Process evaluation of social development interventions of the Working for Water Programme in Mamathola and Great Letaba Projects

dc.contributor.authorMangoale, Nani Therezaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherUniversity of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Management and Planning.
dc.descriptionThesis (MPA (School of Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to conduct a process evaluation of the Working for Water Social Development interventions as determined in the Medium Term Strategic Plan for 2003-2007. The study focused on the two projects namely Great Letaba and Mamathola projects within the Tzaneen Management Area in Limpopo. The study focused on whether the recruitment and selection process, followed within Working for Water, fosters the employment of equity targets as determined in the Expanded Public Works Programme Guidelines and the Ministerial Determination for Special Public Works Programme. The study also evaluated the process followed in the implementation of HIV and AIDS programmes as a Social Development intervention. Lastly, the study evaluated the processes followed during the implementation of the Skills Development and Training programme within Working for Water. The theoretical background focused on the Social Development theories as well as evaluation theories. In addition the study used the Working for Water Norms and Standards, HIV and AIDS policy, Skills Development and Training Guidelines as the basis for the process evaluation. Data was collected from three Working for Water job categories namely, the Contractors, HIV and AIDS Peer Educators and Workers by means of questionnaires. The responses were analysed by using the Moonstats statistical software where findings revealed gaps in the planning, monitoring and evaluation processes of Social Development interventions. Furthermore, the study recommended that there be improvements in the implementation processes of Social Development interventions particularly in planning, monitoring and evaluation.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doelstelling van hierdie studie was om die proses van die Werk vir Water se Sosiale OntwikkelingIntervensie te evalueer soos gestipuleer in die Middel termyn Strategiese plan vir 2003-2007. Hierdie studie het op twee projekte gefokus naamlik, die Groter Letaba en Mamathola projekte in die Tzaneen Bestuursarea in Limpopo. Die fokus van die studie was of die werwing en seleksieprosesse wat binne die Werk vir Water Program gevolg word, wel gelyke werksgeleenthede en kwotas bevorder soos uiteengesit in die riglyne vir Uitgebreide Openbare Werke Program en die Ministeriele Determinasie vir Spesiale Openbare WerkeProgam Die studie het ook die proses geevalueer wat gevolg was in die implementering van MIV en VIGS programme as ‘n Sosiale Ontwikkeling intervensie. Laastens, het die studie die prosesse ge evalueer wat gevolg was tydens die implementering van die Opleidingsen Vaardigheids Ontwikkelings program binne die raamwerk van die Werk vir Water Program. Die teoretiese agtergrond het gefokus op die Sosiale ontwikkelingsteorieë sowel as die evalueringsteoriee. Verder het die studie gebruik gemaak van die Werk vir Water Norms en Standaarde, MIV en VIGS beleid en Vaardigheidsontwikkeling en Opleidingsriglyne as basis vir die evaluasieproses. Data was dmv vraelyste ingewin vanuit drie Werk vir Water poskategorieë naamlik, die Kontrakteurs, MIV en VIGS Eweknie Opvoeders en Werkers. Die inligting was geanaliseer deur gebruik te maak van Moonstats Statistical Software. Die bevindings het leemtes uitgewys in die beplanning, monitering en evalueringsprosesse van die Sosiale Ontwikkelingsintervensies. Verder het die studie aanbeveel dat daar verbeteringe gemaak moet word in die implementeringsprosesse van Sosiale Ontwikkelingsintervensies. Klem moet veral gelế word op die gebiede van beplanning, monitering en evaluering.af_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
dc.rights.holderUniversity of Stellenbosch
dc.subjectRural development projects -- South Africa -- Tzaneenen_ZA
dc.subjectWorking for Water Programmeen_ZA
dc.subjectCommunity development -- South Africa -- Tzaneenen_ZA
dc.subjectEconomic development projects -- South Africa -- Tzaneen -- Evaluationen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Public management and planningen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Public management and planningen_ZA
dc.subject.otherSchool of Public Management and Planningen_ZA
dc.subject.otherFaculty of Economic and Management Sciencesen_ZA
dc.titleProcess evaluation of social development interventions of the Working for Water Programme in Mamathola and Great Letaba Projectsen_ZA
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