Application of the moving block bootstrap method to resampled efficiency : the impact of the choice of block size
dc.contributor.advisor | Conradie, W. J. | en_ZA | | Retief, Jan | en_ZA |
dc.contributor.other | Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Statistics and Actuarial Science. | en_ZA | | 2021-12-06T10:34:02Z | | | 2021-12-22T14:31:17Z | | | 2021-12-06T10:34:02Z | | | 2021-12-22T14:31:17Z | | | 2021-12 | |
dc.description | Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2021. | en_ZA |
dc.description.abstract | ENGLISH SUMMARY : Modern Portfolio theory was first developed in the 1950’s and revolutionised the way in which financial information is used to construct portfolios. Unfortunately, the theory is limited by the sensitivity of the constructed portfolio’s weights to uncertainty in the constituent’s risk and return estimates. Various advancements to the classical theory have been proposed to address this problem. One of these methods is called Resampled Efficiency (RE), which addresses the sensitivity problem by sampling expected return and risk estimates for each security included in the portfolio. Multiple portfolios are then built based on the sampled returns to construct a single averaged portfolio. The result is more robust portfolio’s that have been proven to have better out of sample performance. There are two methods available for sampling the security expected returns and risk: (1) generating random security returns (via Monte Carlo methods) or (2) using bootstrapping techniques based on observed security returns. For the second method, the moving block bootstrap (MBB) method can be used to construct bootstrapped samples for a non-stationary series of security returns. The MBB method works by ordering the historical series of observed returns into a pre-defined number of blocks (block sizes). As such, the choice of block size can have a significant effect on the sample that is obtained and used for portfolio construction. The goal of this study was to fully investigate what impact the choice of block size can have on the out of sample performance of resampled efficiency portfolios. After a literature review that assessed modern portfolio theory, resampled efficiency and the moving block bootstrap method, RE portfolios were hypothetically built based on actual security return observations. The constituents from the FTSE/JSE Top 40 index was used to construct RE portfolios for different choices of block sizes for the period between 2016 and 2017. The results indicate that the block size used can have a significant impact on the out of sample performance of the constructed portfolios, however no single block size or range of block sizes could be found that consistently result in the best performing RE portfolios. For different periods, and different levels of risk, the ideal block size differs. | en_ZA |
dc.description.abstract | AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Moderne Portefeulje-teorie is oorspronklik tydens die 1950’s ontwikkel en het die wyse waarop finansiële inligting vir portefeulje-konstruksie gebruik word, dramaties vernuwe. Ongelukkig word die teorie beperk deur die sensitiwiteit van die gekonstrueerde portefeuljes se gewigte vir die onsekerheid in enige van die portefeulje-sekuriteite se beraamde opbrengste of risiko. Verskeie verbeterings aan die klassieke teorie is al voorgestel. Een van hierdie metodes word Steekproef Doeltreffendheid (SD) genoem. Dit spreek die sensitiwiteit-probleem aan deur verskeie steekproewe van elke sekuriteit se beraamde opbrengste en risiko te neem. ‘n Aantal portefeuljes gebaseer op die steekproewe word gevolglik gekonstrueer, om sodoende ‘n enkele gemiddelde portefeulje te vorm. Die resultaat is dat meer robuuste portefeuljes gevind is wat beter prestasie in steekproef-toetse gelewer het. Daar is twee metodes om die steekproewe van die sekuriteite se beraamde opbrengste en risiko’s te neem: (1) Genereer lukrake sekuriteit-opbrengste (via Monte Carlo-metodes) of (2) Deur skoenlus-tegnieke, wat gebaseer is op waargenome sekuriteits-opbrengste te gebruik. Vir die tweede metode kan die bewegende gemiddelde skoenlus (BGS)-metode gebruik word om skoenlus-steekproewe te konstrueer vir nie-stasionêre reekse van sekuriteit-opbrengste. Die BGS-metode orden die reeks van historiese opbrengste in ‘n aantal vooraf-gedefinieerde blokke. As sodanig, kan die keuse van blok-grootte (en dus die hoeveelheid blokke) ‘n reuse impak hê op die steekproef wat verkry is en gebruik is vir portefeulje-konstruksie. Die doel van hierdie studie is om die impak van blok-grootte op die buite steekproef-prestasie van steekproef-doeltreffendheidsportefeuljes volledig te bepaal. Na ‘n literatuuroorsig van moderne portefeulje-teorie, steekproef-doeltreffendheid en die bewegende gemiddelde skoenlus-metode, is SD-portefeuljes hipoteties gekonstrueer wat gebaseer is op op die waarnemings van werklike sekuriteit-opbrengste. Die aandele in die FTSE/JSE Top 40-indeks is gebruik om SD-portefeuljes met verskeie keuses van blok-groottes vir die tydperk tussen 2016 en 2017 te konstrueer. Die resultate toon aan dat die verkose blok-groottes ‘n betekenisvolle impak kan hê op die buite steekproef-prestasie van die opgeboude portefeuljes. Geen enkele blok-grootte of reeks van blok-groottes kon egter gevind word wat konsekwent lei to die bes-presterende SD-portefeuljes nie. Vir verskillende tydperke en verskillende vlakke van risiko, verskil die ideale blok-grootte. | af_ZA |
dc.description.version | Masters | |
dc.format.extent | 92 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en_ZA | en_ZA |
dc.publisher | Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University | |
dc.rights.holder | Stellenbosch University | |
dc.subject | Portfolio management -- Risk assessment -- Statistical methods | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Modern portfolio theory | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Bootstrap (Statistics) | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Resampling (Statistics) | en_ZA |
dc.subject | UCTD | |
dc.title | Application of the moving block bootstrap method to resampled efficiency : the impact of the choice of block size | en_ZA |
dc.type | Thesis | en_ZA |