en samestelling van OTE's tussen natuurreservate, tussen seisoene vir beide heuningbos en rooibos, sowel as tussen die landboupraktyke in sommige gevalle. Verskeie OTE's en onderafdelings korreleer beduidend met grond pH, kalium, fosfor, en in sommige gevalle koolstof en kalsium. In hoofstuk 4 is twee nuwe spesies suksesvol geïsoleer, beide in onderafdeling 1. Ons het voorgestel dat die klassifikasie van stam HDX4T as die tipe stam van Edaphobacter sabuleum nom. prov., en stam ADX1T as die tipe stam van Terriglobus capensi nom. prov. Genomiese inligting van beide stamme dui op genomiese potensiaal vir verskeie volledige koolhidraatmetaboliese padweë, organiese stikstofmetabolisme, asook verskeie oorlewingsmeganismes wat bydra tot hul oorlewing in die grondomgewing. Kortliks, hierdie studie het bygedra tot ons kennis van die Acidobacteria en die verspreiding en diversiteit daarvan in die fynbosbioom, en die suksesvolle isolasie van twee nuwe spesies is gevoeg by die globale lys van gekweekte Acidobacteria.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxxi, 144 pages : illustrations (some color), mapsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectAcidobacteria -- Habitaten_ZA
dc.subjectFynbos -- Soilsen_ZA
dc.subjectFynbos biome -- South Africa -- Cape Floristic Region (CFR)en_ZA
dc.subjectSoils -- Environmental aspectsen_ZA
dc.subjectRooibos tea (Aspalathus linearis) -- Effect of climatic changes onen_ZA
dc.subjectHoneybush (Cyclopia spp.) -- Effect of environment onen_ZA
dc.titleThe abundance and diversity of Acidobacteria in fynbos soil: a closer look at culturability and functionen_ZA
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