The endothelium: an essential barrier between chronic stress and vascular pathology

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In recent years, chronic stress has emerged as an influential and understudied risk factor for the onset of cardiovascular disease. While much is known regarding the physiological systems that orchestrate the innate stress response, limited knowledge exists regarding the molecular derangements that underpin cardiovascular pathologies. Endothelial integrity is essential for maintaining a stable internal environment. Stress-mediated cardiovascular, metabolic and immunologic alterations negatively impact the vaso-reactive capabilities of the endothelium. Furthermore, chronically elevated circulating levels of glucocorticoids and catecholamines not only directly influence nitric oxide availability but further contribute towards a proinflammatory and prooxidative state. A dysfunctional endothelial layer in turn facilitates the development of stenotic and atherosclerotic vascular lesions. This review highlights the current burden of chronic stress globally and in South Africa. We subsequently discuss the activity and regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the sympathetic nervous system following exposure to acute and chronic stressors. Lastly, we focus on mechanistic avenues that contribute towards endothelial dysfunction and a compromised cardiovascular system.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Chroniese stres het onlangs as ’n belangrike risiko-faktor vir kardiovaskulêre siektes aan lig gekom. Alhoewel daar reeds heelwat kennis bestaan oor die fisiologiese stelsels wat die stresrespons reguleer, is daar beperkte kennis aangaande die molekulêre afwykings van kardiovaskulêre patologie. Endoteel integriteit is noodsaaklik vir die handhawing van 'n stabiele interne omgewing. Stres-gemedieërde kardiovaskulêre, metaboliese en immunologiese veranderinge het 'n negatiewe invloed op die vaso-reaktiewe vermoëns van die endoteel. Verder beïnvloed chronies verhoogde vlakke van glukokortikoïede en katkolamiene in die sirkulasie nie net die beskikbaarheid van stikstofoksied nie, maar dra dit ook tot 'n pro-inflammatoriese en pro-oksidatiewe toestand by. Op sy beurt fasiliteer ’n disfunksionele endoteel die ontwikkeling van stenotiese- en aterosklerotiese vaskulêre letsels. Hierdie resensie beklemtoon die invloed van chroniese stres op Suid-Afrika. Hieropeenvolgend, word die werking en regulering van die hipotalamus-pituïtêre-bynier-as en die simpatiese senuweestelsel na die blootstelling aan akute en chroniese stressors bespreek. Ten slotte word daar op die meganistiese weë wat tot die endoteel wanfunksie en kardiovaskulêre probleme bydra, gefokus.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Chronic stress, Endothelium -- Analysis, Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis -- Effect of stress on, Cardiovascular system -- Diseases, Sympathetic nervous system, UCTD