Structure and chemistry of two heuweltjies in areas with contrasting aridity in the Olifants/Doorn catchment: evidence for downward salt movement

dc.contributor.advisorClarke, Catherine E.en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorFrancis, Michele Louiseen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorMiller, Jodie A.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorHattingh, Magdaleenen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of AgriSciences. Dept. of Soil Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Olifants/Doorn catchment in the West Coast region of South Africa is variably affected by saline groundwater. Other areas along the coast of southern Africa experience similar mean annual precipitation rates but do not display the same variability in saline groundwater. This suggests additional contributions to groundwater salinisation in the West Coast. Regularly spaced earthen mounds, termed heuweltjies (up to 2 m high and about 32 m wide), occur in abundance in the Olifants/Doorn catchment area. These mounds are characterised by significantly higher salinity levels compared to surrounding soils. Variable saline groundwater seems to spatially correspond with salt affected heuweltjies, suggesting that mound salts might be contributing to groundwater salinisation in the region. Two heuweltjies, one in a semi-arid climate (Klawer) and the another in a more Mediterranean climate (Piketberg), were excavated to determine the morphological properties and distribution of soluble salts and ions within the mounds. The study was conducted to determine and compare if salts in heuweltjies with different mean annual precipitation rates could be contributing to groundwater salinisation of the Olifants/Doorn catchment. The mineralogy, soil texture, electrical conductivity, pH, anion and cation profiles and dissolved silica was analysed to determine if these heuweltjies are potentially contributing to the groundwater chemistry. Dominant salts exclusively present in heuweltjie soils were identified in both the mineralogy and modelling of ion concentrations. Calcite (in both heuweltjies) and gypsum (in the mound in Klawer) were identified to be enriched in mound soils. The less soluble calcite was saturated at closer to the surface compared to more soluble gypsum at greater depths in both mounds. This sequence of precipitation of increasing soluble salts suggested that the net direction of water movement occurs downward in mounds of both high rainfall and lower rainfall areas. The clay mineralogy did not support the parent material as a provenance. Additionally, increased coarse soil texture with depth and large macropores of heuweltjies indicated that groundwater is an unlikely cause of mound salinity. The chemical signature of salts indicated a marine origin. Concentrated hotspots of ions and minerals within biogenic features of mound soils suggested that burrowing fauna are responsible for accumulating marine-derived salts in heuweltjie soils. Preferential flow paths that aid solute movement were observed in gravelly dorbank, fractured platy dorbank and as termite channels and rodent burrows in the mound centres of both Piketberg and Klawer. This study reinforced the hypothesis that heuweltjie salts are generated within mounds, possibly through biological activity, and that salts are potentially translocated to the groundwater through preferential flow paths in mounds of the Olifants/Doorn catchment.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Olifants/Doorn opvangsgebied aan die Weskus van Suid-Afrika word variërend deur sout grondwater geaffekteer. Die groter kus streek van suidelike Afrika ontvang soortgelyke gemiddelde jaarlikse reënval, maar toon nie dieselfde mate van variasie in sout grondwater nie. Dít dui daarop dat addisionele bydraes tot grondwater versouting in die Weskus plaasvind. Eweredig gespasiëerde grondhopies, bekend as heuweltjies (tot 2 m hoog en 32 m breed), word geredelik aangetref in die Olifants/Doorn opvangsgebied. Heuweltjies word gekenmerk deur sout inhoude wat noemenswaardig verskil van die omliggende gronde. Dit wil voorkom asof die variërende sout grondwater ruimtelik ooreenstem met die voorkoms van heuweltjies, wat daarop dui dat die hope moontlik tot die versouting van grondwater in die gebied bydra. Twee heuweltjies, een in ‘n semi-droog klimaat (Klawer), en die ander in ‘n Meditereense klimaat (Piketberg), is gemonster om die morfologiese eienskappe en verspreiding van oplosbare soute en ione in die hope te bepaal. Die studie is uitgevoer om te bepaal en te vergelyk, of oplosbare soute in heuweltjies, wat verskillende gemiddelde jaarlikse reënval ontvang, moontlik kan bydra tot grondwater versouting in die Olifants/Doorn opvangsgebied. Die mineralogie, grond tekstuur, elektriese geleiding, pH, anioon en katioon profiele en opgelosde silika is bepaal om vas te stel of heuweltjies potensieel tot die grondwater chemie bydra. Dominante soute wat uitsluitlik teenwoordig was in heuweltjie gronde was geïdentifiseer in beide die mineralogiese samestelling en deur modellering van ioon konsentrasies. Kalsiet (in beide heuwletjies) en gips (in die Klawer heuweltjie) was teenwoordig in heuweltjie gronde. Die minder oplosbare kalsiet was versadig by nader aan die oppervlak in vergelyking met die meer oplosbare gips teenwoordig dieper in die gronde van beide heuweltjies. Hierdie volgorde van presipitasie van toenemend oplosbare soute dui daarop dat die netto waterbeweging afwaarts is in heuweltjies van beide hoër- en laer reënval areas. Die klei mineralogie het nie ‘n soutbron afkomstig van die moedermateriaal ondersteun nie. Daarbenewens het ‘n toename in growwe tekstuur gronde met diepte en die groot makroporieë van die heuweltjies, aangedui dat die grondwater ‘n onwaarskynlike bron is vir die soutinhoud van die heuweltjies. Die chemiese samestelling van die soute in heuweltjies het daarop gedui dat die soute ‘n mariene oorsprong het. Gekonsentreerde areas van ione en minerale in assosiasie met biogeniese kenmerke van die heuweltjie gronde, het daarop gedui dat fauna wat plantmateriaal versamel, verantwoordelik is vir die opbou van soute met ‘n mariene oorspong, in gronde van die heuweltjies. Voorkeurvloei roetes wat die vervoer van opgeloste stowwe bevoordeel was waargeneem in gruisagtige dorbank, plaatagtige dorbank met breuke, en as termiet kanale en knaagdier tonnels in heuweltjie kerne van beide Piketberg en Klawer. Hierdie studie het addisionele ondersteuning gebied tot die hipotese dat die soute wat kenmerkend is aan heuweltjies binne die hope gegenereer word, moontlik deur biologiese aktiwiteit, en dat hierdie soute potensieel na die grondwater getranslokeer word deur voorkeurvloei roetes in heuweltjies van diie Olifants/Doorn opvangsgebied.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxxii, 181 pages: illustrations (some color), mapsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectPreferential flowen_ZA
dc.subjectGroundwater -- South Africa -- Olifants River -- Managementen_ZA
dc.subjectOlifants -- Doorn catchmenten_ZA
dc.subjectOlifants River Watershed (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectSoils -- Effect of salt onen_ZA
dc.titleStructure and chemistry of two heuweltjies in areas with contrasting aridity in the Olifants/Doorn catchment: evidence for downward salt movementen_ZA
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