The effect of biochar application to sandy soil on nitrogen nutrition of maize (Zea mays)

dc.contributor.advisorRozanov, Andrei Borisivichen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorHardie-Pieters, Ailsa G.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorKemp, Bernitiaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Agrisciences. Dept. of Soil Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2023. en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sustainable agricultural development requires a holistic systems approach to address environmental, economic, and social challenges associated with agricultural productivity. Sustainable management of sandy soil in agricultural systems requires fertilization strategies that maintain and enhance soil physio-chemical properties while sustaining optimum crop yield for the long run. Biochar production and utilization are linked directly to agriculture, the environment, and sustainable development. Biochar application is widely considered a sustainable management strategy to sequester carbon in the soil and improve soil properties. Reservations have been expressed in the literature regarding this soil amendment, particularly regarding the possible adverse effects of biochar application to soils on nitrogen nutrition of crops. A pot trial was conducted to understand the effects of biochar application on the nitrogen nutrition of maize, by investigating the impact of locally produced biochar application on the growth response (vigour) of maize and its foliar N content. This study compared the effect of biochar addition to soil with other soil amendments commonly used in agricultural systems. To clarify, this study compared biochar with compost and nitrogen fertilizer, applied independently and in combinations. Biochar was derived from black wattle pyrolyzed at 730 ° C. This study has shown that the compound application of biochar with the recommended dosage of nitrogen fertilizer had a clear positive synergistic effect on the performance of maize. This positive synergistic effect may be attributed to various improvements in soil quality typically observed in biochar-amended soils. Applying biochar had a liming effect on the acidic sandy soil when used on its own and in combination with organic/ inorganic fertilizers. The potentially mineralizable N in the soil did not differ for any treatments relative to the control. Biochar may serve as a long-term soil management strategy in agricultural systems to effectively manage nutrients, enhance the nutrient use efficiency of cropping systems, reduce N loss and subsequently limit environmental pollution, and reuse and recycle waste, while increasing agricultural production. Biochar should be designed according to the context of any given agricultural system and modified to optimally perform specific functions. Subsequently, the production and utilization of biochar will be not only efficient and profitable but also sustainable. In addition, this study emphasized that excessive N fertilization is both unnecessary and an unsustainable soil management strategy. Thus, balanced fertilization schemes may be highly beneficial for the productivity of maize cropping systems. Additional studies are required to enhance future biochar development. Especially since biochar production can significantly contribute to the sustainable development of economies, society, agricultural systems, and the environment.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Volhoubare landbou-ontwikkeling vereis 'n holistiese stelselbenadering om omgewings-, ekonomiese en sosiale uitdagings aan te spreek wat met landbou produktiwiteit verband hou. Volhoubare bestuur van sanderige grond in landbou stelsels vereis bemestingstrategieë wat grond fisio-chemiese eienskappe handhaaf en verbeter, terwyl die optimale oesopbrengs vir die langtermyn gehandhaaf word. Biochar toediening word dikwels beskou as 'n volhoubare bestuurstrategie om grondeienskappe te verbeter. Veral in sanderige gronde. Sommige voorbehoude met betrekking tot hierdie grondwysiging is in die literatuur uitgespreek, veral rakende die moontlike negatiewe effekte van biochar toediening op gronde in terme van stikstofvoeding van gewasse. Om die uitwerking van biochar toediening op sanderige grond op stikstofvoeding van mielies te verstaan, was 'n Potproef was uitgevoer om die uitwerking van biochar toediening op sanderige grond op stikstofvoeding van mielies te verstaan. Die effek van plaaslik geproduseerde biokooltoediening op die beskikbaarheid van potensieel mineraliseerbare stikstof in lae-voedingstofhoudende, sanderige grond van Wes-Kaap was geondersoek. Die effek van biochar byvoeging tot grond was vergelyk met organiese/anorganiese grondaanpassings, wat algemeen in landboustelsels gebruik word. Met ander woorde, die effek van biochar was vergelyk met kompos en stikstofkunsmis, wat individueel en in kombinasies toegedien was. Die biochar was vervaardig van swartwattel wat by 730 ° C gepiroliseer was. Mielies (Zea mays) was as 'n toetsgewas gebruik om produktiwiteit en onder die verskillende bemestingskemas te ontleed. Hierdie studie het getoon dat die saamgestelde toediening van biochar met die aanbevole dosis van stikstofkunsmis 'n duidelike positiewe sinergistiese effek op die prestasie van mielies gehad het. Hierdie positiewe sinergistiese effek kan toegeskryf word aan verskeie verbeterings in grondkwaliteit, wat tipies waargeneem word in biochar gewysigde grond. Die toediening van biochar het 'n kalkeffek op die suur sandgrond gehad, wanneer dit op sy eie en in kombinasie met organiese/anorganiese bemestingstowwe toegedien is. Daar was nie 'n verskil in die potensieel mineraliseerbare N in die grond van die verskillende behandelings relatief tot die kontrole nie. Alhoewel, daar egter verskille was in die gemiddelde potensieel mineraliseerbare stikstof in die grond tussen die verskillende behandelings. Die toediening van biochar het gelei tot die hoogste potensieel mineraliseerbare N in die grond, wat toegeskryf is aan biochar se kapasiteit om N retensie in die grond te verhoog. Die fisiese eienskappe wat moontlik verantwoordelik was vir stikstofretensie in grond wat met biokool aangepas is, was sorpsie van NH4⁺-N deur negatief gelaaide terreine. Biochar kan as 'n langtermyn, grondbestuurstrategie dien in landboustelsels, om voedingstowwe effektief te bestuur, die nutriënt gebruiks doeltreffendheid van gewasstelsels te verbeter, N-verlies te verminder en omgewingsbesoedeling te beperk, afval te hergebruik en te herwin, en terselfdetyd landbouproduksie te verhoog. Biochar moet ontwerp word volgens die konteks van enige gegewe landboustelsel en aangepas word om spesifieke funksies optimaal te verrig. Gevolglik sal die produksie en benutting van biochar doeltreffend, winsgewend en volhoubaar wees. Hierdie studie het bevestig dat oormatige N-bemesting 'n onvolhoubare grondbestuurstrategie is. Gebalanseerde bemestingskemas kan dus baie voordelig wees vir die produktiwiteit van mielieverbouingstelsels. Aangesien biochar produksie groot potensiaal het om by te dra tot volhoubare ontwikkeling van ekonomieë, die samelewing, landboustelsels en die omgewing, is meer navorsing nodig om die toekoms van biochar-ontwikkeling te verbeter. Toekomstige lang termyn veld studies kan voordelig wees om 'n beter begrip te kry van die volhoubaarheid van biochar as 'n sanderige grondwysiging.af_ZA
dc.format.extentix, 72 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshMaize (Zea mays) -- Breedingen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshSustainable agriculture -- Economic aspectsen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshSoil amendments -- Environmental aspectsen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshNitrogen fertilizersen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshSandy soils -- Nitrogen content -- Analysisen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshSoil amendmentsen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshSoils -- Qualityen_ZA
dc.titleThe effect of biochar application to sandy soil on nitrogen nutrition of maize (Zea mays)en_ZA
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