An investigation into the computer-aided modelling of active microstrip patch arrays

dc.contributor.advisorReader, H. C.en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorDavidson, D. B.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorWilliams, Kevinen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionDissertation (Ph.D.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1998.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Due to the complex nonlinear behaviour of active radiating antennas, very few formal design methods or comprehensive modelling procedures for these modules have been published. This thesis investigates the modelling of these structures using a commercial circuit simulation package, HP-EESof Communications Design Suite, in combination with the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method of computational electromagnetics. A five element active microstrip array composed of aperture-coupled patch antennas fed by individual oscillators is considered. The principle of injection-locking to provide phase control of the oscillators is studied. The frequency-domain harmonic-balance simulator, and a time-domain simulator using convolution to handle microstrip elements are used for the design of the oscillators. Techniques used for the simulation of free-running and injection-locked behaviour are reported, where it is shown that the use of conventional circuit simulation techniques is inadequate. The standard implementation of the harmonic-balance method is found to be unable to predict locking behaviour reliably, while the convolution simulator suffered from long-time instability. An approach based on the Van der Pol analysis is used to simplify the model of the oscillators, and allows the prediction of injection-locking behaviour using the circuit simulators, although this is limited in accuracy. This is achieved by splitting the oscillator into a one-port amplifier and a resonator. A function, extracted from loadpulling simulations, is used to characterise the nonlinear input conductance of the amplifier. The FDTD method is used to analyse the aperture coupled microstrip antennas used as radiators on the array, as well as the complete array. Various pertinent issues regarding the use of the FDTD method to model microstrip circuits, and in particular, aperture-coupled patch antennas are addressed. The Berenger Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) is compared to the well known Mur and dispersive boundary conditions. The implications of limiting the discretisation of components making up an aperture-coupled patch antenna on the accuracy of the computed impedance parameters are investigated. Such components include the microstrip transmission line and the slot. Comparisons to measurements show that the model of the complete array is accurate, even with a relatively coarse mesh.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: As gevolg van die komplekse nie-linêre gedrag van aktiewe antennas, is daar min formele ontwerpsmetodes of gedetaileerde modellerings proseduresvir hierdie modules in die literatuur beskikbaar. Hierdie tesis ondersoek die modellering van sulke structure met behulp van ‘n komersiele simulasie packet, HP-EESof Communications Design Suite en ‘n eindige verskil tydgebied (FDTD) tegniek vir numeriese elektromagnetisme. ‘n Samestelling van vyf mikrostrook antennas is ondersoek. Die samestelling bestaan uit vyf gleuf gekoppelde mikrostrook plakke wat elk deur ‘n afsonderlike oscillator gevoer word. Die moentlikheid om die ossilators op ‘n eksterne sein te sluit en sodoende die fase van die onderskeie ossilators te beheer is ondersoek. Die ossilators is ontwerp met behulp van ‘n frekwensie gebied harmonieke balans simulator en ‘n tydgebied simulator. Die tydgebied simulator gebruik konvolusie tegnieke om die mikrostrook elemente in die ontwerp te kan hanteer. Tegnieke vir die simulasie van die vry lopende gedrag van die ossilator, sowel as wanneer die ossilator op ‘n eksterne sein gesluit word, word getoon. Daar word gewys dat konvensionele stroombaan simulasie metode nie voldoende is nie. Die standard formulering van die harmonieke balans algoritme is nie geskik vir die betroubare simulasie van ossilators wat op eksterne seine gesluit word nie. Die tydgebied simulator word onstabiel indien simulasie met’ n groot hoeveelheid tyd stappe gedoen word. ‘n Benadering gebasseer op Van der Pol analise is gebruik om die model van die ossilator te vereenvoudig. Bogenoemde maak dit moontlik om die gedrag van ‘n ossilator wat op ‘n eksterne sein sluit met behulp van kommersiele simulators te voorspel, maar die akkuraatheid van die tegniek is beperk. Die analise vereis dat die ossilator in twee gedeeltes gebreek word, naamlik ‘n een poort versterker en ‘n resoneerde. Die nie-linêre konduktansie van die versterker word beskryf met ‘n funksie wat uit las trek simulasies onttrek is. Die FDTD metode is gebruik om die gleuf gekoppelde mikrostrook antennas waaruit die antennas samestelling opgebou is, te analiseer. Verskeie belangrike sake aangaande die gebruik van die FDTD tegniek vir die simulasie van mikrostrook elemente word bespreek. Klem word geplaas op gleuf gekoppelde mikrostrook antennas. Die Berenger perfekte aangepaste lag (PML) word vergelyk met die bekende Mur en dispersiewe rand voorwaarde kondisies. Die implikasies verbonde aan beperkings op die diskretisasies van die verskillende elemente van die gleuf gekoppelde mikrostrook antenna word bespreek. Die antenna elemente wat bespreek word, sluit die mikrostrook transmissielyn en die gleuf tussen die transmissie lyn en die antenna plak in. Vergelykings tussen gemete en gesimuleerde resultate van die volledig antenna samestelling toon dat die numeriese model van die antenna akkuraat is, selfs wanneer ‘n relatief growwe diskretisasie in die FDTD analiese gebruik word.af_ZA
dc.format.extent184 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshMicrostrip antennasen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshAntennas (Electronics)en_ZA
dc.subject.lcshAntenna arraysen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshStrip transmission linesen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshDissertations -- Electronic engineeringen_ZA
dc.titleAn investigation into the computer-aided modelling of active microstrip patch arraysen_ZA
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