Die rol van praktykopleiers in die Departement Maatskaplike Werk van die Tygerberg-Hospitaal met betrekking tot gevallewerkpraktykopleiding

dc.contributor.advisorFourie, Sulinaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMouton, Marlizeen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Social Work.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1991.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: One of the functions of the Social Work Department at Tygerberg Hospital is to act as a training institution for the field practice education in social casework of third year students from the University of Stellenbosch. In order to fulfil this function in a scientific manner, the need for a comprehensive study into the role fulfilment of field practice teachers was deemed necessary. The purpose of this research was to ensure that the Department of Social Work at Tygerberg Hospital can provide a purposeful, efficient, time and cost effective program for field practice education to the third year students of the University of Stellenbosch, as it is set out in the Memorandum for Field Practice Education for third year social work students. The literature study determined that the nature and goals of field practice education of third year students have been developed according to a process of l earning through which a student is being facilitated by a field practice teacher to integrate theory and practice. As is the case with the theoretical course, field practice education is a separate course within the curriculum of Social Work at the University of Stellenbosch. The achievement of the goals of the course in field practice education is dependant on the student being taught the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude regarding the components of social work practice, as it is classified in the model for supervision . This model describes the various learning areas. The knowledge, skill and attitude requirements of field practice teachers in the fulfilment of their role have also been investigated. several aspects regarding the role fulfilment of field practice teachers have been discussed and the comprehensiveness of the requirements for field practice teachers is clearly shown. In field practice education both the educational institution and the field practice institution have certain responsibilities. This situation could be described as an educational partnership for the purpose of field practice education. To ensure that the program for field practice education is being implemented succesfully, it is important that each party has clarity about his role and responsibilities, and that all parties involved remain in constant touch with each other. When a venue for field practice education is being considered, there are three aspects that have to be taken into account. They are : the professional preparation of the student, following through of the program of field education and the role fulfilment of the field practice teacher. The venue where field practice education is being done has a definite effect on the outcome of the course. When field practice education is undertaken in the hospital it must be taken into consideration that the hospital is a specialist organization, and that holds certain restrictions for general experience in social work casework. Nevertheless it has been found that the hospital is suitable for the continuous field practice education in social casework for the third year students of the University of Stellenbosch. The empirical investigation, which was done according to the structured questionaire method, brought to light information about the work experience and the number of field practice placements that were handled by the field practice teacher s in Tygerberg Hospital. Field practice teachers' experience of their role as practice teachers, as well as their needs for support in ways to develop the necessary skills in field practice teaching, have been investigated . The aspects that must be included in an educational program for field practice teachers, the effect of the nature of the hospital department as well as possible ways to reward field practice teachers, have also been investigated. A number of general suggestions about the i mplementing of field practice education was obtained from the field practice teachers. According to the findings of the empirical study, a program for field practice teaching in Tygerberg Hospital has been developed. If this program were to be implemented, it should address the identified deficiencies in the structure of field practice teaching at Tygerberg Hospital.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Een van die funksies van die Departement Maatskaplike Werk, Tygerberg-Hospitaal, is om as praktykopleidingsinstansie op te tree vir die deurlopende gevallewerkpraktykopleiding van die derdejaarstudente van die Universiteit Stellenbosch. Ten einde hierdie funksie op 'n wetenskaplike wyse te vervul, is die behoefte geidentifiseer na 'n ondersoek oor die rolvertolking van praktykopleiers in Tygerberg-Hospitaal. Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om te verseker dat die Departement Maatskaplike Werk Tygerberg-Hospitaal, 'n doelgerigte, doeltreffende, tyd- en koste-effektiewe program vir praktykopleiding kan bied aan die derdejaarstudente van die Universiteit Stellenbosch. Dit moet geskied, · ooreenkomstig die vereistes van die Universiteit, soos uiteengesit in die Memorandum vir Praktykopleiding vir Derdejaar Maatskaplikewerk-studente. Met die literatuurstudie is vasgestel dat die aard en doelstellings van praktykopleiding van derdejaarstudente ontwikkel word na aanleiding van die leerproses waardeur 'n student in die praktykopleidingsituasie deur 'n praktykopleier in staat gestel word om die teorie en praktyk te integreer. Soos die teorie is praktykopleiding 'n volwaardige kursus binne die leerplan in Maatskaplike Werk aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch. Om die doelstellings van die kursus in praktykopleiding te bereik, meet die student onderrig word om die vereiste kennis, vaardigheid en houding met betrekking tot die komponente van die maatskaplikewerk-praktyk, soos georden volgens die leerareas van die model vir supervisie wat beskryf is, te ontwikkel. Die kennis-, vaardigheids- en houdingsvereistes wat aan praktykopleiers gestel word in die vervulling van hul rol as praktykopleiers is ook ondersoek. Verskeie aspekte rakende die rolvervulling van die praktykopleier is bespreek en hieruit blyk die omvang van die vereistes wat aan praktykopleiers gestel word, duidelik. In praktykopleiding het sowel die opleidingsinstansie as die praktykopleidingsinstansie sekere verantwoordelikhede. Daar word verwys na die vennootskap wat tussen die twee instansies bestaan vir die doeleindes van praktykopleiding. om te verseker dat die program vir praktykopleiding suksesvol uitgevoer word, is dit belangrik dat elke party volkome duidelikheid omtrent sy rol en verantwoordelikhede het en dat al die betrokkenes voortdurend met mekaar sal kommunikeer. Wanneer 'n terrein vir praktykopleiding oorweeg word, is daar drie aspekte wat in ag geneem moet word, naamlik die professionele voorbereiding van die student, die deurvoer van die program vir praktykopleiding en die rolvervulling van die praktykopleier. Die instansie waar praktykopleiding plaasvind het ' n besliste invloed op die uitkoms van praktykopleiding. Wanneer praktykopleiding in die hospitaalopset gedoen word, moet daar in gedagte gehou word dat die hospitaal 'n spesialiteitsterrein is wat beperkinge inhou vir die opdoen van algemene ondervinding in gevallewerk. Desnieteenstaande is bevind dat die hospitaal horn wel leen tot die deurlopende gevallewerkpraktykopleiding van die derdejaarstudente van die Universiteit Stellenbosch. Die empiriese ondersoek, wat volgens die gestruktureerde vraelysmetode gedoen is, het inligting omtrent die praktykopleiers in Tygerberg-Hospitaal se werksondervinding en die aantal praktykopleidingsplasings wat elkeen reeds behartig het, aan die lig gebring. Ondersoek is ingestel na praktykopleiers se belewing van hul rol as praktykopleier, asook na hulle ondersteuningsbehoeftes en maniere om die nodige vaardighede in praktykopleiding te ontwikkel. Die aspekte wat in 'n opleidingsprogram vir praktykopleiers ingesluit behoort te word, die invloed van die aard van die hospitaalafdeling, asook vorme van beloning wat deur praktykopleiers verkies word, is ook ondersoek. 'n Aantal algemene voorstelle omtrent die uitvoering van praktykopleiding is uit die geledere van die praktykopleiers verkry. Na aanleiding van die bevindinge van die empiriese ondersoek, is 'n program vir praktykopleiding in Tygerberg-Hospitaal ontwikkel. Indien dit geimplementeer sou word, behoort dit die geidentifiseerde leemtes in die rolvervulling van praktykopleiers en in die praktykopleidingstruktuur van Tygerberg-Hospitaal aan te spreek.af_ZA
dc.format.extent167 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectSocial work education -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectSocial workers -- Training of -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleDie rol van praktykopleiers in die Departement Maatskaplike Werk van die Tygerberg-Hospitaal met betrekking tot gevallewerkpraktykopleidingaf_ZA
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