System identification for fault tolerant control of unmanned aerial vehicles

dc.contributor.advisorPeddle, I. K.
dc.contributor.authorPietersen, Willem Hermanusen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherUniversity of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
dc.descriptionThesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this project, system identification is done on the Modular Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). This is necessary to perform fault detection and isolation, which is part of the Fault Tolerant Control research project at Stellenbosch University. The equations necessary to do system identification are developed. Various methods for system identification is discussed and the regression methods are implemented. It is shown how to accommodate a sudden change in aircraft parameters due to a fault. Smoothed numerical differentiation is performed in order to acquire data necessary to implement the regression methods. Practical issues regarding system identification are discussed and methods for addressing these issues are introduced. These issues include data collinearity and identification in a closed loop. The regression methods are implemented on a simple roll model of the Modular UAV in order to highlight the various difficulties with system identification. Different methods for accommodating a fault are illustrated. System identification is also done on a full nonlinear model of the Modular UAV. All the parameters converges quickly to accurate values, with the exception of Cl R , CnP and Cn A . The reason for this is discussed. The importance of these parameters in order to do Fault Tolerant Control is also discussed. An S-function that implements the recursive least squares algorithm for parameter estimation is developed. This block accommodates for the methods of applying the forgetting factor and covariance resetting. This block can be used as a stepping stone for future work in system identification and fault detection and isolation.en
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie projek word stelsel identifikasie gedoen op die Modulêre Onbemande Vliegtuig. Dit is nodig om foutopsporing en isolasie te doen wat ’n deel uitmaak van fout verdraagsame beheer. Die vergelykings wat nodig is om stelsel identifikasie te doen is ontwikkel. Verskeie metodes om stelsel identifikasie te doen word bespreek en die regressie metodes is uitgevoer. Daar word gewys hoe om voorsiening te maak vir ’n skielike verandering in die vliegtuig parameters as gevolg van ’n fout. Reëlmatige numeriese differensiasie is gedoen om data te verkry wat nodig is vir die uitvoering van die regressie metodes. Praktiese kwessies aangaande stelsel identifikasie word bespreek en metodes om hierdie kwessies aan te spreek word gegee. Hierdie kwessies sluit interafhanklikheid van data en identifikasie in ’n geslote lus in. Die regressie metodes word toegepas op ’n eenvoudige rol model van die Modulêre Onbemande Vliegtuig om die verskeie kwessies aangaande stelsel identifikasie uit te wys. Verskeie metodes vir die hantering vir ’n fout word ook illustreer. Stelsel identifikasie word ook op die volle nie-lineêre model van die Modulêre Onbemande Vliegtuig gedoen. Al die parameters konvergeer vinnig na akkurate waardes, met die uitsondering van Cl R , CnP and Cn A . Die belangrikheid van hierdie parameters vir fout verdraagsame beheer word ook bespreek. ’n S-funksie blok vir die rekursiewe kleinste-kwadraat algoritme is ontwikkel. Hierdie blok voorsien vir die metodes om die vergeetfaktor en kovariansie herstelling te implementeer. Hierdie blok kan gebruik word vir toekomstige werk in stelsel identifikasie en foutopsporing en
dc.format.extent107 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
dc.rights.holderUniversity of Stellenbosch
dc.subjectFault detection and isolationen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Electronic engineeringen
dc.subjectTheses -- Electronic engineeringen
dc.subjectDrone aircraft -- Control systemsen
dc.subjectFlight controlen
dc.titleSystem identification for fault tolerant control of unmanned aerial vehiclesen_ZA
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