Designers and Instagram: exploring somaesthetics and thoughtful engagement

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As a result of the fast-paced lifestyle of the 21st-century, Instagram has become a popular platform for passive scrolling as a pastime. Consequently, the social platform is filled with so much noise, that engaging thoughtfully as part of our everyday experience has taken a backseat. With more creative labourers relying on social media for work than ever, the astronomic amount of content being shared on Instagram makes meaningful interaction through the platform challenging. This investigation set out to negotiate thoughtful engagement with/through IG by proposing somaesthetic interaction design as practice-based methodology. Supported by new materialism and affect theory, somaesthetic interaction design practices are theoretically and practically explored. Research on implementing somaesthetic interaction design in the sociodigital space is limited to cases where product design is the main focus alongside digital media (Tsaknaki et al. 2019; Höök et al. 2018). Their methods, however, may provide insight into how one might implement soma design principles to research in the sociodigital space. A first-person perspective and self-agency (Höök et al. 2018) in somaesthetic interaction design is vital in keeping the intent consistently clear when engaging through Instagram towards thoughtful engagement. Several insights uncovered through experimentation through/with Instagram shed light on a more subjective and personal experience with thoughtful engagement. Distraction from the intention with content can hijack thoughtful engagement in the content creator and user. Time is also a key factor in negotiating in-the-moment experiences; and sensory engagement through Instagram presents a stronger affinity for facilitating thoughtful engagement than static posts. In other words, “I” need to engage thoughtfully for others to be able to. In essence, the principle is that one needs to practise what is preached. Proposed methods for content creation that may negotiate thoughtful engagement in the content creator and user include textured/handmade properties in content, live-streaming, juxtaposing image and text towards a more authentic/vulnerable experience, and engaging the senses through a focus on smaller parts rather than the curated whole. Thoughtful engagement is an active process that needs to be practised continually, rather than a destination or a product of this investigation. Somaesthetic interaction design equips the content creator, and user, with a new outlook on their engagement with sociodigital materials. This thesis presents an explorative and moral project, through practice, towards Shusterman’s notion of “a better life” (2014).
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: As gevolg van die vinnige leefstyl van die 21ste eeu, het Instagram ‘n gewilde platform geword vir passiewe ‘scrolling’ as tydverdryf. Hierdie sosiale platform is gevolglik gevul met soveel geraas, dat om op ‘n betekenisvolle manier daarby betrokke te raak as deel van ons alledaagse lewens dikwels moeilik is. Kreatiewe arbeiders maak deesdae meer as ooit tevore op sosiale media staat vir werk. Die astronomiese hoeveelheid inhoud wat op Instagram gedeel word, maak gevolglik betekenisvolle interaksie deur die platform uitdagend. Hierdie navorsing het ten doel gehad om betekenisvolle betrokkenheid met/deur Instagram te beding deur soma-estetiese (somaesthetic) interaksie ontwerp as praktykgebaseerde metodologie voor te stel.Deur die ondersteuning van nuwe materialisme (new materialism) en affek (affect) teorie, is soma-estetiese interaksie ontwerpbeginsels teoreties en prakties ondersoek. Navorsing oor die implementering van soma-estetiese interaksie ontwerp in sosiodigitale ruimtes is beperk tot gevalle waar produkontwerp naas digitale media die hooffokus is (Tsaknaki et al. 2019; Höök et al. 2018). Hierdie metodes gee egter insig in hoe ‘n mens soma-ontwerp beginsels in sosiodigitale ruimtes kan implementeer vir navorsingsdoeleindes. Wanneer ‘n mens beoogommeerbetekenisvolle interaksie deur/met Instagram te bewerkstellig, is ‘n eerstepersoonperspektief en self-agentskap (Höök et al. 2018) in soma-estetiese interaksie ontwerp noodsaaklik. Dit kan help om gebruikers se bedoeling konsekwent te hou. Verskeie insigte wat deur eksperimentering deur/met Instagram ontbloot is, werp lig daarop dat ‘n meer subjektiewe en persoonlike ervaring met betekenisvolle betrokkenheid in verband gebring kan word. Wanneer inhoudskeppers en Instagram gebruikers se aandag van die fokus van die inhoud afgelei word, kan hul betekenisvolle betrokkenheid daarby gekaap word. Tyd is ook ‘n sleutelfaktor in die onderhandeling van in- die-oomblik ervarings; en sensoriese interaksie deur Instagram bied ‘n groter kans vir die fasilitering van betekenisvolle betrokkenheid in vergelyking met statiese inhoudplasings, of ‘posts’. Met ander woorde, as “ek” meer bedagsaam met die medium in interaksie tree, kan ander gelei word om dit ook te doen. In wese is die beginsel dat ‘n mens moet saai wat jy maai. Voorgestelde metodes vir inhoudskepping wat betekenisvolle betrokkenheid by die inhoudskepper en gebruiker kan beding, sluit die gebruik van tekstuur/ handgemaakte eienskappe in inhoud in, regstreekse stroming, jukstaposisie van beeld en teks gerig op ‘n meer outentieke/kwesbare ervaring, en om die sintuie te betrek deur ‘n fokus op kleiner dele eerder as die saamgestelde geheel. Betekenisvolle betrokkenheid is ‘n aktiewe proses wat voortdurend beoefen moet word, eerder as ‘n bestemming of ‘n produk van hierdie ondersoek. Soma- estetiese interaksie ontwerp rus die inhoudskepper en gebruiker toe met ‘n nuwe perspektief op hul interaksie met sosiodigitale materiale. Hierdie navorsing het gepoog na Shusterman se idee van “’n beter lewe” (2014) deur ‘n praktyk-gedrewe, eksploratiewe en morele projek.
Thesis (MA)VA--Stellenbosch University. 2023.