Narrative (De-)Konstruktionen in aktuellen auf Afrika bezogenen Graphic Novels: Emilio Tasso (2014) und Der Traum von Olympia (2015)

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT : Emilio Tasso (2014) and Der Traum von Olympia (2015) are two German non-fiction graphic novels that are set in Africa. The former is a documentation of a journalist’s experiences in the Congo and the latter tells the true story of a Somalian runner’s dream to reach the Olympic Games in London. Due to a lack of research in comics and graphic novels in the field of German literature studies, this thesis aims to prove the added value of comics in the context of postcolonial and intercultural literature. The first part of this thesis contains three sections, in which respectively Africa as a discursive construct, the medium of comics and/or graphic novels, as well as narrative aspects of comics-analysis are explored. These sections form the theoretical basis on which the two above mentioned graphic novels are deconstructed (or analysed) in the second part of the thesis.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Emilio Tasso (2014) en Der Traum von Olympia (2015) is twee Duitse nie-fiksie graphic novels (grafiese romans) wat in Afrika afspeel. Eersgenoemde is ‘n dokumentasie van ‘n joernalis se ervaringe in die Kongo en laasgenoemde vertel die ware verhaal van ‘n Somaliese atleet se droom om die Olimpiese Spele in London te bereik. As gevolg van ‘n gebrek aan navorsing van comics (strokiesverhale) en graphic novels in die veld van Duitse literatuurwetenskap, beoog hierdie tesis om die toegevoegde waarde van comics in die konteks van postkoloniale en interkulturele literatuur, te bewys. Die eerste deel van die tesis behels drie afdelings, wat onderskeidelik Afrika as diskoersiewe konstruk, die medium van comics en/of graphic novels, asook die narratiewe aspekte van comics-analise ondersoek. Hierdie afdelings dien as teoretiese basis, waarop die twee bogenoemde graphic novels gedekonstrueer (of analiseer) word in die tweede deel van die
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2017
Comic books, strips, etc., Graphic novels, German literature, Postcolonial literature, Intercultural literature, UCTD